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Give Someone A Future Free From Bonded Labour


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Over 24.9 million people are in forced labour around the world, this is a form of modern slavery. By helping to pay off their debts, you can truly set them free

You freed the Inayat family from 50 years of slavery

In Ramadan 2021, we introduced you to Baba Inayat and his family. They needed your help.
Baba Inayat was in a desperate situation, and 
he had no choice but to borrow money from the local kiln owner. The kiln owner struck a deal with Baba Inayat – he, his wife and his two sons would work for him in his kiln until their loan was paid off. Baba Inayat wanted to work off the debt himself, but his failing health and weak limbs make it impossible for him to meet the targets. He had no choice but to bring his wife and children to work with him.

They were all working 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, making about 1,000 bricks a day. Baba Inayat and his family feared they would be trapped forever, becoming ill due to the poor living and working conditions.

They were in desperate need to be saved, and you helped make it happen.
After over 50 years of slavery, the Inayat family is finally free.

Thanks to our Freedom Campaign, together we have been able to pay off their debt to the kiln owner and helped the family to begin to rebuild their lives. We have helped the family stand on their own feet and lead lives of dignity, meaning and fulfilment.

There are millions of other people trapped in vicious cycles of forced labour. You can give them their freedom.

Please see the update section, how we have helped families escape from bonded labour last year.

Will you act quick enough to free a slave?

The Prophet (SAW) said,

"Whoever frees a Muslim slave, Allah will save all the parts of his body from the (Hell) Fire as he has freed the body-parts of the slave."

Families like Baba Inayat’s who end up trapped in cycles of slavery are entirely in desperate need of your Zakat. They have absolutely nothing – no income, no food and no hope. They are among the poor and needy in our communities, as well as being in bondage.

Your Zakat can grant families across generations their freedom. You’ll help keep families healthier, children in school, people working, eating well and living lives of dignity and empowerment. 
Donate your Zakat to free a family trapped in slavery today.

Your Zakat can be a lifeline this Ramadan

Allah Subhan o Tala mentioned in the holy Quran,

“The alms are meant only for the poor and the needy and those who are in charge thereof, those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free those in bondage, and to help those burdened with debt, and for expenditure in the Way of Allah and for the wayfarer. This is an obligation from Allah. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.” (Quran 9:60)

A Life Behind The Bricks

Did you know that modern day amenities and luxuries would not be possible without cheap manual labour? Unfortunately, it’s true, and something we should change. Change can start with employers ensuring that working these difficult jobs are done out of choice and they are paid fairly for the hard work and effort they put in. Safety should be paramount too, people are not dispensable. We’re starting change by freeing those trapped in bonded labour.

Among those suffering the most are women and children. When money is borrowed by one family member, the entire family becomes trapped and needs to work in order to help pay off the ever-increasing debt.

Countless children, who should be at school and playing with their friends, are trapped in hard labour. Many have never attended school, and many are forced to drop out. It shouldn’t be this way. Children, with their small bodies and hands are often used for dangerous work such as operating kilns and clearing out gutters. These jobs are extremely harmful and can have a longer-term impact on the child and even kill them.

Women, too, are trapped. When their husbands pass away, the debt becomes hers and her children’s, meaning they can never escape. They struggle to live with dignity and in safety.

How Will You Please Allah This Ramadan?

Donte your Zakat today and pay off the debts of these vulnerable people and help free them.

Empowering = Building a bright future

Our Beloved Prophet said:

"The Most Merciful shows mercy to those who have mercy on others. Show mercy to those on earth, and the One above the heaven will show mercy to you."

You can help. A simple donation can be all they need to break free and build a future free from slavery.

Please donate now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q, What is a bonded labour?

A, Bonded labour, also known as debt bondage and peonage, happen when people give themselves into slavery as security against a loan or when they inherit a debt from a relatives… Then, while the worker labours to repay the debt, employer continue to add on additional expenses.

Q, What additional expenses the employer add on?

A, As these workers usually don’t have their own accommodation so they use the accommodation kiln over provide. The kiln owner charges the rent and electricity bills. Therefore, get these bills added to their original loan on monthly basis.

Q, Why they took the loan from the kiln owner but not from a bank?

A, These poor labourers are already living in poverty. A sudden need for funds such as an emergency medical bill or a natural disaster destroying their home, forces them to borrow money from the kiln owner. In developing countries bank usually required property as a guarantee which they don’t have.

Q, If there is no interest on the loan, why their debt keep increasing?

