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Impact: Malaysia
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This campaign will collect all funds raised by May 31, 2020 at 11:45 AM EDT
UPDATE 3 (Mar 23, Monday): We've exceeded our third goal of RM80,000! We are currently receiving a lot of requests from the National Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC-KKM) and vulnerable communities throughout the nation! The situations are getting in demand of assistance and support from the general public. We have increased the target to RM150,000.
UPDATE 2 (Mar 21, Saturday): We've exceeded our second goal of RM50,000! You have helped many in need! With more requests for help pouring in, we have increased the target to RM80,000.
UPDATE 1 (Mar 19, Thursday): We've exceeded our initial goal of RM30,000! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! With more requests for help pouring in, we have increased the target to RM50,000.
Due to the multi-stakeholders requests for support and assistance this fund shall be used to assist the following beneficiaries:
1. Vulnerable communities who are affected by COVID-19 i.e. the refugees, elderly citizens, low-income families, immobile and underprivileged communities.
2. Malaysian healthcare system i.e. the hospitals, Klinik Kesihatan and the frontline staffs who are working 24 hours 7 days a week.
Understanding the donors and supporters, the fund collected via LaunchGood are free to be disbursed by MERCY Malaysia at any the organisation intended. The amount collected appears on the platform is to indicate the total fund donated by the donors be it online via LaunchGood platform or offline via collaborators offline collection.
We will make sure that all funds collected will reach the targeted beneficiaries systematically.
Thank you for your lovely support and assistance.
Malaysian Medical Relief Society
(Reg. No: PPM-020-14-16091999)
Unit 19-8, 19th Floor
Menara Oval Damansara,
No. 685, Jalan Damansara,
60000 Damansara,
Kuala Lumpur
SSP Crowdfunding Secretariat:
+6012.643.7296 (Khalid) / +6012.643.7450 (Azah)
Head quarter:
Tel: +603-7733 5920
Fax: +603-7733 4920
MERCY Malaysia always working with different organisations who wish to achieve a similar goal and direction. We are collaborating with NGOs, Government Linked Companies, Multi-National Companies, Government Agencies, Private Companies and the general public who wish to work hand in hand in a well strategised, coordinated, structured and managed mission.
We are working closely with National Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC). Disease Control Division. Ministry of Health Malaysia and we will try our best to support the needs of the government hospitals in combating Covid-19.
We are providing support and supply which are required by the Centre and not based on our own assumption and prediction.
We might not the frontliners but we are trying our best to support them with the assistance and support from all of you.
On 16th of March 2020, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tan Sri Muhyiddin announced that the government will impose a nationwide movement control order from March 18 -30 to contain the Covid-19 outbreak.
The measure will restrict the movement and congregation at religious, sport, social and cultural events. While public and business premises will be closed, Muhyiddin announced that supermarkets, sundry shops and other shops which sell daily essentials will remain open.
It is recommended that people avoid large crowds, maintain a reasonable supply of shelf-stable foods in case they end up quarantined, and stay home from work if possible.
The virus is still out there. MERCY Malaysia needs your help to combat this deadly virus.
We need your help to support the Malaysian healthcare system with:
what more when prices of medical supplies have skyrocketed.
Our work has just begun…and we cannot express enough gratitude to everyone who has been marching along with us in one way or another! Thank you and please continue to support us through this battle with the unknown enemy, Covid-19.
With full of gratitude, we would like to thank parties that helping us day and night voluntarily for our COVID19 Emergency Relief Fund via LaunchGood platform to reach Malaysian & International Donors. To date we have collected RM80,760.00. By this great collaboration, we believe that we can reach RM300,000.00 donations InsyaAllah.
Thank you so much to our supportive collaborators:
And not to forget our celebrities who play their roles in influencing public, fans, followers to participate in this campaign;
We welcome organizations in Malaysia and abroad who would like to support this campaign as Publicity Partners: NGOs, influencers, community leaders, mosques, groups and others. Publicity Partners are only required to help promote the campaign via email and social media. To be added to the endorser list below, please email us at with your organization's name, logo, and city/state/country.
For tax-exemption receipts: Please send a screenshot of your donation to with your full name, IC number, mailing address, email and telephone number (requirements by LHDN). Kindly allow processing time of 2 weeks for your receipt.
There are more ways to support us. Please click HERE.
Please click HERE for our daily update.
March 30: All hands on board now, from district clinics to state hospitals. However, not all small town health facilities are prepared to handle this sudden and unexpected challenge.
On 27 March, #mercymalaysia Sabah Chapter sent over tables, chairs and fans to Klinik Kesihatan Ibu dan Anak Papar to be used for Covid-19 screening among the Papar population.
March 30: 245 baju Tyvex, 2000 penutup muka, 2000 sarung tangan dan kit kebersihan diri diterima oleh Dr Lee daripada Klinik Kesihatan Selayang pada Jumaat lepas, semoga boleh mendatangkan manfaat kepada petugas kesihatan.
March 30: Our first Covid-19 Response REPORT CARD for 10 Days of MCO!
