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Organized by Jamila Alqarnain

Islamic Phonics Readers Series


raised of 0 USD goal

361 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: United States

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Revolutionizing The Way Muslim Children Learn To Read!

Ground Breaking Curriculum For Muslim Children

The Islamic Phonics Readers Series, once completed, will be a set of seven colorful and engaging readers. Each book will come with a set of flashcards with the corresponding sounds for your children/students to study. This set will be an excellent resource for teaching your children/students phonics. Phonics is the primary building blocks to reading and writing proficiently.

Our readers are designed to give children a strong phonetic foundation. The stories are written with the Muslim child in mind, full of fun stories that encourage good character, morals and problem solving from an Islamic point of view. 


The first phonics reader, "Adam to Zamzam", has been completed and is ready for distribution. We are in the process of finishing the editing, layout, cover design and illustrations for the remaining readers. 

We are looking to complete all of the books in 2016. We are very excited about getting our books on the market. Our goal is to make our phonics readers available for parents and teachers worldwide. Inshallah, with the help of Allah, we can make this dream become a reality.

Why It's Imperative That You Join Our Team

We are very passionate and determined to bring this product to market and we believe that you should be too. Why?  As Muslim educators we see the need for curriculum that teaches children about their religion, their relationship with Allah, and how to be upright, moral human beings. In order for our children to have a strong Muslim identity and a true love for this Deen, it is crucial that they connect with these Islamic principles on a daily basis. Our readers are written and illustrated in a way that makes that possible, in a way that is fun, as well as educational. 

A Muslimah will not kill a bug.

A Muslimah will give Mum a hug.

Learning to read is a fundamental process that all children must go through in order to have success in life. Why not give them the gift of literacy while simultaneously cultivating their faith and strengthen their Deen? Libraries, Islamic schools, masjids, parents, grandparents and home educators need this and we are the ones who can deliver.

Idris can mix.

Idris can fix.

We've made much progress, but we’re still in the process of completing our series. We're asking that you contribute to our campaign today and become a part of this exciting movement in a new direction.

All About Noon Publications

In 2005, my sister and I decided to start our own publishing company. We named it Noon Publications. We are a company dedicated to providing high quality publications and productions geared toward English speaking Muslim men, women and children. Our goal is to educate and celebrate the beauty and diversity of the Muslim Ummah.


In 2011, we published our very first books, “The Muslim Family Guide to Successful Homeschooling” and “Halal Healthy Meals." We have received rave reviews for our literary works, Alhumdulilah. It has been an awesome learning experience and we have had much success. We started two separate blogs, and We also have a presence on our facebook pages Successful Muslim Homeschool and Halal Healthy Meals. We started these two pages in order to promote our books, but over the past few years we've done so much more than that. We really like connecting and sharing on our pages, It's been very rewarding. Through publishing these two books, we have learned a lot about the publishing process. The whole experience has been a blessing and we have gained much knowledge which we will apply to our new project: “The Islamic Phonics Readers Series.” 

We were inspired to take on the task of writing Islamic based readers while teaching our children how to read. We used the secular and Christian readers that were available to us, but wished that we had reading material that mirrored our religious principles and beliefs. Seeing that there weren’t any Islamic readers on the market at the time, we decided to take on the challenge.

We took a systematic approach with each of us writing stories for a specific list of sounds. At the time, my sister and I had eight children between the two of us so we knew that we had our work cut out. Over the years our families continued to grow and now we have 13 children, Alhumdulillah! It took us a while, but we never gave up. We continued our work through all the ups and downs of life, never taking our eyes off our goal. Little by little we began to see the fruits of our labor. At this point we are ready to wrap things up and begin mass production.


Karemah, Jamila, our husbands and 12 of 13 children.  The oldest child is away at school.

How You Can Help

In order to successfully complete this project and get our books into schools, libraries, and homes around the world, we are asking you to contribute to our campaign. Monetary contributions are needed in order to complete the manufacturing, distribution and marketing of our readers. The chart below breaks down where your contributions are going:

Check out the reward deals! Donate some funds and get rewarded while you’re at it. Click the contribute to the right or the Paypal link below to easily donate through Paypal.

All contributions are welcomed. Any size donation is accepted and we wholly appreciate all your help. Also, please share our campaign on your social media networks to help us get the word out about this exciting new up and coming series. Duas are definitely needed and welcomed as well. Jazakalah Khair. 

Our Talented Young Team

After our first book, the level 3 reader, was illustrated by sister Marini Widowati.  Thereafter we decided to give our children the opportunity to illustrate our books. They had been drawing since they were old enough to hold a pencil, Alhumdulilah. We knew they were talented young artists, but the work they did on these readers far exceeded our expectations! They continue to amaze us with their talents as we work together towards our goal. The children are much older now, working on our projects while juggling school and their other outside interests.

This has been a great opportunity to give these emerging young artists an awesome, real life experience in the world of art. I am grateful to Allah that we are able to travel on this journey together as a team.They are learning so much, Mashalah. Two of the most important lessons they have learned are the value of hard work and determination. My dua is that they will carry these lessons with them through life, whether they continue as artists or decide to pursue different careers. May Allah guide them and keep them on this Deen.

