MSA Challenge

Participating Teams


MSA Challenge


Invigorate Muslim Student Organizations, such as MSA’s, through a crowdfunding challenge wherein they will raise money for themselves, learn to communicate their value to their local community & alumni, and inspire one another through competition to build upon their work & activities. 


A $50,000 matching challenge grant will be offered for Muslim Student Organizations. Organizations will create campaigns and if they can reach their goal, they will receive 33% of their goal as a challenge match, up to a maximum of $2500. So if an organization reaches a $1200 goal, they will receive $400 as a match in return; if they reach a $7500 goal, they will receive a $2500 match, etc.

Expected Impact:

Spurred by this first-of-its-kind competition, we anticipate 30 Muslim Student Organizations across the United States will reach out to 100,000 people and raise $200,000 as they campaign to receive the challenge matches.

Match Grant Conditions 

  • Student Government funding does NOT count towards campaign funds
  • No campaigns encouraging violence, terrorism, or sectarianism
  • Regional MSA's qualify IF events are open & accessible to the public
  • Money must be spent within 2016-17 academic year
  • Preference to first-time campaigns
  • Must raise money online through crowdfunding
  • Campaign must be organized through a Muslim student organization
  • High school MSAs are welcome to apply
  • Campaigns must have an impact on campus. Here are some examples:
    • Fast-a-thon
    • Islam Awareness Week
    • Bringing speaker to campus
    • Interfaith events
    • Furnishing prayer spaces 
    • Renting gymnasium for social events

Application Process Flow

 STEP 1‐ Tell Us About Your Campaign
Applicants will utilize the LaunchGood website to build a pitch for their campaign, which should include a brief explanation of why their campaign qualifies for MSA Challenge and how their campaign will benefit their organization.

 STEP 2‐ LaunchGood Review
Upon submitting campaign for review, LaunchGood will perform an initial screening of the campaign and profile. LaunchGood staff may request additional information to determine the campaign's qualifications for crowdfunding and or provide suggestions to improve the campaign's success.
 STEP 3‐ MSA NATIONAL/LaunchGood Review
If the campaign passes initial LaunchGood review, campaigns will be forwarded to the review team and evaluated on the criteria noted in this document. MSA National staff may contact the applicant for more information.
STEP 4‐ LaunchGood Polish
If approved by the review team, LaunchGood will then engage fully with applying Muslim Student Organizations to polish off the campaign page, discuss strategy and execute the crowdfunding campaign.
STEP 5‐ Campaign Goes Live!
Start crowdfunding! LaunchGood will provide crowdfunding coaching support throughout the campaign period.
STEP 6‐ Implementation
Upon successful campaign completion, the LaunchGood team will connect campaign team with MSA National to coordinate matching funds. MSA National will provide match by sending a check in the mail, which can take 3-7 days to deliver.

Got Questions?

Email info@launchgood for any questions, comments, or concerns. 

Continue to Application