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Organized by Neda Kadri

Emergency Housing 4 Refugees


raised of 0 USD goal

358 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Athens, Greece

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by April 10, 2019 at 11:45 PM EDT

Helping refugees facing homelessness get into homes & access social welfare benefits. Our mission is to help themtoday. Our hope is one day we won't have to.

This picture, taken by us, is an image we have seen too many times. Families living with nothing more than a tarp or tent for shelter. If we do not act now, hundreds of refugees will be forced to live like this at the end of March... With thousands to follow in the months to come.

Help us provide the resources they need to access monthly social welfare benefits that will prevent their homelessness and cycle of abuse, destitution, and poverty.

The Problem
Hundreds of refugees - that had their asylum claims accepted in 2017 - were recently informed that they no longer qualify for the benefits they received in the ESTIA program which provided their housing and a small monthly cash allowance.

Homeless or Hungry. 

They were informed that they have until March 31, 2019 to move out of their homes. Those that leave on this date will have their cash benefits extended for an additional 3 months. Those that do not move out, will lose their cash. 

An (im)possible solution.

Refugees qualify for some social welfare benefits through the state like the monthly Social Solidarity Income for low-income families, a monthly housing allowance, and discounted electricity and water. 

Most refugees are unaware these benefits even exist, and even those that know, find it impossible to meet the minimum requirements to access these benefits as they don't have the resources (rental contract, utilities, etc.) needed to qualify.

For refugees that have been completely dependent on charity and the solidarity of NGO's to survive - coming up with the funds needed to secure an apartment or utilities is a daunting and hopeless task. They enter a cycle of homelessness and destitution that is impossible to get out of.

What we want to do about it.

Our first priority is getting families off the streets and into a safe accommodation. 

Then, our (pilot) program will provide the resources families need to meet the minimum requirements needed to qualify for their social welfare benefits. 

               1.) The deposit and first month rent for their apartment.

               2.) The deposit needed to start their electricity.

               3.) The minimum amount needed to open a bank account.

               4.) Assistance with obtaining additional documentation needed.

               5.)  Assistance with obtaining their A.F.M (tax identification) and

                     AMKA (social security number) if they haven't already done so.

               6.) Interpreters to aid with translation and application process. 

               7.) Legal support (if needed) during the application process.

               8.) Transportation to and from necessary  appointments.

The gift that keeps on giving.

Upon successful enrollment and completion of the program, families will have secured housing and avoided becoming homeless and secured the monthly social welfare benefits needed to survive until they have fully integrated and can secure jobs. 

We know that welfare isn't the ideal solution, or a permanent one... But since the alternative is seeing entire families - elderly, women, children, and the disabled - sleeping on the street... This is the best solution given the circumstance.

Please give what you can and share with family and friends... 

Your donation TODAY will help keep a roof over a family's head tomorrow <3

Who we are....

My name is Neda Kadri and me and my husband, Rafat, have been volunteering in Greece since December 2015.

Our journey on October 28th, 2015 when Rafat’s cousin; along with her four children, her husband, and approximately 300 other refugees, boarded an over crowded wooden fishing ship. They were destined for Lesvos.

Suddenly, with Lesvos lights in sight, the second deck of their wooden ship collapsed. It collapsed down into the first deck leaving a gaping hole that flooding the boat with rushing sea water.

Chaos, emergency rescue operations by civilians, fear and confusion followed; by the end of the night, several dozen people were still unaccounted for… Among those missing, was Rafat’s cousin, two of her children, and her husband.

I (Neda)  took on the Rafats' missing family “case” while search and rescue operations were still taking place. A couple hours after I had begun to search for them, it was announced that operations had now shifted to recovery of the deceased.

Two days later, on October 31st, I got the call. The bodies of the toddler and eight-year old had washed ashore. The baby was still in the jacket he was wearing in the last picture taken of him… The same picture we posted everywhere praying a volunteer had stumbled across them.

By the time Rafat made it to the island a few days later, the bodies of the parents had washed ashore as well. Four of his family members had perished trying to reach safety. They say one can’t really find closure or grieve the loss of a loved one until after the burial; Rafat, along with the families of about 70 human beings, would do neither. There was nowhere to bury them. So in a refrigerated truck they lay for three weeks while the municipality figured it out... Eventually a cemetery was created for the drowning victims. These 4 graves are where Rafat's cousin, husband, and 2 children lay.

That is when the volunteering journey for Rafat began. He came to mourn the loss of his loved ones who perished in the sea. He soon found himself on the shores, driven by resolution to help those who still had a chance. The drive was born of his grief. Rafat would use the same rubber dinghies that carried the refugees, only he was riding them out to sea to make sure people made it to shore safely.

I joined Rafat on the coast of Greece in December of 2015. We helped thousands on the shores of Lesvos.

In January 2016, the “Angel of Moria Project” baton was passed on to us from another volunteer. The baton carried very heavy responsibility. "Angel of Moria Project" provided cash assistance to the most vulnerable cases; women traveling alone with children, the elderly and disabled. Families stuck because they simply couldn't afford to continue their journey.

In 2017, we founded the House of Humanity. An Aid Distribution Center that brought DIGNITY, FREEDOM & CHOICE to the aid giving process by setting up a small clothing shop and supermarket that allowed refugees to CHOOSE what aid they needed most and wanted. 

It was tragedy that brought us to Lesvos.... But sometimes out of tragedy can come beautiful things. A month long volunteer trip kept getting extended... And here we are, three years later!

During these three years we distributed over 500 tons of humanitarian aid to tens of thousands of refugees, provided direct financial assistance to hundreds of families, sent an aid caravan to the borders of Idomeni, and even served as a refugee camp for three months!

No bureaucracy… No delays. Just ordinary human beings coming together for the sake of humanity.

Here are some more pics... If you would like to see more of our work, pictures or videos... Check out our Facebook page:

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Julia O'Shea

$25 USD, 5 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

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An Anonymous kind soul

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$10 USD, 5 years ago

Sarfraz Abdool Carrim

$100 USD, 5 years ago

Sayed Alvi

$50 USD, 5 years ago

Nadeem Hossain

$10 USD, 5 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 5 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

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An Anonymous kind soul

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An Anonymous kind soul

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An Anonymous kind soul

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An Anonymous kind soul

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An Anonymous kind soul

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$18 USD, 5 years ago

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$5 USD, 5 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$7 USD, 5 years ago

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