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Impact: Malaysia
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We interviewed Former Dutch Politician: Arnoud Van Doorn (see below) in Istanbul.
5$ can help us get 5000$ Bonus TODAY
With a minimal donation of $1 between June 19 and June 27 you will help us get An Extra Bonus up to $5000! THANK YOU
10 claimed
10$ Can Help Us To Get 5000$ Bonus TODAY
With a minimal donation of $10 between July 5 and July 6 you will also help us get An Extra Bonus up to $5000! THANK YOU
223 claimed
Start-up Supporter
You will be entitled to VIP access to the Online Premiere of The Last Hope
78 claimed
Great Supporter
You will be entitled to VIP access to the Online Premiere of The Last Hope + Lifetime VIP access to the film The Last Hope
71 claimed
Awesome Supporter
You will be entitled to: 1) VIP access to the Online Premiere of The Last Hope 2) Lifetime VIP access to the film The Last Hope + 2 friends
13 claimed
Inspiring Supporter :)
You will be entitled to: 1) VIP access to the Online Premiere of The Last Hope 2) Lifetime VIP access to the film The Last Hope + 3 friends
6 claimed
Loyal Iconic Supporter :)
You will be entitled to: 1) VIP access to the Online Premiere of The Last Hope 2) Lifetime VIP access to the film The Last Hope + 3 friends 3) Authentic Muhammad(saw) art inspired notebook/merchandise shipped from Türkiye.
1 claimed
Ihsan Prayer
You will be entitled to: 1) VIP access to the Online Premiere of The Last Hope 2) Lifetime VIP access to the film The Last Hope + 5 friends 3) Two pcs of beautiful prayer mats from Türkiye shipped to you.
0 claimed
Art Connoisseur
You will be entitled to: 1) VIP access to the Online Premiere of The Last Hope 2) Lifetime VIP access to the film The Last Hope + 10 friends 3) Authentic Muhammad(saw) inspired house decoration (painting or clock etc.) from Türkiye shipped to you.
0 claimed
Visionary Art Enthusiast <3
You will be entitled to: 1) VIP access to the Online Premiere of The Last Hope 2) Lifetime VIP access to the film The Last Hope + 15 friends 3) Original Authentic Artistic Muhammad (saw) calligraphy done by an artist from Türkiye shipped to you.
0 claimed
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
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An Anonymous kind soul
Watch Inspiring New Short Documentary of Halis Media in New Zealand After The Deadly Christchurch Attack
Dear Friends and Sponsors,
I've also stopped giving interviews. Since October 7th 2023, I have been asked by several media to talk about what is going on in Palestine but I am a man of action, I leave the talking to others.
As a man of action, I went to New Zealand in 2019, one month after 51 Muslim Brothers got murdered in Christchurch during the Friday Prayer. I went with Zara and our crew to screen our documentary film FREEDOM to a captivated audience of Non-Muslims across 6 Universities. You can watch the behind the scenes short documentary we made out of our screening tour in New Zealand on the poster/link below:
Zara was 6 months pregnant from our last child and she left behind our two sons aged 2 and 4 back in Malaysia to reach out to the hearts of the Non-Muslims in New Zealand who were broken and devastated by what had happened but at the same time ready and open to learn about our beautiful way of life that is Islam. Through her sacrifice away from her children and efforts, one student became Muslim right after the screening. She participated to all the Q & A with me and inspired hundreds to get closer to God and Islam. She is also a woman of action and she earned the respect of so many Non-Muslims in New Zealand. Listen to their heart-touching testimonies in the documentary above AFTER HATRED COMES LOVE. You don't wanna miss them. Watch, Like, Share. So, amidst this heartbreaking time for the Ummah, there's always hope.
We are also people of integrity and we will of course finish THE Last Hope and deliver it to the world when it is the right time. It took us 5 years to decide to show AFTER HATRED COMES LOVE and we worked on the final edit of it since the beginning of June, this month.
Time has come to show it after the massive worldwide Pro-Palestinian protests in universities last month as we felt that young people around the world especially in the West are thirsty for Truth and Justice. Values that Halis Media carry dearly since 2012.
