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Scroll to the bottom for Malay translation of the campaign / Tatal ke bawah untuk terjemahan bahasa Melayu kempen ini
UPDATE 27 JUNE 2018: Join our public Facebook group at to receive updates! We hope to run this campaign every Ramadan iA :)
UPDATE 18 June 2018: We have extended our campaign till 1 July 2018 to try to raise enough funds to help another worker who needs brain tumour surgery. Please click on the 'Updates' tab to read about it! Thank you and please continue spreading the word!
UPDATE on 10 June 2018: Thanks to your generosity, we've just hit our target of $40,000!! We're still welcoming zakat and non-zakat donations until the campaign ends, because anything you contribute will still go a long way towards the meal programme and the medical bills of workers like Rana (several of whom are still waiting in line for funds to seek treatment). Scroll down to "Where Your Funds Will Go" for details. Huge thanks to everyone who has so generously donated and shared our campaign so far!
Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2) feeds up to 800 workers a month, for about $2 to $3 a meal. This costs approximately $40,000/month. Their meal program is only for men who are not permitted to work or earn money, but are required to remain in Singapore to assist in police investigations against their employers or while the authorities process their claims (for example for unpaid salaries or compensation for injuries). When the investigations or their claims have been resolved, they are not able to find new employment without going home and starting the process again from abroad.
TWC2 spends further thousands of dollars on medical care needed for injured workers. The vast majority of these workers are Muslim, yet the Singapore Muslim community has so far not been a significant donor. This Ramadan, let us begin a movement to change that. The zakat and charity given by the Muslim community each year can easily go towards providing food and medical needs for the one of the most vulnerable Muslim communities in our midst.
Pictures courtesy of TWC2.
There are many reasons why a migrant worker in Singapore may lose the ability to work. Typically, when a worker lodges a workplace injury or salary dispute claim with the Ministry of Manpower, their employer cancels their work permit, leaving them stranded. Other workers may be physically unable to work after suffering injuries. Other workers have simply have been cheated and arrived in Singapore on a work permit tied to a company which does not exist. These workers have almost always incurred huge debts to pay agency fees in order to come to Singapore, making the loss of income even more devastating.
Muslim migrant workers fall within not only one but several categories of beneficiaries eligible to receive zakat. They are at once among
We spoke to Ustaz Muhammad Mazdiuky about this campaign and he says, "They can accept zakat. They are confirmed from asnaf Ibnu Sabil (travellers), Miskin (poor) or Gharimin (in debt). Wallahu'alam."
Ustaz Ashraf Anwar agrees. "I endorse this campaign", he says, "as migrant workers certainly meet the requirements of the three asnaf (categories) mentioned by Ustaz Muhammad Mazdiuky."
Rana is a 22 year-old Bangladeshi worker in Singapore. As is typical for most migrant workers, a member of Rana's family sold most of her livestock to raise S$20,000 for Rana's work placement in Singapore.
A year ago, Rana fell face-first off a 4-metre high platform in the course of his work, splitting his jaw and and remaining unconscious for the next 15 days. For the next 9 months, Rana could not speak or eat properly. Even today, Rana still has difficulty with his speech. When he filed his workplace injury claim with the Ministry of Manpower, his employer cancelled his work permit, so he can no longer work in Singapore.
While waiting for his case to be resolved, Rana developed kidney stones, which he cannot afford to treat. His employer cannot pay either because they’re in debt, and have not even paid Rana the compensation due from his injury. While waiting for the means to undergo treatment, Rana remains in great pain.
A hospital has given a $20,000 estimate of the medical costs necessary to treat Rana (subject to a scan to determine a treatment plan). TWC2 started a campaign to raise funds for Rana's medical treatment, but they have so far raised barely $2000 of a $10,000 target.
TWC2 assists many workers like Rana.
Where Your Funds Will Go
Your funds will be given directly to TWC2 for the meal programme (Muslim and non-Muslim migrant workers) as well as to pay for the medical needs of injured Muslim migrant workers. As mentioned previously, they spend approximately $40,000 a month on the meal programme, and the estimated medical bill of a worker like Rana is already $20,000. So our goal of $10,000 does not even cover a month's worth of meals or one worker's medical needs. But we hope that this is a start for our local Muslim community and inshaAllah in the years to come, more and more of our zakat and charity can be channelled to this under-served group in Singapore.
