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Impact: Idlib, Idlib Governorate
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Today, Northern Syria has witnessed a terrifying morning. An earthquake, which is the strongest since 1999, hit and caused collapsed buildings, dozens of dead and hundreds of injured people, and the number of victims is increasing. The Syrian Civil Defense declared northwestern Syria an earthquake-stricken area. To help them and be with them, Ghiras Al-Nahda launches an emergency response campaign "We are together" to support people affected by the earthquake by providing food and supporting temporary shelters. You can donate any amount, no matter how small, and be with them through this tough time
شهدت منطقة شمال سوريا وجنوب تركيا منذ ساعات الفجر زلزالاً قوياً هو الأكبر منذ عام 1999. عشرات القتلى ومئات الجرحى والضحايا سقطوا بسبب الانهيارات السكنية التي حصلت والعدد في ازدياد. كما أعلن الدفاع المدني السوري شمال غربي سوريا منطقة منكوبة جراء الزلازل. لنكون عوناً لهم، تطلق غراس النهضة حملة استجابة طارئة "نحن معكم" لمساندة أهلنا المتضررين من الزلزال من خلال تأمين الطعام ودعم المأوى المؤقت لهم.
Even a tiny amount
support people affected by the earthquake by providing food and supporting temporary shelters
27 claimed
We are together
support people affected by the earthquake by providing food and supporting temporary shelters
58 claimed
You are the one to save them
support people affected by the earthquake by providing food and supporting temporary shelters
50 claimed
You could save their lives.
support people affected by the earthquake by providing food and supporting temporary shelters
45 claimed
They need us!
support people affected by the earthquake by providing food and supporting temporary shelters
61 claimed
An Anonymous kind soul
Kouchih fatima
An Anonymous kind soul
Mr Muhammad A H Abdin
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Ayat alneamat
Nuri Abdussalaam
Ahmad Ibrahim
An Anonymous kind soul
Joseph Dickens
An Anonymous kind soul
Alimam Soumaya
An Anonymous kind soul
Zemmoui loubna
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