Our documentary film FREEDOM is probably the only and best tool at the disposal of the Ummah right now with the capacity to reach out to Non-Muslims and make them sit down for 3 hours to watch a 90 minutes documentary film featuring 50 converts from 25 countries and then stay an extra 90 minutes for a Q&A session with us. Unfortunately we truly lack of visionary Muslims at the moment to support FREEDOM in a big way, that is why we can't thank enough all our supporters on Launchgood who supported the best they could for all these years while we are hoping that one day wealthy Muslims will finally get it.
As of today, Zara and I with the help of our families are still the main sponsors of Halis Media with more than US$100 000 worth of donations, assets and waiving our own personal fees to allow our projects to come to life. The second biggest sponsor only gave RM 70 000 (17 000USD$) and it was before we finished to make FREEDOM. The third biggest sponsor gave US$ 5 000. Hard to compete with Non-Muslim Documentaries that are bashing Islam with millions of dollars of budget every single year.
We would like to thank once again all the Sponsors and Supporters of our campaign THE Last Hope. Hope is coming.
Stay true to yourselves. Stay true to your words. Stay true to Allah, His Last Messenger and His Family.
With Purpose,
Julien Drolon
Join us in 1445!!! | 2 Great Convert Stories To Start The Year with HM |
As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends and Dear Supporters,
We would like to wish to all our Launchgood supporters a fantastic 1445 Hijri Year, full of faith and service towards the mission of Prophet Muhammad saw.
In 1445 we are planning to release THE Last Hope and we need all the resources available to make it a success. Not only financially but through the support of volunteers who will help us with their skills and connections to take THE Last Hope and Halis Media to the next level.
Don't hesitate to reach out to us at if you which to be part of our 1445 volunteer team. We need editors, graphic designers, fundraisers, PR Experts, translators, film screening managers etc...
If you can't join us as a volunteer this year, please subscribe, like, share, comment on our videos on You Tube To help our channel grow. Check out the two latest convert stories we uploaded in collaboration with Al Hiwar TV featuring former Anti-Muslim politician: Joram Van Klaveren and Cat Stevens' friend: Ibrahim Hewitt who became Muslim in 1981 after a trip he spent in South Africa during the apartheid regime. (Part 1: Joram Van Klaveren Story) (Part 1 Ibrahim Hewitt Story)
Thank you all for being part of our journey in serving Islam. Don't hesitate to join our volunteer team, we will try to find a suitable scope for you based on your time, skills and personal situation.
With Purpose,
Julien & Zara
Arafah Day Special!! If you have one email to read today it's probably this one!!!
As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends and Supporters,
Alhamdulillah, Allah has given us all life to experience another day of Arafah today. We are thankful to Our Creator and we hope to please Him and to serve Him the way He wants us to serve Him.
Last year more than 1 million USD$ was raised on LaunchGood on the Day Arafah as the believers understand the immense blessings that goes along being generous on that day.
Today Halis Media is competing to earn the most raised amount competition with a new campaign to support Halis Media's Core Team which needs to grow in size and quality as the Ummah is requesting more and more service from us in terms of content production and the organization of new events like: New Muslim World Conference.
As you all know, Halis Media is essentially the work of Zara and myself with the support of a few more volunteers and sometimes freelancers editors, videographers. With 3 boys aged 7,6 and 3, Zara cannot work full time on Halis Media and we need to hire from time to time freelancers to help us taking on more projects to serve the Ummah better and faster. Every year we have to refuse some projects due to our limited human and financial resources. InshaAllah this will start to change with your support today and your donation into our new campaign: Support Halis Media's Mission Worldwide at
Check out the link above, starting at 25$ donation, you will receive our PDF 1445 Projects Portfolio by email in which we reveal which new documentary we are working on alongside THE Last Hope. So far I already financed personally this documentary 5000USD$ to pay the crew and the traveling in 4 countries. It is a project dear to my heart that InshaAllah will also come to life one day with your support.
For the biggest donors we will organise in 1445 a free tour in Istanbul alongside with 1 free ticket to Turkiye. Check it out: https://www.launchgoodcom/halismedia
Finally if you are not in the capacity to donate at least 10$ for our new campaign, please give a minimum of 5$ or 3$ to THE Last Hope campaign at
as we are competing also for the Most Amount of Supporters with THE Last Hope Campaign.
The competition will end at 7pm today 27th June, New York Time and at 7am tomorrow 28th June, Kuala Lumpur Time.
Thank you for your loyalty and on-going support.
