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Organized by Muslim Hands

Education: A Doorway Out of Poverty For Children In Sudan


raised of 0 USD goal

13 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Omdurman, Sudan

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Help us build the first school for children in this rural area of Sudan

*We need to raise $9,000 to build a school for Muslim children in Sudan.

*The school will help reduce child labour by increasing access to education.

*Children in this area currently have no school!

'Muslim Hands Sudan' have identified a rural area in North Kordafan in whichthere is a need for a small school. The children in these areas cannot attendschool at the moment for the following reasons:

  • Current schools are too far from children inrural areas.
  • There is no safe means of transport.
  • The community in these areas cannot afford theschool fees.

Our Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) said:

"Seeking Knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim"

Alhamdulillah many of us have had access to to education from a young age and have grown up in places where it is easy to attend schools, colleges, universities and madrasahs..

Muslim's in the third world continue to be afflicted by many problems. Of those is the lack of access to proper education.

Why Focus On Education?

In the words of Malcolm X...

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."

What could be better than to provide somebody with the opportunity to educate themselves? Do we want our poverty stricken Muslim brothers and sisters to raise themselves out of these situations? If we really want to help people out of poverty than we have to provide them with the tools to do so.


  • To increase the access to primary education for childrenin rural areas.
  • To reduce child labor.
  • To reduce school dropout rates in North Kordofan, Sudan.
  • To increase opportunities for girls ineducation.

The School

  • Each rural school will have two classrooms andan office.
  • The school will operate twice a day. (i.e. girlsin the morning and boys in the afternoon).
  • The building may also be used in evenings forcommunity meetings, training for women etc.
  • Materials used for construction will includebricks, stone, gravel, iron sheets and cement.
  • The school will be attended by children aged between 7 and 12 years. 
  • The school will have about 100 students, boys and girls.
  • The construction of the school will take between 9-12 months.
  • Students will learn all standard subjects such as maths and science as well as Islamic knowledge and Quran.

Muslim Hands

Muslim Hands (a registered UK charity) have been implementing charitable projects since their inception in 1993. With a strong focus on education they have been able to, by the grace of Allah, build over one hundred schools and put thousands of needy children through education.

The Reward

The Prophet (Peace and blessing be upon him) said:

"The believer's shade on the day of resurrection will be his sadaqah."

We pray that your donations will be your shade on the day of resurrection and be a means of you drawing nearer to Allah (swt). You can donate on behalf of yourself or on behalf of a loved one.

Please also see the 'perks' on the right side of the page.>>>>>

You can find out more about Muslim Hands by visiting our website:


If you have any questions or would like to enquire about funding your own charitable project please contact us on:


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Recent supporters

Chris Blauvelt

$25 USD, 10 years ago

Rick S.

$3,754 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 10 years ago


$1 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$3,775 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1,160 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 10 years ago

Updates 1

Muslim Hands5 years ago

The school is (finally) completed

Asalamu Alaikum all

I pray you are well. Please firstly accept our sincere apologies for the massive delay. I cannot begin to explain the amount of issues we had with our operations in Sudan. The issues ranged from political to tribal to various other problems. So many projects were effected and delayed but we were always intent on getting each one completed no matter how long it took. Alhamdulillah things have improved and despite the funds for this school being raised several years ago, we were finally able to complete it this year. 

We apologise again for the delay and lack of updates. We also apologise for those have you who donated specific amounts for certain rewards as we were unable to fulfil them all. For example we were unable to obtain thank you letters from the students or place plaques inside the classrooms with names on there. We will still try to do this if possible.

You can find a report below and know that your kind donation has allowed us to build this school which has now transformed this village and is changing lives! JazakAllah khair.


Bilal, Muslim Hands

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