IMPORTANT: This is a joint campaign for both the meal programme and medical expenses. Approximately 90%-95% of the meal programme recipients are Bangladeshi Muslims. But due to the difficulty of separating funds to feed Muslim workers versus non-Muslim workers, we are applying the zakat we receive only towards the medical needs of injured Muslim workers. We welcome regular (ie non-zakat) charity for the meal programme. The Giving Levels you see are designed to help you indicate the nature of your donations.
"Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the companion at your side, the traveler…" (An-Nisaa’ 4:36)
KEMAS KINI 18 June 2018: Kami telah melanjutkan tarikh akhir kempen ini kepada 1 July 2018 untuk mencuba We have extended our campaign till 1 July 2018 untuk cuba meningkatkan dana yang cukup untuk membantu pekerja lain yang memerlukan pembedahan tumor otak. Sila klik pada tab 'Updates' untuk membacanya! Terima kasih dan sila teruskan menyebarkan kempen ini!
Kemas kini 10 June 2018: Hasil kemurahan hati anda, kami berjaya mencapai sasaran sebanyak $40,000!! Kami masih lagi menerima zakat dan derma sehingga kempen berakhir, kerana setiap sumbangan akan disalurkan ke program pengagihan makanan dan kos perubatan pekerja warga asing seperti Rana (dan beberapa pekerja lain yang masih lagi menantikan dana untuk dirawat). Sila rujuk ke “Saluran Dana Anda” untuk butiran selanjutnya. Terima kasih sekali lagi atas semua sumbangan anda dan bantuan anda dalam menyebar kempen kami!!
Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2) membantu seramai 800 pekerja asing sebulan dengan memberi mereka makanan yang berharga dalam $2/3 setiap jamuan . Ini menelan belanja dalam lingkungan $40,000 sebulan. Program makanan ini hanyalah untuk pekerja asing yang tidak dibenarkan untuk bekerja atau menjana pendapatan tetapi harus menetap di Singapura kerana membantu siasatan polis terhadap majikan mereka ataupun menantikan keputusan tuntutan mereka oleh pihak berkuasa. (Contohnya seperti gaji tertunggak atau ganti rugi kecederaan). Setelah siasatan atau tuntutan selesai, mereka tidak dapat/boleh mencari pekerjaan baharu selagi tidak pulang dan memulakan proses pencarian itu dari luar negara.
TWC2 juga membelanjakan ribuan dolar untuk rawatan pekerja yang tercedera. Sebahagian besar pekerja-pekerja asing ini beragama Islam, akan tetapi masyarakat Islam Singapura belum memberi sumbangan yang ketara setakat ini. Ramadan ini, marilah kita mulakan langkah untuk mengubah kenyataan itu. Zakat yang diberikan oleh Masyarakat Islam setiap tahun boleh membantu meringankan beban salah satu masyarakat Islam yang teraniaya.
Ada pelbagai kemungkinan mengapa seorang pekerja asing hilang keupayaan untuk bekerja. Mereka mungkin tercedera,syarikat majikan ditutup tanpa diberikan gaji berbulan-bulan lamanya ataupun mereka mangsa penipuan; mereka tiba di Singapura dengan permit pekerjaan untuk sesebuah syarikat yang tidak wujud. Pekerja-pekerja ini lazimnya telah menanggung hutang yang besar kerana bayaran agensi untuk datang ke Singapura. Ini membuatkan kehilangan sumber pendapatan terasa lebih perit.
Pekerja asing Islam termasuk bukan hanya satu malahan beberapa golongan yang layak menerima zakat. Mereka sekaligus termasuk:
Kami merujuk Ustaz Muhammad Mazdiuky tentang program ini dan dia berkata, "Mereka boleh menerima zakat. Mereka tergolong dari asnaf Ibnu Sabil (musafir), Miskin atau Gharimin (berhutang). Wallahu'alam."
Ustaz Ashraf Anwar bersetuju. "Saya menyokong kempen ini", dia berkata, "kerana pekerja asing tersebut memang memenuhi syarat-syarat tiga asnaf yang disebutkan oleh Ustaz Muhammad Mazdiuky."
Rana Mohammad Masum adalah seorang pekerja Bangladeshi di Singapura berumur 22 tahun. Seperti nasib majoriti pekerja warga asing yang lain, keluarga Rana menjual ternakannya untuk membiayai kos penetapan Rana di Singapura sebanyak $20,000.