Thank you to everyone who has played a part in our work the last 10 days, we could never have done it without you. Wait for our next Report Card!
March 29: For Kuala Lumpur Hospital, speed is of essence because of the high number of patients daily.
HKL's Medical Assistant Azami was swift and efficient when receiving 500 PPEs (Tyvek), 1000 masks, 1000 gloves, 300 individual hygiene kits and 50 bottles of hand sanitizers from #mercymalaysia’s EXCO member Norazam Ab Samah last Thursday.
March 28: Sedia berkhidmat untuk negara!
Sukarelawan kami yang dikerah untuk membantu CPRC bersedia dihantar ke mana-mana Klinik Kesihatan di Lembah Klang yang memerlukan kakitangan sokongan. Tugasan mereka termasuk menjalankan saringan, mengambil sampel pesakit dan mengumpul data.
Walaupun nampak mudah, petugas itu terpaksa berdiri berjam-jam di bawah matahari terik, dengan memakai baju perlindungan (PPE) lengkap. Cabarannya hanya Tuhan yang mengetahui...Bersama-sama kita doakan kesejahteraan mereka.
March 28: Be honest with your travel and contact history, because you may cause more damage than you realise, such as infecting a whole hospital ward!
At Selayang Hospital, morale had been low when one of its wards had to be temporarily closed for disinfecting last week.
Their spirits were lifted with the contribution of 500 PPEs (Tyvek), 1000 masks, 1000 gloves, 300 individual hygiene kits and 50 bottles of hand sanitizers two days ago.
The contributions, courtesy of Maybank, #maybank heart, #yayasansimedarby, #vivo and MRSM KB84 were received by Pn.Hawani Hamidun.
We may not be frontliners, but we are the backenders - the ones working behind the scenes daily from day to night to see that things are delivered to the right people and places.
March 27: Since last week, #mercymalaysia volunteers have been working with Crisis Prevention & Response Center (CPRC) to assist with screening and sample taking of patients, as well as data collection at several Klinik Kesihatan in the Klang Valley.
March 26: PPUKM Hospital Director Prof Dato’ Hanafiah Harunarashid; Deputy Director Datuk Prof Razman Jarmin; and #mercymalaysia's Vice President III Dr Shalimar Abdullah were all smiles (behind the masks!) when the team delivered over 100 Tyvek suits, 200 face masks and 100 personal hygiene kits to Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) yesterday afternoon. "The hospital only has 30 very old Tyvek suits, so this contribution is much appreciated!" says Dr Shalimar.
March 26: Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) are in short supply everywhere and costs have also increased multiple folds. To assist medical providers at Klinik Kesihatan Gombak Setia, our team sent over 50 PPE (Tyvek suits), 700 face masks and 100 Personal Kits contributed by #maybank group and #maybankheart to the screening team.
March 26: With the news that the Movement Control Order has been extended to 14 April, families in the B40 groups will be hard-pressed to make a living. Fortunately, there are so many kind-hearted souls in our community!
Yesterday, we delivered 150 food packs donated by Charity Right to the B40 communities at PPR Kota Damansara to help them through this challenging period.
March 24: Virus ini tidak memilih, sesiapa sahaja mungkin dijangkiti jika telah berhubung rapat dengan mereka yang dikesan positif. Setengah-tengah pesakit mungkin tidak bergejala, tetapi merupakan pembawa virus corona ini.
Di Klinik Kesihatan Kinarut, #mercymalaysia Sabah Chapter hari ini menghantar makanan, air minuman kepada petugas perubatan, serta kerusi dan meja untuk menjalankan saringan Covid-19.
March 24: Medical equipment is critically lacking now at all hospitals, more so those that have been appointed as Covid-19 referrral centres. #mercymalaysia delivered 150 units of PPE (Tyvek) to staff nurse Faridah of Unit Kesihatan Pekerjaan & Alam Sekitar (KPAS) in Pusat Kesihatan Daerah Klang earlier today to help supplement supplies.
March 24: "My hospital, my second home". Medical practitioners are not unused to sleeping at the hospital where they practice, but with the Covid-19, they hardly even go home! #mercymalaysia Sabah Chapter this morning sent over mattresses and pillows to Hospital Queen Elizabeth 1, Kota Kinabalu, to provide more comfortable sleeping space for the frontliners during this trying time.
24 March: If you are a Spiderman fan, you would be familiar with the phrase: With great power comes great responsibilities.
This is probably how Dr Jefri Irwan, our Klinik QFFD resident doctor felt when conducting visits to Rohingya communities to reach the refugees who might have attended the tabligh gathering some weeks ago.
They visited places that are frequented by refugees, including restaurants, mini markets and grocery shops, informing them that they should self-quarantine if they have no symptoms and to come to the clinic if they have symptoms.
At our clinic, a referral letter will prepared for them to get Covid-19 testing. There are no fees for those tested positive, and they will be warded accordingly. For those tested negative, MERCY Malaysia will support the RM40 fees imposed by the hospital.