With Purpose,
Julien Drolon
Halis Media
You may know that Laylat al-Qadr is the pinnacle of the last ten nights of Ramadan, and is thus the best night of the year. Similarly, the Day of ’Arafah is the pinnacle of the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah. It is thus the best day of the entire year.
Teaser Trailer of THE Last Hope is out | Halis Media won 2750$ with 3 different campaigns yesterday!!!
As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends and Supporters,
Yesterday the 3 campaigns of Halis Media on LaunchGood won 3 Bonuses Alhamdulillah.
Our campaign THE Last Hope won for 3 consecutive days on the Asia Pacific Division and has now reached 81 879USD$ donation.
The Teaser Trailer of THE Last Hope is on Halis Media You Tube Channel and has reached already more than 12 000 views in 2 days. Watch it today on the link above.
We are now 18 121USD$ short to reach our 100KUSD$ budget and we need only 363 supporters to give 50USD$ each before Eid Al Adha on June 28. InshaAllah you can be one of them in those blessed days.
If you consider to give a lower amount than 50USD$ please have a look at our 2 other campaigns below who also won Bonuses yesterday. InshaAllah you will find them also worthy of your support and if you give any amount to those causes it will help us to get extra bonuses worth between 500 and 5000USD$, please try to give more than just 1$ so we can reach the budget needed for each campaign faster:
1. Bring Back Islam To The Youth:
2. Invite Millions Of French speaking People To Islam:
Thank you all for your ongoing support.
With Purpose,
Julien & Zara
6 hours to go and we are ranking 3rd!!! Your 1$ Donation can make us win 1.5K Bonus
Dear Friends and Supporters,
We are back into the competition and currently ranking 3rd, 6 hours before the competition ends. Yacine Tareb campaign will win a bigger bonus on the Global competition which means the first position will be vacant and we are only 10 supporters away from the number 2 campaign.
We just need 1 min of your time to make a 1$ donation before 7pm NY Time Monday 19th or before 7am Kuala Lumpur Time Tuesday 20th on the link below:
Good News!!! Our Teaser Trailer will be out Tomorrow Tuesday 20th InshaAllah!!!!
Zara's sacrifice | HM starts strongly Dhul Hijjah!!!
As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends and Supporters,
We have just entered here in Turkiye into the first night of the blessed month of Dhul Hijjah, the month of sacrifice. Alhamdulillah.
When I think of sacrifice, I think of the hours and sleepless nights my wife Zara has been spending in editing with me our first documentary film FREEDOM and all the other videos of Halis Media she did work on.
As a mother of 3 young boys (7,6,4 years old), she sacrificed a lot of time behind the computer to serve Islam the best way she can. I am blessed to have her as my wife and partner at Halis Media.
A few weeks ago, the world's leading Islamic Media Platform based in UK: Islam Channel interviewed her Live about the impact of Halis Media's projects in the world. Below is the link of the interview, have a look and check the latest updates she shared about Halis Media:
Zara does not like fundraising such as myself but every new donations we receive from you always give us a big moral boost and show us that some Muslims still care about showcasing our Prophet Muhammad saw to the world in the best manners.
In this Dhul Hijjah we have the opportunity with you to close the production, post production and post promotion budget of THE Last Hope which we estimated at 100KUSD$
Out of our 12 250 Supporters we just need 470 Supporters among you to give 50USD$ each (or more) to help close the budget and we are inviting you to do it in the best time of the year "The First Ten Days Of Dhul Hijjah" in which your reward for giving could be the greatest of the year InshaAllah.
Each donation counts. Please go on the link below to donate Today:
Starting this Sunday 18th at 7pm New York Time, we will start to compete on LaunchGood for 9 days to raise the biggest amount possible for THE Last Hope. The winner each day will get 5000USD$ Bonus and for The Asia Pacific Region 1500USD$. We noticed that in the first day of Ramadan and Dhul Hijjah the competition to win the Bonuses is more weak on the first day than the other days so we will try to compete seriously on the first day of Dhul Hijjah, so please donate right after 7pm New York Time This Sunday (7am Kuala Lumpur 19th), so your donation folds into the first day of Dhul Hijjah InshaAllah.
As per the 1st trailer, we will release on @halismedia You Tube Channel tomorrow Monday instead a video with snippets of the interviews we did already with converts and the media. We decided to postpone the first trailer until we complete all the interviews of our converts.
