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Impact: Barnet, England
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This campaign will collect all funds raised by August 31, 2025 at 3:00 PM EDT
By the grace of Allah, we were able to complete the purchase of our £1.8m building on 31st May 2024. This would not have been possible without all your support. Your generosity has meant the High Barnet community now has a place to pray their five daily salah for the first time ever! Alhamdulilah.
As we continue to build our services, we must also prioritise clearing our Qard Al-Hasan loan debts to ensure our Islamic Centre can continue to grow and serve the needs of our community.
Our Qard Al Hasan loan balance currently stands at £1m.
Your ongoing support and generosity to our Masjid is deeply appreciated, and we humbly ask you again to continue to dig deep into your pockets and help us clear this debt.
By the grace of Allah SWT, we have completed the purchase of the first ever masjid in High Barnet. At nearly 8000 square feet, the premises will serve not only the Muslims in High Barnet but also those in several surrounding areas that have been without a masjid for generations to come.
Our vision is to not only create a place of worship, but a community centre that serves the needs of our Muslim community. Our building located on Bath Place (1 Bath Place, Hadley, Barnet, EN5 5XE) has the ideal layout for a masjid and the potential to offer various services such as children’s madrassah, sister’s activities, adult classes, funeral services, nikah, waleemah and much more.
It is so important that we repay the Qard Al Hasan as fast as possible so that we can focus future investment on bettering the services for our community.
We plan but Allah subhanahu was ta'ala is The Best of Planners.
£1.8m – Secure Freehold Building @ 1 Bath Place, Hadley, Barnet EN5 5XE
Deadline – 31st May 2024 – Alhamdulillah completed
Paying back £1m Qard-e-Hasanah (or Qard al-Hasan) Islamic interest-
free loan extended for charitable purposes.
Execute Vision 2024-5 plan
Run in parallel to PHASE II InshAllah.
Sadaqah jariyah is one of the only forms of ibadat which will continue to give us Hassana/sawab or act as a good deed after our passing, it is the best investment we can make in our lifetime and what better way than supporting the build of a masjid or prayer facility a house of Allah the all mighty.
My dear brothers and sisters please open your heart's and donate generously what you can and if you can not, by at least forwarding the link via WhatsApp to all your fellow family and friends. We need everyones help and support to make this happen!
By some one else donating after seeing your message, that also reeps you a similar reward.
May Allah SWT keep everyone in good health, wealth and imaan and accept our charitable donations and good intentions. InshAllah we can achieve this goal and May Allah make it easy for us.
Jazakumallah Khairan,
07908 412399 / 07853 168820
Registered charity no: 1190170
Bank Details:
Account name: Darul Noor Islamic Centre
Sort code: 51-61-34
Account no: 83702806
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Anonymous kind soul
Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Nuh Hersi
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
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