Muhammad Z. Azhar
Nurul Khairiah Mohamed Yusof
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Amal Azman
Suaridzam Saad
Tan Jo Dee
Erisa Ainda Takei
Aisyah Che Azizuddin
An Anonymous kind soul
Arifah Husna Binti Badlishah
Aida Azmi
Danial Khalif Bin Che Khalib
Amy Heidi
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
They Lost Their Land, Don't Let Them Lost Their Future
Education paves the way to make the dreams of the children a reality. Whether being an architect, a teacher, or even an astronaut!
However, for 500 orphans and refugees, education itself is a dream as the children are of victims of wars, crises and conflicts.
Therefore, the children of Uyghurs, Syrians, Somalis, Rohingya, and Afghans need you to secure their future.
This Ramadan, let us together extend our arms for the children to receive the education they deserve.
✅ 12 months - USD 600
✅ 6 months - USD 300
✅ 1 month - USD 50
In collaboration with Sahlah Academy, the children will receive specialized education including Arabic and Al-Quran classes in Turkey and Malaysia. We are building an electronic educational platform that can be supported on mobile devices with curriculum for children for all schooling levels, qualification program for teachers and educational leaders and accelerated education programs.
📌 LaunchGood:
💛 Spread this message to your family and friends to benefit more children in need.
#philcare #sahlahacademy #donation #ramadan #education #alquran #arabic #refugees #children #orphans
Help Kuszie Cream
Help Kuszie Cream To Rise Again!
When we were shaken by ash oods in Gurun and Yan, Kedah; Balik Pulau,
Penang also experienced the same situation where a few villages here were
affected with 2-meter water raised last Aug-18!
Her Story
One of those affected by the bad flood was a micro-entrepreneur who runs
an ice-cream business around Kedah and Penang. Ms. Haziela Hamid
suffered the loss of raw materials and equipment damage due to business
premises and houses being flooded to waist level! Among the damage were 4
units of the freezer, 1 unit of refrigerator, blender, and cooker while stocks of
raw materials such as cones and ice cream bowls worth thousands of
ringgit could not be used.
The fundraising campaign is to help Ms. Haziela Hamid to restart her small
business after all equipment and stocks were hitted by flash floods. The
damages were so great that she can’t even afford to cover up with her own
expenses while experiencing a business downturn due to Movement Control
Order 3.0.
To Donate click the link below
Dear Donors & Supporters,
We wish to invite you to Ummah Summit 2020.
Judiciary, Statesmanship, Leadership, Corporate World, Entrepreneurship
Deeniah & Spiritual , Motivational & Self Help, Education & Research, Science Technology & Innovation
Philanthropy, Humanitarian, Animal & Planet, Islamic Social Finance
Arts & Music, Animation & Films, Television & Broadcasting, Sports & Athletics
* To register via Debit Card or Credit Card please click www/
* To register via bank transfer please transfer to Maybank Islamic Account: Philandure Sdn Bhd - 5622.0964.0361 and please fill the e-form at (applicable for Malaysia)
Along with the third wave of COVID-19, more than 200 cases rising every day in Malaysia and several states are being forced into two weeks of Conditional Control Movement Order (CMCO) starting from October 14-27!
While most of us have already prepared for the third wave of COVID-19 Tsunami, there are vulnerable communities who totally lose their jobs, sources of income and the will to keep on going with their life.
The vulnerable community will be hard-pressed in making their living as their sources of income is disrupted by the movement restriction and the risk that comes with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Therefore, Fitrah Institute with the collaboration with Philandure and The Khadijah’s is taking this initiative to address the issue through this fundraising campaign to help those vulnerable community in going through their upcoming days.
This collaboration aims to provide immediate assistance such as food and supplies for them to survive their upcoming days.
Let’s lend our hand to share the blessings bestowed upon us to them.
It might be only a small amount from us, but the gratitude that they feel can never be imagined!
Dear Donors,
Today is 4th days of Movement Restriction Order in Malaysia. We would like to thank you all for being there to support us in supporting the frontliners.
Every time we deliver the assistance and supplies to the frontliners, we could not hold our selves. They are our unsung heroes. The serve the nation with their life and we need to help them by sharing this initiative to all our networks.
As you know, MERCY Malaysia is working closely with National Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC). Disease Control Division. Ministry of Health Malaysia and we get first hand information on their challengers and issues that they need to overcome in combating Covid-19.
We have the actual data on what are their actual needs on the ground. Whether medical equipment, manpower, medical supplies, protective materials, and other essential needs like food and drinking water.
Currently we really need more and more support from the general public and we do hope you guys could reach more people who willing to combat the virus together with the frontliners.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you from our deepest bottom of our heart. We love you guys.
MERCY Malaysia Crowdfunding Team
Every donation is backed by our Trust & Safety guarantee.
Each fundraiser is reviewed by our team to ensure they are legitimate.
Our encryption and security protocols protect your personal information and financial data.
We take great care in providing a world-class giving experience.
Backed by our Trust & Safety guarantee