Stay Tuned.
Thank you all for your on-going support. We need it more than ever. The World is waiting for the release of THE Last Hope InshaAllah.
With Purpose,
Halis Media
Thanks To You: THE Last Hope was the Number 4 campaign out of 1900 campaigns worldwide Last Ramadan
As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends and Supporters,
We hope you are all doing well and that you are gearing up for the first 10 days of Dhull Hijjah that is bound to start on Monday 19th of June this year InshaAllah.
Prophet Muhammad saw refers to the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah as the most important days of the year: “There are no days during which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these days”. Bukhari
Instagram: @halismedia
42 Families Accepted Islam | Eid Video Gift | Eid Mubarek To All Of Our LaunchGood Supporters
As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends & Supporters,
We want to wish you all a fantastic Eid Mubarek with your beloved ones. May Allah accept your Ramadan and gives you many more to experience InshaAllah.
Ramadan 1444 has been the most busiest Ramadan in our lives as we spent it in 3 countries: Malaysia, Saudia Arabia and Turkiye. Produced more than 50 videos for our 3 You Tube Channels and other social media platforms + Fundraising of THE Last Hope with you all. It has been a tremendous experience that Allah gave to us and we are thankful for the lessons learnt on this journey.
A few days ago, a Turkish friend of mine sent me a few videos about his Dawah work in the Philippines this Ramadan where him and his team brought 42 families to Islam. We edited the videos and here is the result below, hope you enjoy it:
Thank you all once again for supporting THE Last Hope, you gave us some wings to complete the documentary this year InshaAllah. We have not reached the minimum budget needed yet but we are getting there InshaAllah.
With Purpose,
Julien & Zara
Halis Media
One hour more to make a huge difference please check this email before it is too late
As Salam Alaykoum All,
The Competition will end in one hour and it is very tight. With only 1$ donation you will help us to secure 2000$ tonight and finish Ramadan in great fashion.
Thank You
Halis Media Team
Help us share this beautiful message about Prophet Muhammad
As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends & Supporters,
I hope you are all doing well and that you are enjoying the last days of Ramadan.
Alhamdulillah we have been competing on Launchgood since the beginning of Ramadan and earned 30 000USD$ worth of Bonus by having a group of dedicated people who gave each day 1$ for our project: THE Last Hope. Alhamdulillah we reached more than 10 000 donations on the 27th Night Of Ramadan.
Today Launchgood is offering an extra 4000USD$ for the winner of the competition and we have a chance to win with already more than 100 supporters. If just a minimum of 1$ you could help us to win an extra 4000USD$ and will help us to get closer to our budget production and post production for the documentary which is 100K USD$.
Don't hesitate to give a bigger amount if you can as we need to finish the documentary as soon as possible to release it this year InshaAllah.
Below is a very important message I wanted to convey to the Muslim Ummah as we are not yet interested enough to promote the legacy of Prophet Muhammad to the world. It is something that personally sadden me and want to change. Are you on board? Click, Like, Comment and Share this Video to all your contacts and invite them them to make a donation before Ramadan ends.
Video Link:
If You Know people who speak Arabic, Turkish or French. Please find below the link of the video translated in those languages as well:
The Video is also available to be shared on our pages on Instagram:
@halismedia and @halismediafrancophone
With Purpose,
Greetings From Madinah/Last Hours To Enroll To The Last 10 Nights Program With HM
As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends and Supporters,
We are greeting you all from the blessed city of Madinah where we have been staying for the past 2 nights. InshaAllah tonight will be our last night before we leave to Macca to perform our Umrah. Before we do that we want to remind you of the importance of the last 10 nights and to give to charity on every last 10 nights to guarantee that one of your donation will be given during Laylatul Qadr.
With the last 10 nights of Ramadan fast approaching, have you made your plan on how to increase your rewards? Scheduled Giving could help you earn more and not miss a single blessed night.
You can make the most of this opportunity by:
✨ Easily setting your daily giving amount
✨ Selecting 10 campaigns close to your heart or letting LaunchGood choose for you
✨ Tracking your contributions to see your impact!
This opportunity to give on Launchgood daily for a minimum of 1$ per day will end today at 7pm New York Time / Sunday 7am Kuala Lumpur Time.
