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Impact: Taiba, Kaolack
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The Project
This is the third fundraising we have launched over the past two years for the building of the Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Health Centre (Centre de Sante Cheikh Ibrahima Niasse).
We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all those who have donated and supported Alfityanu Humanitaire International (AHI) for this cause. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the generous contributions and the amazing efforts spreading and sharing this campaign with your friends and families.
Past 2019 fundings
Alfityanu Humanitaire International (AHI) received approximately 27,435,860 CFA (USD 46553.47) in 2019 from our previous crowdfunding. With that amount, it will complete the elevations and entire roofing for Phase 1 of the hospital. Thiongane Archi et Béton (TAB) was engaged to carry out the construction of Phase 1 of the health centre.
In November 2017, Sout Ilaahi Directors & Founders Khalid Ajmain & Ainun Harun, accompanied by Volunteer Muhammad Ameen went to visit the site where the hospital is set to be built. The generous Mayor donated this huge piece of waqf-based land to the project idea of Al-Fityanu Humanitarian, an UN recognized NGO.
Khalid Ajmain, Ainun Harun and Volunteers Muhammad Ameen & Nurasyikin Amir at the site.
On the 24th of November 2018, Alfityanu Humanitaire International had a groundbreaking ceremony to lay the first stone of the Health Centre. It took place in the presence of the administrative and medical authorities and as well as Shaykh Mouhamadou Mahy Cisse. More than 5,000 people attended the ceremony to witness this memorable day.
The building of the foundation began mid-2018 and as of now, the first cornerstone has been placed.
First half of 2019
Construction Begins! The commencement of constructing from laying of foundations up to the erection of the exterior walls of the Hospital from the 1st wave of donations raised via Launchgood.
Elevation of the health centre and placement of slabs on the flat roof panels.
Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Health Centre
The Health Centre in Taiba Niassene includes a maternity and paediatrics ward. It will be built on a single floor with a surface of approximately 1500 m2. It will be planned in a modular and scalable complex, thus expandable according to the needs of the community.
This facility will respect the principle of climatic design and energy efficiency, particularly in the construction, cooling and ventilation of the buildings and lighting. By controlling the electricity and water consumption and using renewable and sustainable energy, the hospital will minimise in Carbon Dioxide emissions.
On top of that, the building’s equipment aims to be self-sufficient by means of photo-voltaic panels on the roof surface to produce electricity. The facility will ensure environmental autonomy in most of its landscape aspects.
The hospital will be built in three construction phases:
· Phase I (450m2) – ONGOING
Maternity wards with paediatry Maternal and Child Health, Family Planning and Urology
Supply Facilities
Costs for the first phase are currently estimated to be USD 398,000
· Phase II (877m2)
Supply Facilities
Costs for the second phase are currently estimated to be USD 775,000
· Phase III (360m2)
Hospitalization wards
Supply Facilities
Costs for the second phase are currently estimated to be USD 318,000
Design of the Health Centre - 3D Visualisation
Design of the Health Centre - 3D Visualisation
Design of the Health Centre - 3D Visualisation
Floor Plan for Phase 1
Timeline & Cost
Phase I has a target date completion of 2020. After laying the foundation, the total construction cost is estimated to be another USD 235, 000. This cost excludes the total equipment and supplies cost, as we are still pending on receiving donations of equipment such as hospital beds from other hospitals around Europe. With this campaign, we are aiming to continue paying for the contractor fees. We will continue to have more campaigns in the coming months and procure the medical equipment.
This Is A Chance for You To Perform Sadaqah Jariyah!
As the land is waqf-based, it gives an opportunity for Muslims to do an endowment donation as part of the Sadaqah Jariyah. However, people of all races and religion are welcome to contribute to this humanitarian project.
Sadaqah Jariyah bridges the poor and the rich in an interdependent relationship.
We need your support!
We ask for your duas and prayers for the success of this project. As a non-profit group, we rely on your generous donations and the power of social media to spread this cause. We hope to garner your continuous support for this fundraising campaign.
No one can do everything, but everyone can do something!
May Allah (SWT) reward you with goodness.
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “When the son of Adam dies, his actions come to an end except for three; sadaqah jariyah (ongoing charity), knowledge which brought benefit and a pious child who makes supplication for him.”
Narrated by Abu Hurairah r.a. (Riwayat Imam Muslim)
Sulaiman Ali
An Anonymous kind soul
Ahmad Zakir
Syahiran Saleh
Muhammad Asyraf
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Siti Nur Jannah
Ousmane Diop
Rachel Reid
Ainun Harun
Venita Jassey
Rakeeza Sheren
An Anonymous kind soul
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