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This campaign will collect all funds raised by March 12, 2020 at 5:00 PM EDT
Chelmsford Muslim Society (Registered Charity No. 1139707)
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Please help us to repay the loan (Qarde Hasna) for our Islamic Centre and Community Centre during the blessed month of Ramadan
You can make a difference that will be recorded (Sadaqah Jariyah) in history for this life and the next, inshallah. The reward for donating during Ramadan is immense. Please donate generously.
* The existing masjid was built in 1985.
* Over time, alhumdulillah, our community has grown and our town was awarded into a City. For this and other reasons it has attracted alot of people from London and nearby towns, the current premise is no longer adequate in size to meet the needs of the rapidly growing Muslim community.
We have been searching for suitable premises for eight years and recently identified a local sports and community centre, which become available for sale.
* Chelmsford Muslim Society is a registered Charity 1139707.
* Alhumdulillah with the blessing of Allah SWT and community support completed the purchase on 14th February and paid £2.35m.
* However £615,000 is a loan which require repayment. Out of this £280,000 need to be paid immediately. The remaining £325k can be paid over two years.
* Assistance is also required to carpet the prayer area, create Wudu facilities for brother and sisters and make Ghusl area.
* We have exhausted our local resources and now require the help of our wider Ummah to achieve the goal that will create a legacy for generations to come.
We need your help to repay the loan (Qarade Hasna) and make prayer facilities- Please donate during the blessed month of Ramadan, even a small amount.
Hadith: Uthman Ibn Affan reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said “whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in paradise.”
Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari 439, Sahih Muslim 533
Description of premises
The Chelmsford Islamic and Community Centre has Sport facilities and number of rooms which can be hired to generate income to make it self sufficient.
However the facility is currently closed due to Corona virus (COVID-19). Please donate during Ramadan so that the loan can be repaid. Eventually the venue will generates some revenue to cover the day to day expenses. Hopefully the revenue can be increased in the future repay any remaining loan.
The premises has two suitable large halls and several smaller rooms which will cater for;
- Prayer facilities for worshippers for Jummah congregation prayer, Eid and Taraweeh.
- Adequate facilities for children’s Islamic education
- Women's prayer area
- Space for ‘Youth development'
- Funeral facilities
- Lecture facilities for various courses and speakers.
- Community events
- 98 Carpark spaces
- Facilities for the elderly, mothers and young children's groups
The Almighty says in the Holy Quran:
"Those who spend their wealth (in Allah's cause) by night and by day, in secret and in public, they shall have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve" - Surah Al- Baqarah verse 274
Chelmsford Muslim Society (Registered Charity No. 1139707)
Contact details:
Chelmsford Muslim Society
Chelmsford, Essex
Telephone: +44 (0) 1245 261563
6.25 square inch
17 of 250000 claimed
31.25 square inch
18 of 50000 claimed
62.5 square inch
8 of 25000 claimed
1 square foot (ft²)
10 of 8000 claimed
2 square feet (ft²)
4 of 4000 claimed
4 square feet (ft²)
2 of 2000 claimed
1 square yard
0 of 1000 claimed
1 square metre (m²)
0 of 800 claimed
2 square metres (m²)
1 of 400 claimed
4 square metres (m²)
0 of 200 claimed
8 square metres (m²)
0 of 100 claimed
Family Legacy Tile within the Mosque
0 claimed
An Anonymous kind soul
Adam Ibrahim Warda
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Muhammad Z. Azhar
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Azi Hamid
UK muslims (500 donors)
An Anonymous kind soul
miss shafali begum
Rubina patel
Miss Mariyah Akhtar
Waleed Kader
mohd sirajuddin
Idham Ismail
Wudu and ghusl facility for Chelmsford Islamic and Community Centre
Please help make Chelmsford Islamic and community centre debt free.
Also require funding to make Wudu and Ghusl area.
Please donate during the remaining days of Ramadan. The reward is immense.
Use the link below and pass the message to your friends:!/
Help make Chelmsford Islamic and Community Centre Debt free
Salam and JazakAllah khair for your support.
With your support and Allah SWT blessing we have purchased the building but need to repay the loan. Please donate during the blessed month of Ramadan so that we can repay the debt, carpet the prayer area, and make wudu/ Ghusl facilities.
Please use the new link below. Thank you for your support!/
Chelmsford Islamic Centre update
Allhamdullilah we have completed the deal. However we have £615000 Qarde Hasna which need to be repaid. We also need funds to carpet the prayer area, create wudu facilities for brother and sisters and make Ghusl facility.
Please continue to donate until the QH is repaid and prayer facility created.
Chelmsford Islamic Centre update
We still urgently require £170k by end January. Please continue to donate and ask friends and colleagues to help.
JazakAllah khair
Chelmsford Islamic centre
Thank you for you support. We have now exchanged contract and paid £2.1m. We need further £250,000 by end of January to complete the deal. Please continue to contribute and ask colleagues, friends and relatives to help
If you need further information please contact me on
JazakAllah Khair
Chelmsford mosque and Islamic centre
Quick update
We have now exchanged contract and now desperately require £250,000 by end of January 2020 to complete the deal. Please donate and ask friends. Colleagues and relatives to donate so that we can raise the required amount and complete the deal.
Thank you for your support
Jazak Allah Khairun
Asalaam Alaikum dear brothers and sisters,
Thank you all for your donations so far, May Allah reward you for it.
I would encourage you all to share our campaign, so that we may reach our target in sha Allah. Please stay tuned so that we can update you with the outcome of our fundraiser, In sha Allah
Jazak Allah Khairun
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