Click the link below to give on each of the last 10 nights to ensure you don't miss Laylatul Qadr!
"I've Seen The Good, Bad & Ugly Of Conversion To Islam In The Uk" | Halis Media in English, French and Bahasa Melayu
As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends and Supporters,
We have been very busy the first week of Ramadan to bring you some great content to accompany you over the whole Ramadan starting by exclusive talks given at the New Muslim World Conference 2018 in Manchester, UK, conference organised by Halis Media. We suggest that you start with the talk of Sister Batool who has been Muslim for 30 years in the UK and has a lot to say when it comes to dealing converts in the West. InshaAllah you can take advantage of the weekend to catch up with the first episodes of the "New Muslims Ramadhan Specials" Sister Batool Speech:
Now if you speak French, we invite you to listen to Julien's daily podcast as he is extracting one value per day from each Juz with an attempt to revive the Quran in our lives beyond Ramadan. Click below for the 35 sec video presentation. Even if you don't speak French, it is worth watching it.
PS: It is still the time to make a 1$ contribution to our campaign today. We are ranking second and there is 20 minutes to go before it ends so if you receive this email before 7pm New York Time or 7am Malaysian Time. Please donate NOW!!! Every donation counts. Go to
With Purpose,
Halis Media Team
Belated Ramadan Mubarak | We Won!!! But We Can Win Bigger | 2 New YT HM Channels in French and Melayu!!!
As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends & Supporters of Halis Media,
Belated Ramadan Mubarak To All Of You.
We hope you started Ramadan very well in good health and spirit.
In our case it was a bit challenging as our 3 kids got very high fever one day before Ramadan and we had to find a place to stay last minute in Kuala Lumpur to take care of them.
That being said we have been super busy since then by uploading a new video each day during ramadan on our 3 You Tube Channels: @HalisMedia (English/Arabic), @HalisMediaFrancophone (French) and @HalisMediaNusantara (Bahasa Melayu). Including Daily Shorts on You Tube, Instagram and Tik Tok. (Full Updates on our 3 channels in the next email today!!!).
As per Fundraising was concerned, we started to compete on Launchgood on Day 4 in the Asia Pacific Division in the Most Supporters Category and we ended up second and earn a 1000$ Bonus. (See Below). Today we finished 3rd and earn a 500$ Bonus with 106 Supporters. The competition is getting tougher each day and in order to win each day 2000USD$ Bonus, we need a minimum of 200 supporters to commit to give daily a minimum of 1USD$ each day for the next 14 Days. The maximum cap per campaign is 30KUSD$ so if we win in the next 14day, each day we will reach our goal. Please commit therefore to give 1$ per day at
Every donation counts!!! On day 4, for example we got the same amount of supporters than another campaign so if one of us would have not made the efforts to give at least 1USD$/RM5 we would have lost the 1KUSD$ Bonus.
Remembering our 51 Brothers who lost their lives in March 15th 2019 | USA, UK, INDIA top 3 most Anti-Muslims countries online
As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends and Supporters,
We hope you are all doing fine and that you are getting ready for Ramadan. One more week to go Alhamdulillah.
Today is a special day for us as we remember our 51 brothers who lost their lives in on March 15th 2019 in Christchurch, New Zealand in a masjid. One month after the massacre Halis Media went to New Zealand to screen FREEDOM in Universities, including Christchurch.
The same year we invited one of the family of the victims Hamimah Ahmat to our Luncheon in Kuala Lumpur to talk about what happened and how we could avoid it happens again.
Last year, I participated to a Peace Conference in Ankara on March 15 as a speaker and met again some families of the victim.
Islamophobia is unfortunately is on the rise, it's an ongoing battle that needs ressources and determination. Look at the info below, we need to do more together to battle islamophobia:
A study by the Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV) — the apex Muslim body in the Australian state of Victoria, which represents an estimated 270,000 community members — discovered nearly 4 million anti-Muslim posts made during a 24-month period between August 2019 and August 2021.
Finally I would like to conclude with this small video I made today ref the massacre.
Take care until Ramadan starts,
With Purpose,
Haji Julien Drolon
CEO Halis Media
Julien's Mum Video Has Been Unlisted - You can watch it now!!!
