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Hounslow Muslim Centre Ramadan Challenge


raised of 0 GBP goal

2397 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Hounslow, England

UK Gift Aid

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Help make the house of Allah debt free!

Hounslow Muslim Centre opened its doors in Ramadan 2019 and has proudly been serving the local community since. Five daily prayers, Friday Halaqah's, Tafseer Classes, Women's Groups and Sporting events are just some of the services offered by the Masjid.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, HMC distributed Iftaar packages, gifted hot meals to local NHS Trusts and provided essential shopping and medecine collection services for vulnerable members of the local community.

The Masjid's building was purchased with significant Qard-e-Hasana loans from generous donors. After extensive fundraising, the Masjid still has outstanding debts of £405,000 to pay back.


Activities organised through the Masjid.

The mosque holds a number of activities that target various members of the wider community.  There are weekly Halaqahs (Islamic talks) every Friday and a Qur'an (Tafsir) class every Saturday.  There are also monthly sessions for new Muslims to meet other Muslims.  Youth boxing classes are held every Monday and regular football tournaments in collaboration with other mosques are organised.


Help us achieve more! 

The masjid has achieved so much in such little time.  There is still so much to give, to become a beacon masjid.  The local community and masjid supporters knew this was a great project and one that much needed in the local area.  Together we successfully purchased the Masjid and opened its doors without delay.  This was possible through donations and qard-e-hasanah (loans).  We now need to pay back these loans so that we can start to think about providing more and more services!


Don't lose this opportunity in these last few days that are left of this blessed month. Donate what is within your capability and share the khair!

Your giving amount


Community Companions

We will use your donations to fund food packs and assist the most vulnerable within the community. May Allah reward you and your family abundantly for your donation in these blessed last few days of Ramadan. Ameen.

173 claimed


Youth Engagement

Help support our projects where we engage, empower and help young people in our community to develop and positively contribute to a flourishing society. May Allah reward you and your family abundantly for your donation in these blessed last few days of Ramadan. Ameen.

35 claimed


Masjid Sadaqah Appeal

Sadaqa wipes out sins just like water extinguishes fire. Help support the essential running costs of the Mosque. May Allah reward you and your family abundantly for your donation in these blessed last few days of Ramadan. Ameen.

34 claimed


Masjid Sadaqah Appeal

Sadaqa wipes out sins just like water extinguishes fire. Help support the essential running costs of the Mosque. May Allah reward you and your family abundantly for your donation in these blessed last few days of Ramadan. Ameen.

10 claimed


313 Badriyeen Challenge

In the spirit of the 313 honourable companions who participated in Badr, support your Masjid today

8 claimed


Love Allah's House

Help us repay our Qard Al Hasanah Loans. May Allah reward you and your family abundantly for your donation in these blessed last few days of Ramadan. Ameen.

6 claimed


Badr 313 Donor's Wall - Small Tile

Be one of our Masjid Heroes and secure a personalised small tile on our Badr 313 Donor's Wall, visible to all entering the Masjid. May Allah reward you and your family abundantly for your generous donation in these blessed last few days of Ramadan. Ameen.

1 claimed


Badr 313 Donor's Wall - Large Tile

Be one of our Masjid Heroes and secure a personalised large tile on our Badr 313 Donor's Wall, visible to all entering the Masjid. May Allah reward you and your family abundantly for your donation in these blessed last few days of Ramadan. Ameen.

1 claimed


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Recent supporters

Hidayah For (Dani Daniels)

$1 NZD, 3 years ago


$2 AUD, 3 years ago

عبد الرحيم

$1 CAD, 3 years ago

In Honour of Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) Prophet Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) - Prophet Musa (Peace Be Upon Him) Prophet Ibraham (Peace Be Upon Him) Prophet Ismail (Peace Be Upon Him) Proph

$1 NZD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£1 GBP, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$16 CAD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 NZD, 3 years ago


£20 GBP, 3 years ago

In Honour of Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) Prophet Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) - Prophet Musa (Peace Be Upon Him) Prophet Ibraham (Peace Be Upon Him) Prophet Ismail (Peace Be Upon Him) Proph

$1 NZD, 3 years ago

J j

$2 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$4 SGD, 3 years ago

A A Wadood

£250 GBP, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£1 GBP, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£5 GBP, 3 years ago

R s rahman

£50 GBP, 3 years ago

Mr Bilal Khan

£1 GBP, 3 years ago


£20 GBP, 3 years ago

Anwar u haq

£13 GBP, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£2 GBP, 3 years ago

Updates 1

Hounslow Muslim Centre2 years ago

Live Now! 2023 Ramadan Campaign and 24hr Challenge

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu,

We pray that this message finds you in the best state of Iman and Health.

On behalf of everyone at the Hounslow Muslim Centre (HMC), we want to thank you first and foremost for your continuous support and generosity, without which we would not be where we are today.

Established in 2019, we have made many strides in helping our local community, including the rollout and establishment of:
  • - Fajr Knights and Night is Young Programme for our young people
  • - Weekly Halaqah and Tafsir class
  • - Community Chaplaincy and Islamic Counselling
  • - Opening of Young Mu'Mins (Madrassah)
  • - New Muslim Circle
  • - Food Bank
  • - Youth Hubs - Boys & Girls
  • - Mothers and Toddlers Group
  • - Boxing and Fitness - Boys & Girls
  • - Intermasjid Football Tournaments
  • - Youth Seerah Programme

HMC still, however, has £195K Qard Al-Hasanah in loans that need to be repaid, and with your continued support, we are hopeful that we can clear this outstanding debt during the blessed month of Ramadan.

Today we are again taking part in the LaunchGood 24 Hour challenge and we are asking all members of our beloved community to donate at least £10 to HMC. Those of you that Allah has blessed with abundant wealth, we are asking you to kindly consider donating £5,000 so we can also recognise your valued contribution and support to the masjid on our Badr 313 wall (HMC Patrons Wall).

Please try and donate £10 or any amount TODAY using our latest campaign page.

Click here to Donate:

This Ramadan, we want to clear the final £195,000 of qard-e-hasana. You can make a difference this Ramadan!

We pray that Allah SWT accepts our efforts during Ramadhan and we are of those that are successful in this blessed month.

JazakAllah Khair

The HMC Team.

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