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This campaign will collect all funds raised by April 16, 2017 at 11:45 PM EDT
According to American Civil Liberties Union: Discrimination Against Muslim Women, "69% of women who wore hijab reported at least one incident of discrimination compared to 29% of women who did not wear hijab." According to Telegraph, Muslim women who wear headscarves are routinely being passed over for jobs and sidelined in the workplace because of what is seen as one of the last forms of “acceptable” discrimination. European Network Against Racism: Forgotten women: The impact of Islamophobia on Muslim women in the UK found, 1 out of every 8 Muslim women is asked illegal questions during interviews compared to 1 out of every 30 non-Muslim women. In UK, studies have found that Muslim women with a college education are less likely to be chosen for a job against a non-Muslim woman with the same level of education. Additionally, Muslim women also receive less replies based on their resumes. World Hijab Day is on a mission to change the above statistics with your support.
On February 1st of every year, World Hijab Day (WHD) asks people of all faiths to wear the hijab for a day in solidarity with Muslim women worldwide. The overall mission of WHD is to create a more peaceful world where global citizens respect each other.
With the recent rise in Islamophobia, such as the hijab and other religious clothing being banned in countries like France, Muslim women who wear Hijab are disproportionately targeted by
While growing up in NYC, Nazma Khan was harassed both physically and verbally on numerous occasions. These attacks increased around 9/11. However, Nazma stayed firm on wearing her Hijab as she believed it was human right to wear it. Her purpose in founding this event was to introduce her pain to others in hopes that no one will ever have to go through the same emotional trauma simply because of the love they have for their faith. On February 1, 2013, women residing in 67 different countries, representing Christians, Jews, Pagans, Wiccans, Rastafarians, Buddhists, Atheists and others, answered her call to don the hijab for one day. Since then, thousands of people all across the globe have shared their stories of transformation as a result from over 150 countries.
WHD is completely volunteer run by a small team of dedicated volunteers. The Founder personally responds to thousands of emails and stories from around the world. Throughout the years, the team has taken on more personal and professional commitments in addition to WHD, but it is still unwavering despite time constraints. This small, dedicated team of volunteers needs YOUR support to continue providing this resource. During a time when hatred and anti-immigrant sentiments are at an all-time high, support a cause with proven success in fighting prejudice.
You are AWESOME!
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Twitter Shout out
9 claimed
Double Shout-Out Twitter & Facebook
Now, millions will get to see your name on their timeline. :)
12 claimed
Triple Shout-Out Twitter, Facebook & Instagram
8 claimed
Listed on WHD Thank you page
5 claimed
Free hijab + Personalized letter from the founder
Receive a personalized thank you letter from the founder with a beautiful hijab
5 claimed
T-Shirt Time + letter from the founder
Get a custom designed WHD T-shirt + personalized thank you letter from the founder.
0 claimed
Handwritten letter from the founder + T-Shirt + hijab
Receive a personalized handwritten letter from the founder + custom designed WHD t-Shirt + handpicked hijab by the founder
1 claimed
Stunning Calligraphy piece
Receive a beautiful calligraphy piece + custom designed WHD t-Shirt + handpicked hijab by the founder
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An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Elizabeth Naik
An Anonymous kind soul
Rebecca Rebecca
Elizabeth Naik
Sarah Gross Kedir
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Anna Ingraham
An Anonymous kind soul
Mar Khan
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Mojahed Alkhateeb
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Siyam Hossaim
Cassandra Espinosa-Julian
An Anonymous kind soul
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