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Organized by Dream of Detroit

Let's Put a Family In a Home & Make Housing a Human Right


raised of 0 USD goal

88 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Detroit, MI

Registered 501(c)(3)

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by November 30, 2022 at 11:45 PM EST

We can keep moving beautiful families into our neighborhood, build homes that are permanently affordable, and make housing a human right.

We're Putting Families into Homes and Building a Thriving Community, inshaAllah

DREAM has rehabbed more than 10 homes so far, bringing a healthy mix of residents into our neighborhood that was already anchored by a masjid and community center, Muslim-run health clinic, and a historic theater. In addition to normal residences, we've added an artist residency and transitional home for formerly incarcerated men. The next home renovation will be the second property we put into our community land trust--a project that promises forever benefit to the community and a step forward in fixing Detroit housing.

Tasneem Joseph, long-time DREAM volunteer, community photographer, and new neighborhood resident.

Tasneem Joseph, our first artist-in-residence and the community photographer payed tribute to her new home in a recent NPR Michigan radio segment, saying,

I live in the most awesome neighborhood in the world. I am blessed and fortunate to have a dream artist residency on this street. This home has literally changed my life. It has given me a haven for my children and a place to call home during the pandemic.

We're on the beginning of a path that's going to allow us to help hundreds, maybe thousands, of people like Sister Tasneem--as long as our community stands with us.

Housing is an Amana (Trust)!

At its core, DREAM's work is fueled by the Prophet's commands to his ummah. As the Prophet (saw) said: Gabriel continued to advise me to treat my neighbors well until I thought he would make them my heirs.

Our responsibility towards our neighbors starts with looking beyond the comforts of our homes to what our neighbors are lacking in basic necessities.

Narrated by Othman bin Affaan, the Prophet (SAW) said, “There is no right for the son of Adam other than these things: a house in which he lives, a garment to cover his nakedness, a piece of bread and water.”

The Prophet (peace be upon him) named housing as a human right and we take that charge seriously. Over the years, our neighborhood has been ravished by foreclosures and bad appraisals which has done nothing but set back our work. But we're committed to raising the funds to renovate and move this next home into our land trust. Nearly every home we've rehabbed started like this, but if this campaign is successful, we can make it move-in ready before the year is over:


This home is starting from a tough spot after years of vacancy, but we can turn it around this year inshaAllah.

What We've Done So Far

The before and after photos of some of the previous DREAM rehabs.

We've changed the narrative about our neighborhood. Ten years ago, planners didn't think this area had a real future. But by mobilizing local residents, our metro-area Muslim community, and donors, we've been able to tell a different story. A story of hopefulness, rooted in vision, values, and partnership. We just started building a real staff over the last year, but as a group of committed volunteers over the years, we've been able to:

  • Activate more than 600 volunteers, graduate 75 aspiring entrepreneurs from our training, plant 114 trees, and reach thousands of community members through our programming.
  • Become a founder of the local, influential Longfellow Block Club, a member of the Coalition for Property Tax Justice, and ally with partners throughout the neighborhood and across the country.
  • Have our work featured in local and national media: The Nation, The Detroit Free Press, Crain’s Detroit Business, The Guardian, WDET Detroit 101.9, Michigan Radio 91.7, WBEZ Chicago 91.5, WJR NewsTalk, Sapelo Square, AltMuslim, Mad Mamluks, Diffused Congruence.
  • Start exploring new commercial and residential construction to really take our neighborhood to the next level.

More About the Community Land Trust Model

DREAM intends to ensure that our neighborhood can never become a victim to gentrification by creating permanently affordable housing. We'll do this through a Community Land Trust (CLT).

CLT’s are non-profit, community-based organizations designed to keep land available at low cost for low and moderate-income families. They can also help eliminate racial wealth gaps by assisting traditionally under-served communities gain access to a degree of home equity. And most importantly, they provide stability for neighborhoods and families. As our partner Eric Williams from the Detroit Justice Center says, People who are renting a home on a community land trust or who are leasing the land there, are much less likely to go into foreclosure than people residing in other circumstances.”

We know the the beautiful community of folks who've supported DREAM over the years will stand behind us as we take on this ambitious effort. Can you chip in today?

DREAM volunteers at one of our clean-up events before the pandemic.

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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$15 USD, 2 years ago

samar Harfi

$100 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 2 years ago

Farooq Haque

$100 USD, 2 years ago

Mansoor Nasir

$50 USD, 2 years ago

Clarence Archibald

$1,500 USD, 2 years ago

Rayyan Najeeb

$500 USD, 3 years ago

Aaqelah H.

$25 USD, 3 years ago

Ahmed Cheema

$30 USD, 3 years ago

Mona Haydar

$500 USD, 3 years ago

Asma Oral

$25 USD, 3 years ago

Reem Killawi

$25 USD, 3 years ago

Muhammad Abdallah

$100 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 3 years ago

Nicole B

$25 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$3 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 3 years ago

Sameera Ahmed

$100 USD, 3 years ago

Elias Varachia

$130 CAD, 3 years ago

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