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Organized by Joe Bradford

ILM Academy


raised of 0 USD goal

95 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Houston, TX

Registered 501(c)(3)

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Help us raise a educated generation of Muslims that will engage faith and society with confidence.


For over 10 years, ILM Academy has provided children with a superior educational experience. Our holistic approach to learning supports academic excellence, responsible citizenship, altruism, and most importantly cultivates a strong Muslim identity. We proudly serve our community by grooming our upcoming leaders and humbly ask you to give us a hand with a financial deficit and building a financial reserve. 

Our goal is simple: We need 500 people to donate $500 to help us raise a confident, educated generation of Muslims.


Founded in 2006, ILM Academy started in a single classroom of 4 students sparked by a vision of providing a high quality, holistic education rooted in Islamic values. We now occupy a 2-story school building and external classrooms which contain over 185 bright faces every day. Our students learn in classrooms well-equipped with tools like quality textbooks to interactive whiteboards, which our certified, nurturing teachers use to inspire them daily. 

Check out this short video that will tell more about our students, staff, and accomplishments.


Your support will help us continue to groom confident, well-educated, faithful leaders who are already serving their community. 


As this academic year is closing, we need the funds to cover deficits and help us create a reserve of funds as we go into the next year. We need:

  • $160,000 to cover this academic year's projected operating deficit
  • $30,000 to cover the construction deficit from the recent construction of our library and technology lab
  • $60,000 to build a fund reserve for yearly summer expenses launch into the next academic year

This is where YOU come in. Ideally, we would like 500 people to donate $500 to us and this campaign will be done, but we know everyone tries to give as much as they can, whether it be $5 or $5,000, so we ask you to give as much as you can. Every dollar counts and can help support the school in a variety of ways. Below are just a few examples!

  • $100- Academic Support Materials and Resources for a Student
  • $250– Professional Development Opportunity for a Teacher 
  • $500– Equipment for New Science Lab 
  • $1,000– Science Lab Construction 

"The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing." (Quran 2:261)


How can YOU be a part of the success of future generations?

  • Contribute! We're asking you for $500, and if you would like to donate another amount, please do! Every dollar counts! 
  • Share! Please share this with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Email, however,wherever!
  • Come! You're invited to our 11th annual fundraising gala so let us know at if you're attending!
  • LIKE! Please go to our Facebook page [HTTP://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ILMACADEMYTX] and give us a thumbs up! We'd love to share more about our school with you online!

Your giving amount


Help build a legacy

No amount is too small, and nothing goes unrewarded. Your donation of $10 will help us move closer to our goals and continue our mission to provide children with quality education and confidence in their faith.

6 claimed


Make Us Smile!

Your contribution of $25 dollars shows you are dedicated to our goal of raising confident Muslim kids. You'll be rewarded twice, once for your charitable contribution and once for making our students happy to know they have your support.

4 claimed


A Students Textbooks for One Semester

By contributing $100, you will help us procure textbooks for a student. These textbooks will then be used every year there after for that grade level. A Sadaqah Jariyah of both knowledge and value.

4 claimed


A Students Textbooks for the Year

By contributing $100, you will help us procure textbooks for a student. These textbooks will then be used every year there after for that grade level. A Sadaqah Jariyah of both knowledge and value.

2 claimed


A Shelf of Library Books

Giving $250 will help us stock our school library, filling one shelf and building a resource that will be used year after year by our students.

3 claimed


Our Core Campaign

We set out with the idea that if we can get 500 people to donate $500 dollars each, we'd cover our campaign in no time. What can $500 do? One thing it does it help us send one of our teachers for training, training that will help them instill the lofty character and dedication to learning that we here at ILM make our focus.

2 claimed


Twice the reward!

Donating $1000 allows us to do twice as much or more for all the previous giving levels!

3 claimed


A Good Deed Counted Tenfold

Donating $5000 is like 10 people giving $500 each. Gain the reward of 10 people, and see each reward multipled tenfold! Giving at this level will receive special mention and prayers at our gala celebration.

1 claimed


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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$1,000 USD, 8 years ago

Guest User

$4,864 USD, 8 years ago

Guest User

$4,864 USD, 8 years ago

Guest User

$4,864 USD, 8 years ago

17 ILM

$4,864 USD, 8 years ago

16 ILM

$4,864 USD, 8 years ago

15 ILM

$4,864 USD, 8 years ago

14 ILM

$4,864 USD, 8 years ago

13 ILM

$4,864 USD, 8 years ago

12 ILM

$4,864 USD, 8 years ago

11 ILM

$4,864 USD, 8 years ago

10 ILM

$4,864 USD, 8 years ago


$4,864 USD, 8 years ago


$4,864 USD, 8 years ago


$4,864 USD, 8 years ago


$4,864 USD, 8 years ago


$4,864 USD, 8 years ago


$4,864 USD, 8 years ago


$4,864 USD, 8 years ago


$4,864 USD, 8 years ago

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