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Islamic Center of Ocala Phase 1 Expansion


raised of 0 USD goal

98 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Ocala, FL

Registered 501(c)(3)

Verified for authenticity.

This campaign will collect all funds raised by December 31, 2023 at 11:45 PM EST

The Islamic Center of Ocala is raising money to commence with design, permitting and surveying prior to commencing with construction plans.

UPDATE: OCTOBER 2023: Topo and tree survey have been completed. Ended up being more than quoted because underestimation of tree work. With eveyones donations, we've been able to pay this in full $12k alhamdulilah. We are advancing onto next step which is concept planning and geotechnical engineering work. Estimated another $12k. 

UPDATE August 2nd 2023: Found a company to go forward with boundary and topographic surveying, approximately $8k. With each and every one of YOUR donations, we are moving forward with this alhamdulillah. 


UPDATE: July 24th 2023:  Whatever of Masjid wooded property that can be has been bush hogged. Stop by the center sometime this week to check out the progress. Much of the forest is actually walkable right now.


We are so pleased to announce the expansion of the Islamic Center of Ocala! Little Ocala is not so little anymore. This has been so many years in our duas and hopes and alhamdulilah it is finally becoming a reality. It is not a matter of if, but WHEN InshAllah! 

Anyone who has ever come to our masjid talks about the special culture of our masjid. Everyone knows everyone and everyone feels like family. We are aiming for a bigger masjid, but to still retain the feeling of a small community.

For those who have been in this community for so long, it started off with just a few families praying at a room at the local hospital. Eventually a cultural center was built, but with so much desire and need to establish a real islamic community, The Islamic Center of Ocala was established in 2000.

Why do we need this?

To put it simply:

  1. Numbers have grown, our community has grown in the past 20 years to say the least
  2. Ramadan dinner nights are limited because of setup and breakdown to have space to pray
  3. Local college and many new converts depend on our center for classes and dawah
  4. Limited parking (it is a common problem every year people get blocked in, this has actually driven people away who need to leave after Eid prayer for eg and they get blocked in)
  5. poor current building design for our purposes (bathrooms very poorly placed for access)
  6. Space, space, space
  7. Recreational facilities are currently zero for the youth


We have completed Phase 1.1 of the expansion project which is the due diligence and basic concept.

This fundraising is to complete Phase 1 (1.2, -$40k and 1.3-$80k) and fulfill the surveys as per the suggestions from the due diligence report performed by Kimley Horn, whom we have inside engineers with alhamdulillah.



Following phase 1.2 and 1.3, we will be able to get an accurate quote to actually break ground and start construction, commencing phase 1.4.

We ask this to be a sadaqa jaariya for any who donate to this cause and may Allah put baraka in it for us as long as we remain sincere, ya Rabb.

 “The one who builds a Masjid (Mosque) for the pleasure of Allah Almighty; Allah would build a house for him in paradise” Sahih Muslim

“Lit is such a Light in houses, which Allah hath permitted to be raised to honor; for the celebration, in them, of His name; In them is He glorified in the mornings and in the evenings (again and again)”


Features of the new property concept:

-New Masjid to be able to accommodate 300+ people at any given time, with full bathrooms, wudhu areas, men’s prayer area and a mothers/totally segregated room as well as partial private womens area

-Retail stores to directly serve/ benefit the community and also provide a source of revenue to sustain masjid (i.e. halal café, halal grocery store, slaughter house)

-Full k-12 school buildings and associated fields

-multiple green areas to allow for events and overflow parking e.g. BBQs, bouncy house events, bazaars

-outdoor court/plaza for meeting/talking outside of prayer area

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Sheikh Mahmud Hasan

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An Anonymous kind soul

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Abdul Khan

$1 USD, a year ago

An Anonymous kind soul

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Khalil Z Sabawi

$100 USD, a year ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 2 years ago

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