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Organized by brooke.baker

United for Chattanooga Families


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Impact: TN, United States

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Acting on faith. Easing their burdens.

Photo by Doug Strickland / Times Free Press

The Muslim Community and Interfaith Partners in TN respond: Launch fundraiser for attack victims' families

The Chattanooga families lost fathers, brothers, and sons in a deplorable act of violence on July 16th.  We wish to send a powerful message of unity and compassion through action. This is why the Faith and Culture Center | Our Muslim Neighbor initiative in coordination with the Muslim community in Chattanooga, the Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga and our interfaith partners are leading efforts to raise $20,000 for the families of the five victims by July 31st. We cannot do it alone, we need your help.   

All of the funds contributed will be verified and dispersed through the Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga 7-16 Freedom Fund to cover college scholarships and educational expenses for spouses and children of the affected families. If you would like to mail a check, please make the check out to Faith and Culture Center, and mail to: P.O. Box 112045  Nashville, TN 37222. Please note in the memo: 7-16 Freedom Fund.

Faith and Culture Center | Our Muslim Neighbor will cover all administrative and processing fees associated in this effort, so your gift will have the maximum impact. We strongly urge you to take part in this action; give and help our community heal. 

An Appeal from Community and Religious Leaders:

Sheikh Ossama Bahloul, Imam at Islamic Center of Murfreesboro:

"Our communities need to come together and support the victims' families. By coming together, no matter where you live or what religion you practice, you can be a part of something making our community a better place. Please give and support this important effort."

Rabbi Mark Schiftan, The Temple Nashville:

"Our traditions and sacred texts instruct us not to stand idly by while our neighbor bleeds. We mourn the tragic loss of innocent human life in Chattanooga, the deranged shooting of five United States serviceman, those soldiers who sought to honor and defend our nation and its highest values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our hearts collectively compel us to support their families in their greatest time of need in tangible ways that will do something to ease their burdens, as they must first mourn their loved ones and then rebuild their lives as best as they can."

Rev. Dr. Tony Richie, Bishop in the Church of God, Senior Pastor at New Harvest Church:

"When communities of all faiths come together, it demonstrates that God is working in the face of evil. In these tough times, we can come together and turn the tables on the evil in our midst. Thus we overcome evil with good. In faith, common hope and love, we can minister to the Chattanooga families who are suffering."

Mr. Naeem Baig, President Islamic Circle of North America and Moderator of Religions for Peace USA:
"It is at moments like these when all of us must come together to demonstrate unity over division. Let us stand in solidarity with the families of the victims in Chattanooga, and together create a culture that best embodies our deepest Islamic values of compassion and love for the neighbor. I urge all to support this cause."

Dr. Yehezkel Landau of Hartford Seminary, CT:
"May the One God of us all help us turn our fears to trust, our resentments to forgiveness, and our grief to compassion for the suffering of others."

Daoud Abudiab, President Faith and Culture Center | Our Muslim Neighbor Nashville:

"We need to send the families of our fallen servicemen lost to a senseless killing a new and different message; one of compassion, support and love. Donate now and put your faith in action, let your voice be heard."

The Our Muslim Neighbor initiative is led by national and local organizations and community leaders who recognize the power of building relationships based in humility, understanding, respect, empathy and compassion. We need to act on the best values deeply shared by all of our faith traditions: to love our neighbor, to love mercy, and to act kindly. 

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Recent supporters

Margaret Rose

$500 USD, 10 years ago

Debbie Hickerson

$10 USD, 10 years ago

Kamran Husain

$100 USD, 10 years ago

Chasity and Sean Kelly

$50 USD, 10 years ago

Laith and Daoud Abudiab

$300 USD, 10 years ago

kholood Mohammad

$50 USD, 10 years ago

Kamran Farrukh

$200 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 USD, 10 years ago

Aaron Stauffer

$194 USD, 10 years ago

Bernard Werthan

$1,500 USD, 10 years ago

Melissa Briggs

$5 USD, 10 years ago

Adam Sahib's campaign (20 donors)

$314 USD, 10 years ago

Jason Woods

$20 USD, 10 years ago

Akbar Mahmood

$50 USD, 10 years ago

Saleem Farooqui

$50 USD, 10 years ago

Robin Abudiab

$100 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 10 years ago

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