As Salam Alaykoum,
One of our dear supporters from California just informed us that the video of my mum was in private and he could not watch it. We fixed the problem and it has been unlisted, you can watch it now. Links on the previous Email.
This video is for LaunchGood supporters only and it will be deleted in one week. Please do not share it to anyone. It is the first time my mother do such a thing. I am amazed myself. 2023 will be special InshaAllah.
With Purpose,
Video Message From Julien's Mum in France | Christmas Day |
As Salam Alaykoum Everyone,
Little did you know that Julien's mum has been supporting Halis Media all this time and that she watched and enjoyed FREEDOM. Watch her message below as she is sending you a beautiful message from her home:
If you have not watched Julien and Zara's video latest updates yet. Just click below:
Tomorrow, Zara is turning 33. MashaAllah! We are trying to finish the year in great spirit. We pray for all of you and thank you for being part of the journey with us.
If each one of you make a 50$/RM 200 now like Julien's mum then we can wrap up the production budget before 2023 starts. We believe in you.!/
With Purpose,
Julien & Zara
Home Video From Julien & Zara: Back To Malaysia / Beyond 2022
As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends and Supporters,
Hope you are all well.
With a bit of delay, here is our video update. Please take the time to watch it.
Vid update: Budget spent, current progress, get-together & more..
Alhamdulillah, last month we ended up miraculously in the 5th position and grabbed 500$ worth of Bonus in the last Launchgood Competition by only ONE supporter more, proving that each donation counts, indeed.
InshaAllah TOGETHER let's finish this end of 2022 strong. See you soon in Malaysia! For our supporters everywhere else around the globe, maybe a Zoom session January next year? :D
Stay Tuned.
With Purpose,
Julien & Zara
Big You Tube Promo of THE Last Hope + Julien's Emotional Quran Recitation
As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends and Launchgood Supporters,
I hope this message finds you well and that you will end this year 2022 with the best health and spirit possible.
Since the release of THE Last Hope teaser last month (30K views), we have been busy working on new interviews from converts from all over the world. InshaAllah by the end of the year we shall have them all and will start to work on the editing of the documentary series which is our favourite part in the process of making the documentary as a lot of creativity needs to take place.
Today, one of the most fastest growing You Tube Islamic Channel: Towards Eternity, just released an interview we gave to them regarding my conversion story and THE Last Hope. Feel free to fast forward the first 10 min so you can get to the part where we talk about THE Last Hope.
We are working hard to boost our You Tube Channel to reach 10 000 subscribers before the end of the year and uploaded a new video concept yesterday: The Quran Friday Series. Please subscribe to our channel and share the link to everyone.
Tomorrow, Zara and I will send you a special video from our house and make two big announcements so please stay tuned over this weekend with us InshaAllah.
With Purpose,
Brother Julien
The Official Teaser of THE Last Hope is out on our You Tube Channel!!!
As Salam Alaykoum Dear Friends and Supporters.
We hope this message finds you well and in great spirit.
Please find above the link and official poster of the Official Teaser of THE Last Hope. Please Watch it Now. Subscribe To Our Channel and Share The Link Of The Teaser Far and Wide.
Today Launchgood is giving Bonuses To The Teams with the most amount of supporters until 8am Wednesday 30/11 Turkish Time (1pm Malaysian Time). Although The Global Competition seems out of touch for us, it seems we have a good chance to win with the Asia Pacific Competition as the number 1 team has only 50 supporters after 7 hours of competition. The winner of the Asia Pacific will get 4000USD$ Bonus.
If a good percentage of our 1800 supporters give in the next few hours just 1$. We have a high chance to win. As you know we still need to raise more funds to complete our documentary series on Prophet Muhammad and we already used a substantial amount to cover the costs of the new equipments we had to buy, transportation and accommodation of converts we interviewed, promotion costs to grow our You Tube Channel from 3000 subscribers last Ramadan to almost 6000 Subscribers Today, the cost to produce this teaser etc....
Thank you for your loyalty and passion to spread the beautiful message of our beloved Prophet Muhammad saw.
Julien and Zara
Halis Media.
Rasul Week: Message From MMA Fighter Khalid Ott & Former Dutch Politician Arnoud Van Doorn
Thursday 29th September, we are competing right now for the most raised amount to get 2000$ Bonus between 2am Turkish Time (it already started) and 2am Turkish Time on Friday.
