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Organized by S.A.L.A.M

How much will you give for Islam?


raised of 0 GBP goal

3449 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: London, England

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by August 16, 2019 at 12:45 AM EDT

How much will you give to spread ISLAM

If you were given a chance to speak to over 2 million+ people every single month, would you?

The Islamophobia industry gets $200 Million per year just to attack the Qalam of Allah swt. Will the Muslims support the deen for 0.10% of that?

We need 1,500 generous donors to give just £100 in this holy month of Ramadan.

We have this opportunity but we need your support to continue.

5 Rewards our donors get!

#1 Our youth starting to practise, leaving Haram, Zina, Music and more!

#2 Being rewarded for reaching 2 MILLION people per month with Islamic Videos!

#3 Carrying out peaceful debates and discussions about Islam around the world

#4 SALAM+ a free online learning platform for thousands of people to learn Islamic Studies

#5 Challenging Islamophobes and those who tarnish the Deen and exposing the misinformation via debated and discussions

Unfortunately, we are fighting an uphill battle! If we do not get the necessary funds we cannot continue

We need 1,500 generous donors to give just £100 in this holy month of Ramadan.

The Prophet saw said

 “Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a similar reward.

Donate now and start reaping the rewards!

Your giving amount



Out of the 1,500 people, we need you have made up half of 1 Alhamdulillah! Every drop raises the ocean! You will share in the reward of the great work we do!

319 claimed


Special Person!

YOU ARE 1 Out of the 1,500 people we need! Your donation will support our videos, podcasts, lectures and much more! May Allah bless you!

201 claimed



Allahu Akbar! YOU have donated for 2.5 Out of the 1,500 people we need! You have doubled the donation! Reap the rewards for supporting our videos, podcasts, lectures and much more! May Allah bless you!

21 claimed



Takbeer!!!! YOU have donated for 5 Out of the 1,500 people we need! May Allah increase you! Reap the rewards for supporting our videos, podcasts, lectures and much more! May Allah increase you many folds!

16 claimed



SubhanAllah! Allahu Akbar! We cannot thank you enough! YOU have donated for 10 Out of the 1,500 people we need! May Allah increase you! Reap the rewards for supporting our videos, podcasts, lectures and much more! May Allah increase you many folds! Ameen

6 claimed



YOU have carried SALAM up the mountain! This donation will go very far! It has jumped us to 25 people out of 1,500! MashaAllah TabarakAllah! May Allah increase you! Reap the rewards for supporting our videos, podcasts, lectures and much more! May Allah increase you many folds! Ameen

0 claimed


Ultimate Donor! X50

Visit us at our STUDIO! Ultimate Donor! May Allah bless you and your family! May he increase you many folds! May he put Barakah in your wealth! This is an enormous help towards our cause! It has jumped us to 50 people out of 1,500! MashaAllah TabarakAllah! May Allah increase you! Reap the rewards for supporting our videos, podcasts, lectures and much more!

0 claimed


VIP! X100

SPEECHLESS! YOU donated a 100 donors value! If you have given this, may Allah make you abundant and make EVERY single good deed from this heavy on your scales! YOU are VIP for us because you value our work so much! May Allah bless you and your family! May he increase you many folds! May he put Barakah in your wealth! This is an enormous help towards our cause! It has jumped us to 100 people out of 1,500! MashaAllah TabarakAllah! May Allah increase you! Reap the rewards for supporting our videos, podcasts, lectures and much more!

0 claimed


Your share could raise over 0


Recent supporters

Imran Malik

£10 GBP, 6 years ago

Nayef Habbas

£17 GBP, 6 years ago

Nazish Mahmood

£30 GBP, 6 years ago

Sham Hassan

£20 GBP, 6 years ago

Alison Green

£1 GBP, 6 years ago

Ridhaa Dollie

£10 GBP, 6 years ago


£2 GBP, 6 years ago

Maliha Sattar

£2 GBP, 6 years ago

Hodhayfa Fattouche

£5 GBP, 6 years ago


£10 GBP, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£1 GBP, 6 years ago

Maryan Musa

£20 GBP, 6 years ago

Jamshed Nasir

£10 GBP, 6 years ago

Akram Raouf

£25 GBP, 6 years ago

Shaista Malik

£50 GBP, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£1 GBP, 6 years ago

Salbiah Mokhtar

£20 GBP, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£3 GBP, 6 years ago

Fatuma Muhamed

£10 GBP, 6 years ago

Will Deyamport III

£5 GBP, 6 years ago

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