A, Their wages are often very low where they barely fulfil their daily need without repaying the original debt. Also, they need to make 1000 bricks a day if they cant reach the target, the kiln owners are used not to pay the whole day of the labour or they pay half. As they were hardly fulfilling their daily need if another tragedy happens, like arranging a marriage, for the medical treatment of any in the family or if there is a death in the family, they need to borrow money from the kiln owner again and this cycle continue for ever.

Q, What sectors and countries the bonded labour is still happening in 2021?

A, In Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal and mostly African countries the bonded labour still flourishes in agriculture, brick kilns, mills, mines and factories. Hundreds of thousands of men, women and children are forced to work as bonded labourers in brick kilns and agriculture, often suffering extreme exploitation and abuse.

Q, Why the bonded labour is flourishing?

A, A bounded labour flourishes because of poverty and widespread cast-based discrimination. Limited access to justice, education and jobs for discriminated groups makes it difficult to get out of poverty. The need for cash for the daily survival forces people to sell their labour in exchange for a loan.  

Q. Why they don't seek seek help from the Govt?

A, Despite the fact that bonded labour is illegal the laws are rarely enforced, particularly where the people who exploit those from more vulnerable groups belong to the ruling classes.

Q, Are these people are eligible for Zakat

A, Islamically they are Zakat eligible as described in the holy Quran as follows,

“The alms are meant only for the poor and the needy and those who are in charge thereof, those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free those in bondage, and to help those burdened with debt, and for expenditure in the Way of Allah and for the wayfarer. This is an obligation from Allah. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.” (Quran 9:60)

Q, Why the debt amount is fixed to £2000 for all families?

A, The debt amount is vary from families to families, Some families have dets even more than £2000 and some less than that. Its hard to manage the donation for each family so we have the average donation amount to free a family from crippling debt.

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Supporter Level One

Alhamdu'Lillah! May Allah accept your donation and bless you with good health and long life.

72 claimed


Supporter Level Two

Alhamdu'Lillah! May Allah accept your donation and bless you with good health and long life.

25 claimed


Supporter Level Three

Alhamdu'Lillah! May Allah accept your donation and bless you with good health and long life.

10 claimed


Supporter Level Four

Alhamdu'Lillah! May Allah accept your donation and bless you with good health and long life.

5 claimed


Clear Half the Debt of a Family

Alhamdu'Lillah! May Allah accept your donation and bless you with good health and long life. With the help of another DONOR a family will be FREE from SLAVERY. A FEEDBACK report will be shared with both donors.

8 claimed


Free a Family from Debt

Alhamdu'Lillah! May Allah accept your donation and bless you with good health and long life. You ALONE made this possible to FREE a family from SLAVERY. A complete FEEDBACK file will be shared with a THANK YOU message from the family.

19 claimed


Free Two Families from Debt

Alhamdu'Lillah! May Allah accept your donation and bless you with good health and long life. You ALONE made this possible to FREE two families from SLAVERY. A complete FEEDBACK file will be shared with a THANK YOU message from the families.

1 claimed


Free Five Families from Debt

Alhamdu'Lillah! May Allah accept your donation and bless you with good health and long life. You ALONE made this possible to FREE five families from SLAVERY. A complete FEEDBACK file will be shared with a THANK YOU message from the families.

1 claimed


Free Ten Families from Debt

Alhamdu'Lillah! May Allah accept your donation and bless you with good health and long life. You ALONE made this possible to FREE ten families from SLAVERY. A complete FEEDBACK file will be shared with a THANK YOU message from the families.

0 claimed


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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

£10 GBP, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 CAD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$2 CAD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$2,415 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

€100 EUR, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

€27 EUR, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$15 USD, 3 years ago

Waqar Ghani

$122 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$2 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$27 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 3 years ago


$5 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£2 GBP, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$2 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£10 GBP, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£10 GBP, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 3 years ago

Updates 1

Al Mustafa Welfare Trust3 years ago

After over 50 years of slavery, the Inayat family and many more are finally free.

Alhamdu'lillah our freedom campaign has received overwhelmed response last year. These families were enslaved for many years as a result of a sudden need for funds such as an emergency medical bill or a natural disaster destroying their home, forced them to borrow money they don't have. They were tricked into working as bricklayers, earning as little as £1 a day. Most or all of the money they earn goes to pay off their loan. Although they work tirelessly in unsanitary and dangerous conditions, their debtor "pay" them very little, which mean their debts continues for generations.

Because of you we were able to help many families, paid off their debts and gave them a future free from slavery. You gave them a chance to escape this terrible life in the kiln, and to start a fresh life. They can now do dignified work, send their children to school, and be free Alhamdulillah.

Here are some photographs while we paid their loans.

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