Setahun yang lalu, Rana mengalami kecederaan yang sangat parah, apabila jatuh tersembam dari pelantar paras ketinggian 4 meter sewaktu bekerja. Rahangnya terbelah dan beliau tidak sedarkan diri selama 15 hari. 9 bulan kemudian, Rana masih tidak mampu bertutur dan makan dengan mudah. Sehingga kini, beliau masih mempunyai kesukaran untuk bertutur. Setelah beliau melaporkan tuntutan kecederaannya, beliau dikhabarkan bahawa permit kerjanya dibatalkan. Akibatnya, beliau terkandas dan tidak lagi dibenarkan bertugas di Singapura.
Sementara menunggu kesudahan kesnya, Rana menghidap radang buah pinggang, dan tidak mampu membiayai kos rawatan tambahan. Majikan beliau tidak dapat membiayai kos perawatannya juga kerana masih berhutang dan belum lagi melunaskan bayaran pampasan akibat kecederaannya. Ini bermakna, Rana terpaksa menantikan rawatan dan penyelesaian hutangnya dalam kesakitan yang teramat.
Sebuah hospital telah menghadiahkan sekitar $20,000 kos perubatan yang diperlukan untuk merawat Rana (tertakluk pada imbasan untuk menentukan rancangan rawatannya). Kempen mengumpul dana untuk rawatan perubatan Rana, yang ditubuhkan oleh TCW2 ini sehinggi kini hanya dapat mencecah hampir $2000, dari sasarannya sebanyak $10,000.
TWC2 membantu ramai pekerja warga asing seperti Rana.
Berikut adalah kos perbelanjaan bulanan dan kos pembiyaian perubatan para pekerja warga asing Muslim.
1)$40,000 - program pengagihan makanan
2)$20,000 - anggaran kos perubatan
Justeru itu, sasaran kami ($10,000) masih tidak dapat memenuhi pembelanjaan dan kos bulanan mereka.
Semoga usaha ini dapat membantu mengurangkan bebanan pekerja warga asing yang terkandas di Singapura akibat kos kehidupan yang melonjak tinggi serta ketidakupayaan mereka akibat kemalangan sewaktu bekerja, dapat diringankan dengan bantuan dan saluran bakti masyarakat Islam setempat.
PENGUMUMAN: Kempen ini adalah untuk program makanan dan perbelanjaan rawatan. Dalam 90%-95% penerima program makanan adalah warga Islam Bangladesh tetapi oleh kerana kesukaran untuk mengasingkan dana untuk pekerja Islam dan bukan Islam, zakat yang kami terima hanya akan digunakan untuk rawatan pekerja Islam yang tercedera. Kami mengalu-alukan sumbangan bukan zakat untuk program makanan. Giving Levels adalah untuk menyatakan jenis sumbangan anda.
Gambar-gambar ihsan TWC2
"Sembahlah Allah dan janganlah kamu mempersekutukan-Nya, dan berbuat baiklah kepada kedua orang tua, kaum kerabat, ayak-anak yatim, orang-orang miskin, jiran tetangga yang dekat dan jauh, teman sejawat dan musafir yang terputus bekalannya.." (An-Nisaa’ 4:36)
Fund a day's worth of meals for 1 migrant worker
Choose this Giving Level if you are paying for regular charity and not zakat.
80 claimed
Help pay for medical treatment for Rana and workers like him
Choose this Giving Level if you are paying for zakat.
89 claimed
Fund a day's worth of meals for 3 migrant workers
Choose this Giving Level if you are paying for regular charity and not zakat.
62 claimed
Fund a week's worth of meals for 1 migrant worker
Choose this Giving Level if you are paying for regular charity and not zakat.
43 claimed
Help pay for medical treatment for Rana and workers like him
Choose this Giving Level if you are paying for zakat.
70 claimed
Fund a day's worth of meals for 10 migrant workers
Choose this Giving Level if you are paying for regular charity and not zakat.
44 claimed
Help pay for medical treatment for Rana and workers like him
Choose this Giving Level if you are paying for zakat.
37 claimed
Fund a month's worth of meals for a migrant worker in need
Choose this Giving Level if you are paying for regular charity and not zakat.
13 claimed
Help pay for medical treatment for Rana and workers like him
Choose this Giving Level if you are paying for zakat.
27 claimed
Fund a month's worth of meals for 2 migrant workers in need
Choose this Giving Level if you are paying for regular charity and not zakat.