Then on Friday 30th September we will compete InshaAllah for the most number of supporters around the same time between 2am Friday till 2am Saturday Turkish Time.
Help us to reach 30K$ by the end of September. We need your ongoing support to keep interviewing 100 converts from 40 countries. That's a huge task and 50K$ is truly the minimum budget we need.
Other Social Media Pages:
With Purpose,
Halis Media team
The Queen Is Dead: The Day We Released The First Episode of Muslim Convert Journey
As Salam Alaykoum Dear Supporters Of Muhammad The Last Hope,
It was not planned that way as were supposed to release the first video of "Muslim Convert Journey" last week already but it just happened that the day we were finally ready to upload the first episode, the Queen of UK passed away at 96.
Who cares, some will say. At Halis Media, we care as since the beginning of the set up of our organization we always tried to release our projects or films on dates that matters historically, because we love history and the 8th of September 2022 will remain a historic day as UK played a huge role for the past 100 years in geo politics, economy, culture and religion. A New Era begins. We hope for the best and wish that the British people will be lead by leaders that love Justice and implement Justice wherever they can.
We are also happy to inform you that the second set of interviews for the Prophet Muhammad THE Last Hope will start in Istanbul this month and that we will also be starting to work on the teaser of the documentary which should be released in October InshaAllah.
In the meantime, we need to boost our social media presence and impact with new episodes of "Muslim Convert Journey" every Thursdays and Sundays on our You Tube Channels: Halis Media (4K subscribers) and New Muslim World Conference (2K subscribers)
Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. The videos will be shared also from time to time on what's app and telegram as well.
These interviews are exclusive content from the interviews we took for our first documentary film FREEDOM.
Please find below the link of the first episode:
We have a very ambitious goal to reach 100 000 subscribers for our Halis Media Channel before the end of this year and we need all of our Launchgood supporters to start to subscribe to it first and pass it around:
Our second objective on social media is to reach 25 000 Followers on Tik Tok before 2023 so if you have a Tik Tok account please follow us at:
As per the other social media, you may want to follow us on the ones you are using the most: (5.3K Followers)Thank you
New Muslim World Conference
Aya Sofia Eid Mubarek Card & Greetings - Halis Media
Greetings From The Land Of The Ottomans,
Eid Mubarek To The 1412 supporters of "Muhammad The Last Hope".
May Allah accept this blessed day from you and all your efforts to serve Him in the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah.
Tomorrow we are leaving the first conquered capital of the Ottomans: Bursa, to go to the last conquered capital of the Ottomans: Istanbul.
We ask Allah to make us love His Deen as much as the Ottomans loved it and manifested it, in every aspects of their lives.
We ask Allah to bless you all and your families and accept your services and sacrifices in those blessed days.
Halis Media Team
Malaysian Woman Gives The Biggest Donation On Arafat!!! More To Come InshaAllah
"May Allah bless you and Zara for the tireless sacrifices in continuing Rasulullah (saw)'s noble legacy."
It is with this words that our first 1000USD$+ supporter encouraged us in this campaign today on the day of Arafat. She pledged to give before and she waited for the perfect day to do so.
Arafat is a day to ask forgiveness to Allah, it is also a day we need to reflect on our lives and what we are going to bring back to Allah on our death bed. What are we going to tell him about the slander and the insults of His most beloved one during our time??? What did we do with our hands, tongues and hearts???
With THE Last Hope, featuring 100 converts from 40 countries we are all given an opportunity to do something about this with our hands. We still have to collect more than 30 000USD$ to be in the capacity to produce a world class documentary series on Prophet Muhammad.
At the moment we are looking at 5 Short Documentary Films of 45min up to 1 Hour each in which 100 converts from 40 countries will share their love about Prophet Muhammad and how he impacted their lives positively. The Short Docu Film Series will also combined beautiful drones footages from around the world.
RM 30 000 (6800$) is the amount a widow from Malaysia gave us back in 2016 in order to help us start our first documentary film FREEDOM featuring 50 converts from 25 countries in 15 languages.
May Allah bless her and all the women who came forward to support us from Day 1.
Yes it is true women have helped us more in our projects in general but the biggest donations, the biggest moves came from our Brothers and we hope they will take the opportunity on this Blessed Day Of Arafat To send a big support as well.
