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Organized by Namira Anani

The #AMELIntensive


raised of 0 USD goal

134 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: United States

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by November 8, 2015 at 2:45 AM EST

Expanding Anti-Racism Trainings to More American Muslim Communities

Training the Next Generation of Anti-Racism Program Facilitators 

Help Bring Eight of MuslimARC's Best & Brightest Members to New York this December  

American Muslims Educating for Liberation (#AMELIntensive)

Training leaders to break down barriers, build bridges, and better their communities

The AMEL Intensive is a year-long fellowship program designed to train the very first cohort of MuslimARC-licensed facilitators so we can expand MuslimARC’s anti-racism workshops and seminars to even more cities across the country in 2016-2017.

The acronym AMEL stands for the Arabic word أمل (hope). In Surah Al-Kahf, Allah remind us:

“Wealth and children are [but] adornment of the worldly life. But the enduring good deeds are better to your Lord for reward and better for [one's] hope.” (18:46).

This ayah, focusing on positive action to please our Creator, serves as an inspiration for this important initiative.

American Muslims Educating for Liberation highlights the transformative role of anti-racism and anti-oppression education. Grounded in Islamic sciences, anti-oppression pedagogy, and grassroots organizing, our program aims to instill hope in communities.

Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges, and Bettering Communities

By expanding Anti-Racism work, the AMEL campaign aims to  

  • Break Barriers: Create opportunities for transformative learning and leadership training

  • Build Bridges: Promote diversity training and intercultural projects

  • Better Communities: Train new leaders to address social disparities and structural racism

The goal of the AMEL Intensive? Identify the best and brightest MuslimARC Members and invest in them as the next generation of trainers and educators who can uplift our communities.

It Starts With An Intensive Leadership Training

This November, up to eight MuslimARC Members will be selected as AMEL Fellows. The AMEL Intensive program will begin with an inaugural training   from December 11th through the 13th.  

AMEL Fellows will be trained in anti-racism material, workshop facilitation, media engagement, public speaking, and more. We will be also be counting on these Members to provide their expertise and wisdom to further develop and refine MuslimARC's programs.

In 2016, these Members will begin to join MuslimARC Directors Namira Islam and Margari Hill on MuslimARC on on-the-ground workshops and trainings, and complete separate trainings online.

Through AMEL, Members will become officially licensed by MuslimARC to facilitate trainings and serve as public faces of the organization. 

And with this, we will be able to quadruple our reach, inshallah.

Quadruple the Reach of our Anti-Racism Trainings

We reached 1,187 people in our first year with just two faciliators.

Imagine what we could do with 8 new trainers. 

The AMEL Intensive training is the start of a  year long program that will allow us to quadruple our reach by having 4 new teams of 2 diverse facilitators each to send out to different communities across the country. 

What will your donation help fund?

  • An Intensive training and community organizing session in December
  • Year long monthly training sessions
  • Stipends to support the AMEL fellows in their community work

Any additional funds will be used for developing MuslimARC education programming and to support ad hoc services to partner organizations and underserved communities.

We want to make sure our Fellows are not priced out of the trainings. Help us make this program more accessible for them.

Your Support Goes a Long Way

MuslimARC is where we're at because of you. We now reach over 150,000 people online each month, and have, alhamdulillah, been instrumental in ushering in a new wave of consciousness for American Muslim thinking when it comes to topics of diversity and solidarity.

Your support is everything. Here is what you can do next:

  • Watch - and share - our video telling you all about the AMEL Intensive:
  • Send this campaign page link to 5 friends and ask them to donate $5 or more.
  • Like, follow, and share our posts on our social media accounts.
  • Have you been to one of our trainings? Submit a testimonial on our website!
  • Bring us to your community! Our top donors will get MuslimARC trainings in their community within the next year.
  • Pray for us. The power of dua is immense and we strive daily to live up to the ideals espoused in 49:13:

"O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted." [49:13]

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Recent supporters

Layla Abdullah-Poulos

$50 USD, 9 years ago

Hafsa Mansoor

$75 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 9 years ago

Samaa Abdurraqib

$25 USD, 9 years ago

Hesham El-Meligy

$53 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$150 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$250 USD, 9 years ago

Mariem Qamruzzaman

$500 USD, 9 years ago

Hassan Ahmad

$15 USD, 9 years ago

Hena Zuberi

$500 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$51 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 9 years ago

Daniel Manville

$200 USD, 9 years ago

Halima Al-Khattab

$25 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 9 years ago

Shireen Hamza

$7 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$15 USD, 9 years ago


Updates 3

Namira Anani9 years ago

Send us your selfies!

Salaam to all of our supporters!

If you opted to receive a reward for your donation, by now, you should have received your postcard, keychain, pen, and/or t-shirt. Please let us know if you haven't by emailing us at

If you have received your rewards, send us a selfie or picture wearing your t-shirt or sporting your t-shirt/pen! Use the hashtag #AMELIntensive and tweet us or post on our Facebook page with your image. We are on Twitter at and on Facebook at

We had our AMEL Leadership Intensive Retreat with all of our Fellows last month at Stony Point Center in NY and we will be sending out a link with pictures and an update soon.

You made all of that possible and we are immeasurably grateful.

Jazakallah khair,


Namira Anani9 years ago

Keys to the City!

Salaam and peace be upon you all:

Thank you so much for your financial support. Because of you, we were able to raise over $11,000 for the #AMELIntensive! Our 7 Fellows for 2016 have been announced and you can read a little about each of them at

Our Detroit-area Fellow and I stamped and addressed dozens of packages/postcards tonight. For those donors who are receiving keychains, pens, or postcards - expect them late this week or early next week inshallah/God-willing.

We'll send out another update when the t-shirts ship out, as well as when we have you, our donors, listed on our website.

Thank you again for the support! We greatly appreciate it.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email us at


Namira at MuslimARC

Namira Anani9 years ago

Assalamu alaikum and peace be upon you!

Thank you to you all, our 70+ supporters, who have helped us reach this important milestone of $7,000. Your generous donations will cover travel costs, food, and accommodations for all of our fellows and trainers for the AMEL Intensive! 

We are now working on raising money to support our fellows during the year of their service. Please spread the word to your social network so that we can meet our goal of $15,000.00. We are so close to our halfway mark of $7,500.00 alhamdulillah! 

Please help us spread the word by sharing the video and giving us your endorsement online (you can tag us/mention us on Facebook and/or Twitter, or provide a written endorsement on our website).

If you have any questions for us, please don't hesitate to reach out at!

Thank you and jazakallah khair for your generosity,

MuslimARC Steering

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