14 claimed
Help pay for medical treatment for Rana and workers like him
Choose this Giving Level if you are paying for zakat.
13 claimed
Fund a month's worth of meals for 5 migrant workers in need
Choose this Giving Level if you are paying for regular charity and not zakat.
2 claimed
Help pay for medical treatment for Rana and workers like him
Choose this Giving Level if you are paying for zakat.
7 claimed
Khin Thet Win
Khin Thet Win
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Mohamed Ibrahim
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Raymond Teo
Aliyah Z. Khan
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
2024 Zakat-Eligible Fundraiser is Live!
Salaam & peace to all!
Thank you for donating to our previous fundraiser. We wanted to let you know that our zakat-eligible fundraiser for this Ramadan is live and we've already raised almost $5000 in a week!
Please help us to raise $50,000 this Ramadan for migrant workers in Singapore. Find out more about where the funds are going here:
We also finally started an email newsletter to be better connected with you, especially if you're not on social media and would still like to get updates. You can join our newsletter here:
We promise not to spam!
Hope those who are observing will have a blessed Ramadan! To everyone else, have a good week ahead!
Ameera + Shirin
This year's campaign is LIVE!
Salaam and Ramadan kareem to everyone!
Our annual #SGMuslims4MigrantWorkers fundraiser is now live at
Updates and more details also on Instagram at
Your donations last year to TWC2's Standing Medical Fund helped approximately 50 migrant workers receive medical treatment. You also raised $25,000 for the treatment and financial relief of ‘R’, a Bangladeshi worker with bone marrow cancer.
This time, we're raising funds for the next stage of R's treatment, i.e. a bone marrow transplant (BMT) scheduled for early May. If he misses this window, his condition may deteriorate past the point of being eligible for a BMT. This is why the first $20k we raise will be disbursed immediately and directly to him. You can read more on our campaign page on how R's treatment has progressed since you donated last year.
All funds beyond this $20k will go to TWC2 to help them aid destitute migrant workers, specifically with buying replacement mobile phones for those who need them. Our campaign explains in detail why fully functional mobile phones are not luxuries for migrant workers - especially as the government has made it mandatory for workers to download a series of government apps for health checks, permission to leave dorms, etc. But the cost of a smartphone is prohibitive in relation to the low wages and general poverty of migrant workers.
No amount is too small! And whether or not you're in a position to donate, sharing our campaign would mean the world to us.
You can also always email us through this GiveAsia page with any questions or concerns, and we are always happy to address them!
Thank you so very much for helping us extend relief to our migrant brothers and sisters in need.
Help our Migrant Workers during this Covid19 Crisis!
We hope you've had a blessed Ramadan so far. We wanted to thank you for your donation to the #SGMuslims4MigrantWorkers fundraising campaign since we started it 2 Ramadans ago.
This year, our focus is on migrant workers with unpaid salaries. Migrant workers take up big loans to pay the agent fees needed to work in Singapore. Once here, they work hard and put in many overtime hours so they can earn as much as possible. It is therefore particularly devastating when they face a situation whereby they are either unpaid, underpaid, or forced to accept a far lower salary than what they earned.
If they want to pursue their claims, they have to wait out the process in Singapore without any income, unable to send money to their families, and often having to pay for rent and other basic needs (employers are supposed to provide for their basic upkeep during the claims process, but many do not).
The Covid19 crisis has worsened this situation, as the stories of Masud, Raihan and Sajjad show. You can read about their stories and donate here:
These are consequences of long standing systemic issues and our efforts are not going to change that overnight (or even after 3 years of raising funds) but it provides tangible, actual relief for actual human lives.
Your funds the past 2 years allowed more than 40 injured or seriously ill migrant workers to receive medical treatment that they otherwise wouldn't have, including life-saving procedures such as brain surgery!
We hope you will continue to support our brothers who are facing financial distress, which no doubt are causing emotional and mental distress too. If you have yet to pay your zakat, our campaign is zakat-eligible!
Please also help us share this year's campaign widely, thank you!
Shirin Chua & Ameera Begum
2019 Campaign Going Well!
Salaam and hello everyone!
Last year, you helped us raise over $70,000, which paid for Motin’s and Rana’s medical treatment and helped feed destitute migrant workers. THANK YOU AGAIN!