There are a few more hours left here in Turkiye before Arafat Day leaves us. Even if you are in Malaysia or in another country where Arafat is already over, do send your donations now. We are the receiving hands and it will still count based on your intention InshaAllah. Please make the Biggest Donation you can afford today at:
Thank you all. May Allah accept our prayers today and forgive us.
With Purpose & Determination
Julien (Abdul Cemil)
You Just Donated Again Today and You Want To Help More?
Can They Win Without US? NO They Can't.
I recently made a donation to Halis Media on Launchgood to support their great initiative to produce a documentary film series about Prophet Muhammad sas, through the voice of 100 converts from 40 countries who will share how Prophet Muhammad sas impacted their lives positively since their conversion to Islam.
Please support them today to help them win 5000USD$ Bonus at
Dear LaunchGood Supporters,
As promised above is the poster with the recommended text that you could use to forward to all your contacts on social media: WhatApp, Telegram, FB, Insta, Twitter, Linkedin, Emails etc....
Please donate one more time today a minimum of 1$ and then spend 10 minutes spreading this poster and message to all your contacts. We are a small team but we have now more than 1000 supporters on this campaign. If everyone support us today we can't lose.
Big Thank You
Halis Media Team
AWESOME: Can Get 5000USD$ Bonus Today even if we rank Number 2 Worldwide - Find Out How
Dear Supporters of Muhammad, THE Last Hope Campaign,
Great News!!! With Less than 8 hours in the competition we are ranking in number 3 position worldwide. As you can see the number 1 campaign in both categories: Qurban/UDHIYA is most likely going to win both categories today but he can only claim one time 5000USD$ Bonus which means the number 2 of the campaign will automatically receive the 5KUSD$
Note: Usually if you win both categories, the Bonus is given to you from the Most Raised category, it happened to us a few years ago.
It means we have very high chances to get the 5KUSD$ Bonus even if we end up number 2 today. Please do your part and give a minimum of 1$ again at
Big Thanks To All.
Halis Media Team
We WON!!! and We Will WIN Again InshaAllah!!!
Dear Friends and Supporters Of LaunchGood,
We want to sincerely thank you all yesterday for helping us to win the Asia Pacific Division Competition on Both categories: Most Raised and Most Supporters Campaigns. We also finished in number 2 position worldwide which grants us a 2500USD$ Bonus.
Alhamdulillah we have already raised more than 13 000USD$ out of the 50 000USD$ we need to fund the production of THE Last Hope. Today with less than 12 hours of competition left, we are again number 1 in Asia Pacific and number 3 worldwide with very serious chance to win this time if each one of you donate again today a minimum of 1USD$ at
Please make your donation NOW and then share around the poster on all the social media where you are active (Will send you another email shortly with all the tools you need to share about our campaign efficiently on all social media).
Let's do this last effort before Arafat Day and Eid. Let's all work together so we can have a chance to share how great is our Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon him, to those who never heard good things about him and were mislead by propaganda.
Today is the DAY we will win worldwide InshaAllah.
With Purpose and Determination,
Jay, Julien and Halis Media Team.
Sadly If you don't donate 1$ in the next 30 min we will use 5K to fund our next film
Dear Supporters.
This is crucial time. We just lost the lead and now we are done 15 supporters but we have more than 3000 supporters on LaunchGood and less than 1000 supporters gave for our new campaign. Which means a lot of you have not donated at least 1 dollars for our new documentary film THE Last Hope featuring 100 converts from 40 countries who will be interviewed about the impact that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, is having in their lives. Please donate NOW 1$ at
This our last email for this competition and our last hope. We don't want to have any regrets. Help us to win. (Campaign ends in 30 min)
Halis Media Team
ATTENTION PLEASE: Your $1 donation TODAY can help us GET $5000 Bonus
Dear Supporters of Muhammad THE Last Hope Campaign,
Thank you all for your valuable donation. Today we just need all of you to donate 1$ to win the 5000$ Bonus. Yesterday the winner of the competition won 5000$ with just 217 supporters and we already have 314 supporters on our campaign which means if each one of you give today at least 1$, we have a big chance to win.
Please consider helping us TODAY as we are still far away from our goal and this 5000$ would be a huge boost in our campaign. THANK YOU.
With Purpose and Determination,
Jay, Julien and Halis Media Team
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