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Help Fix House Damage for "Gang Truce" Imam


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Impact: Los Angeles, CA

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by July 21, 2017 at 1:00 AM EDT

On July 6th, the FBI raided and damaged the house of Imam Mujahid Abdul Karim, an influential imam who spearheaded a peace truce between Bloods and Crips gangs.

Event Timeline:

At approximately 5:20 am, on Thursday, July 6th, 2017, in South Central, Los Angeles, California - what appeared to be over fifty (50) federal law enforcement agents cordoned off approximately two full city blocks and raided Imam Mujahid Abdul-Karim's (Masjid Al-Rasul founder) home, shortly after the family completed morning (fajr) prayers.

Without any warning, FBI forces broke down Imam Mujahid’s outside security fence and stormed the residence. Flash grenades were then hurled into the house, shattering windows in the process. Nearly his entire family (consisting of Imam Mujahid, his wife and two kids ages 21 and 16) were then handcuffed and held at gun point. His four (4) year old son (who was hiding behind his Mom) was snatched away from his mother during the episode. 

As he was being held at gunpoint by the FBI, Imam Mujahid was told "not to move" or else they were going to "blow his head off."

Imam Mujahid’s 16 year old son was told to get on the floor at gunpoint, while the women of Imam Mujahid's household were made to endure the indignity of being paraded outside handcuffed at gunpoint wearing only house clothes without their head scarves (hijabs).

Imam Mujahid was scheduled to board a flight that very evening (Thursday) to attend the first-ever fundraising event to help raise money to purchase Masjid Al-Rasul's new Chicago mosque facility.

Despite having to assign brothers from Masjid Al-Rasul Los Angeles' branch to stay and secure his unprotected home and family, he was not deterred in the cause of Allah, and decided to fly to Chicago anyway, the very same night of the FBI raid.

Status of the Safety of Imam Mujahid:

Imam Mujahid returned to Los Angeles, early Friday morning, July 9th. He is currently safe with his family and is presently consulting with legal counsel for the next courses of action.

We Seek Funds to Fix Damages: 

We are seeking funds to fix the damages incurred during the raid. The housing insurance will not pay for these damages due to these being out of their coverage parameters. Windows, garage door, house doors, security gate, and carpets will be replaced/repaired with your help. All other monies raised will be donated to support purchasing the masjid that Imam Mujahid was trying to fundraise for on the day of the raid, which is located in an area in need of help, the south side of Chicago, an area mired with ongoing gang violence and conflict. 

How You Can Help:

  • Support by donating whatever amount you can
  • Making Dua for Imam Mujahid and his family
  • Contacting us via our email:

Imam Mujahid: A Long History of Struggle for Justice:

Imam Mujahid: 1992 Peace Truce. Click on Image.

African Americans in this country have suffered under the crushing weight of American injustices and oppression for centuries, and Imam Mujahid continues to follow in a long tradition of notable African-American figures, such as Rev. King and Malcolm X, who chose to speak truth to American "power" with resolve, courage, and unshakable faith in the supremacy of God's authority over all things.

Imam Mujahid and the organization he represents, Masjid Al-Rasul, will always let the following verse of the Holy Qur'an be their source of strength and resolve to continue upon the path of truth and justice:

"And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you, or kill you, or evict you [from Makkah]. And they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners." - (Sura Al-Anfal, verse 30)

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