This year, we launched our campaign earlier in Ramadan and we are now at $28,000 of a $50,000 goal 🙌
The funds that we are raising this year will go towards:
Helping set up a Standing Medical Fund, so that injured and seriously ill workers can get medical care without TWC2 having to raise funds from scratch each time
Supporting an injured and incomeless Nobi Nur and his family back home (Read his story in our campaign page here!)
This won’t be a super long update but we really hope you will check out the new campaign page (, donate, give your zakat to our destitute Muslim brothers who are far away from home, and help us share, share, SHARE the campaign with your friends and family!
What’s more, if you make your contribution on Friday 24 May 2019 from 1pm onwards to Saturday 25 May 2019 12:59pm, we have a chance to win a $5000 boost from LaunchGood!! LaunchGood gives a $5000 boost to the campaign which raises the most money or has the most supporters in a 24-hour period, so no amount is too small.
For our Muslim donors, may you have a most blessed Ramadan, and for everyone else, have a great week ahead! If you haven’t joined our Facebook group for this campaign, you can do so here:
Reply to this email for any feedback, questions or even your well-wishes for us :D
Shirin & Ameera
In the Press! + Motin's upcoming operation
Hello everyone!
We've been busy wrapping up the campaign, but here we are again to announce that we closed the campaign with... $70,489!!!!! 😱
We are so so so so grateful to all of you who made this possible.
The #SGMuslims4MigrantWorkers got great media coverage alhamdulillah! We were in the news THREE TIMES! :D
1) Here's an English-subtitled version of the feature Berita did on our campaign on the local Malay TV news: We love this video and are so grateful to Ira Musfirah for totally GETTING our campaign and why we do what we do and for telling Rana's and Motin's stories.
2) The feature in Straits Times:
3) The feature in Berita Harian. No link so the scanned article is here:
Towards the end of the campaign, we got news about Mr Motin Abdul and his urgent need to undergo surgery for his brain tumour. Thankfully, we all managed to pitch in and raise enough funds! Motin will be going for his surgery on 15 August 2018 at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Please send your prayers and good wishes his way. As soon as we know more about the surgery, we will definitely update everyone inshaAllah.
As you know, this was our first attempt at raising awareness on the plight of migrant workers in Singapore, and specifically on their eligibility to receive zakat money. We hope you'll journey with us as we make this an annual affair inshaAllah. Please join the Facebook group for updates here and get your friends and family to also join:
We'd love to hear any feedback or suggestions as well!
Finally, a note on accountability/transparency, which is very dear to us, especially in the context of zakat money. We thought we'd share the information that TWC2 is a Registered Charity under the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) and the Internal Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). Their audited financial information is available in their annual reports at
Thank you so much again for making our campaign this year a success <3 But we're not resting on our laurels, because stories like Motin's remind us that we have a long way to go. Keep in touch and see you next Ramadan!
Lots of love,
Shirin Chua + Ameera Begum
Eid wishes and update on latest medical case
Our dream for this campaign in the long term is that funds raised each Ramadan will be able to fund TWC2's medical assistance programme for the year, so that they don't have to scramble from scratch like they do now someone needs medical care. And that workers don't have to risk health and life while waiting. But for now, all we can do is scramble for workers like Motin. And as for the longer-term dream... we'll keep working our hearts out. We hope to see you there :)
Shirin and Ameera
$40,000 target reached!
Thanks to your generosity, we've just hit our target of $40,000!! We've been told by Transient Workers Count Too that with the funds raised through this campaign, they have been able to start Rana's medical treatment. He doesn't have to just manage his excruciating kidney stones through pain medication any longer! Thank you so much for giving him this blessing.
We're still welcoming zakat and non-zakat donations until the campaign ends, because anything contributed will still go a long way towards the meal programme and the medical bills of workers like Rana, several of whom are still waiting in line for funds to seek treatment. Huge thanks to everyone who has so generously donated and shared our campaign so far!
Target raised to $40,000!
Thanks to the amazing support we've received and the generosity of our donors, the initial campaign target of $10,000 was met very quickly. We've now raised our campaign target to $40,000! This is the cost of the meal programme for a month OR 2 times the medical bill of someone like Rana (Scroll down to "Where Your Funds Will Go" for details). We would like to say a HUGE thank you to you for having so generously donated to our campaign! We'll need all the help we can get to reach $40,000, so please continue to share our campaign with anyone you think might find it meaningful. Thanks so much!
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