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Organized by Muslim Show

Dialogue by Muslim Show


raised of 0 USD goal

724 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: France

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by December 26, 2017 at 5:00 AM EST

Help us support the distribution of the Dialogue comic worldwide to encourage dialogue regarding Islam

Noredine ALLAM, born in Amiens, France, 40 years old. He is the Director of Bdouin Studios and the author of Muslim Show comics.

Dialogue : what is it all about? 

The aim of this comic project is to explain what Islaam entails, and why the overwhelming majority of Muslims do not support terrorist attacks made “in their name”.

That’s it. That’s the short version. Now, here’s the full story...

Muslim Show

This is the name of the comic series that we launched 8 years ago, with Karim (my brother) and Greg Blondin. Since then, our aim has always been the same: give Muslims a source of entertainment in line with their values and principles, with humour and a moral. Basically, something new and refreshing...

Who follows the Muslim Show?

The series is followed in over 20 countries, and by the grace of Allah, more than 2,000,000 people regularly read the Muslim Show on social media and in print.

The vast majority of these readers are Muslims. Expected, given that the way the series is written (with its phrases and symbols) would be relatively difficult to understand to someone outside of Islaam. And yet… it is not unusual to come across comments, on the series’ social media accounts, wanting to learn more about the subject. Believers, and non-believers, want to better understand the cultural world in which Muslims exist.

For many years, this was more “friendly”, like an exchange between a Muslim and their neighbour.

Then, there was September 11th…

The first cooling in inter-community relations. Muslims started to replace Russians in villain roles in cinema. Anti-Arab racists became anti-Muslim racists, and unscrupulous media outlets jumped on this bandwagon, to grow an audience. Having said this, discussions were still possible worldwide between communities, the dialogue was not completely broken...

Then, there was DAESH...

I don’t know about you, but for us, in France, this was like a tidal wave… For one, because with each attack made, general accusations against all Muslims multiplied. And on top of that, because this climate revived all the deepest fears and concerns that the French people had against their Muslim counterparts.

A phobia leveraged by denunciation campaigns by ever increasing psuedo-Islaam-specialists!

Who was to blame? What was to blame? The reasons are many… All that I know, is that now we have to move away from the path we used in the past: community relations took a huge hit, and Eid desserts gifted to neighbours will no longer do the trick!

What do we do now? 

I’m a Muslim, so I’m an optimist. That’s the bottom line. :)

Leaving this responsibility to the media and politicians would be too easy (even if they should be taking it).

I can’t explain myself? Why not...but...who will answer my neighbours’ questions? My family? My colleagues? My close friends??

Why not make the most of this situation, and all of these interrogations, and use it to renew DIALOGUE between communities? We don’t have to explain ourselves, we just have to explain. Not spreading, just sharing. Not imposing, just proposing!

So, let's dialogue! 

The aim is not just to denounce the attacks… we want to do more than that: we want to explain, point by point, why we are AGAINST all acts of injustice, and to illustrate why ISLAAM and INJUSTICE cannot co-exist!

A comic with no taboo subjects, with an open heart, for all who want to truly understand and learn.

Why the fundraising? 

Our goal is simple: to distribute as many free “Dialogue” comics as possible in several countries worldwide.

By buying a comic, you contribute to the printing of that comic, and the distribution of another to someone who wants to learn about Muslims. These free comics would be distributed through a network of volunteer partners involved in the project.


This comic has got to be the Muslim community’s own comic. To have it accepted unilaterally, it has to be truly “neutral” and “independent” of all political or activist influences.

If somebody said “tell me who funds this and I’ll tell you who’s behind it”, I would say “WE! The community.”


OK! Exclusively, here are the first 4 pages of the DIALOGUE comic… After that, we’re counting on you to get involved.

Where does the money go? 

This 64 page book will be ready for distribution in September 2018 and the main expenses include : 

Don't forget, the more we raise, the more we print, the more with share Dialogue comic book. 

Final words : "O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted."  AYAH al-Hujurat 49:13

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An Anonymous kind soul

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Updates 1

Muslim Show7 years ago

Dialogue project explained in 5 frames

Salam Alaykum, 
At first, we want to thank you to support us in this campaign, it warms our heart.
Here are some pics to share, in order to help us to promote this crowdfunding.
Barak Allahu fikum, may Allah bless you.

Muslim Show's team.

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