About The Authors

Jamila Alqarnain, a native of Buffalo, New York and a 2nd generation Muslim, was an active child whose hobbies included sewing, arts and crafts, reading, drawing and and writing stories. Sewing was her favorite. Majoring in Fashion Clothing & Textiles at Buffalo Vocational Technical Center, her goal was to become a seamstress and fashion designer. However, as time passed, Jamila rediscovered her love of writing. She teamed up with her sister and co-founded Noon Publications.  In 2005, she published her first book, The Muslim Family Guide to Successful Homeschooling.  Jamila has been a homeschooling mom since 2000. She is also a wife, blogger and entrepreneur.

"Loving ALLAH and the Islamic way of life starts with the parents, who in turn passes this on to their children.  We are striving to educate them in Islam and reverence their CREATOR and MAKER."

Karemah Alhark, a 2nd generation Muslim, was born in Buffalo, New York. Writing was her favorite subject in grammar school. In 1993, Karemah graduated from the State University of New York at Buffalo, with a B.A. in Psychology, and a minor in Early Childhood Development. While in college, Karemah worked as a teacher’s assistant with Bethel Head Start. In 2011, she published her first book, Halal Healthy Meals. She has actively been working towards completing The Islamic Phonics Readers Series with her sister as well as working on various business ventures. Having dedicated over 15 years to homeschooling her five children, Karemah is a firm believer in giving Muslim children a strong Islamic education.

“It is our job as parents, to give our children a strong foundation in Islamic culture, morals and beliefs.”

Light Bulb On Pencil In Hand Stock Photo by kibsri. Link:

Figure Thinking On Question Mark Stock Photo by Master isolated images Link:

Donation Box Stock Photo by winnond, Link:

3d Man And Megaphone Stock Photo by cooldesign. Link:

Muslim Girl With Quran Image
via and Getideaka

Royalty Free Music From:

Your giving amount


Giving Level Title

Giving level description

34 claimed



A thank you note and 1 downloadable coloring page.

34 claimed


You Are Appreciated!

A thank you note, 5 downloadable coloring pages, a digital copy of either our cookbook "Halal Healthy Meals" or our homeschooling book "Successful Muslim Homeschool".

30 claimed


You're Making Waves!

A thank you note, 5 downloadable coloring pages, a digital copy of our cookbook "Halal Healthy Meals" and our homeschooling book "The Muslim Family Guide to Successful Homeschooling."

14 claimed


You're Making It Happen!

A thank you note, 5 downloadable coloring pages, a physical copy of either our cookbook "Halal Healthy Meals" or our homeschooling book "The Muslim Family Guide to Successful Homeschooling" and a digital copy of both.

3 claimed


You're Bringing This Baby Home!

A thank you note, 5 downloadable coloring pages, a physical copy of our cookbook "Halal Healthy Meals" and our homeschooling book "The Muslim Family Guide to Successful Homeschooling" a digital copy of both books, a coupon good for 50% off of our readers or other future publications.

0 claimed


Lead The Way!

A thank you note, 5 downloadable coloring pages, a physical copy of our cookbook "Halal Healthy Meals" and our homeschooling book "The Muslim Family Guide to Successful Homeschooling" a digital copy of both books, a coupon good for 50% off of our readers or other future publications, a free copy of Adam to "Zamzam" our first Islamic Phonics Reader.

0 claimed


The Mother Load!

A thank you note, 5 downloadable coloring pages, a physical copy of our cookbook "Halal Healthy Meals" and our homeschooling book "The Muslim Family Guide to Successful Homeschooling" a digital copy of both books, a coupon good for 75% off of our readers or other future publications, a free copy of "Adam to Zamzam" our first Islamic Phonics Reader, your company name mentioned in one of our stories.

0 of 3 claimed


The Executive Level!

Giving level description

0 claimed


Your share could raise over 0


Recent supporters

Syed Wasim

$25 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 9 years ago

Sabirah's Sabirah

$20 USD, 9 years ago

Saudah Damis-Salaam

$10 USD, 9 years ago

Hussayn Ali

$203 USD, 9 years ago

Patricia Hall

$25 USD, 9 years ago

Khalil Muminun

$25 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 9 years ago

Huda Al

$20 USD, 9 years ago

Ameer Alhark

$100 USD, 9 years ago

Islamic Educational Center of Orange County (17 donors)

$413 USD, 9 years ago

Jaffaria Islamic Society (15 donors)

$185 USD, 9 years ago

Akil Fahd

$25 USD, 9 years ago

Tunisia Davis

$25 USD, 9 years ago

elisa peebles

$25 USD, 9 years ago

Malika Abdul-Jami

$50 USD, 9 years ago

Hannah's Gem

$5 USD, 9 years ago

Patricia Abdulghani

$10 USD, 9 years ago

Abdul-Rahim Muhammad

$50 USD, 9 years ago

Ibraheyma Alhark

$50 USD, 9 years ago

Updates 8

Jamila Alqarnain9 years ago

Thank You So Much For Your Support!!!

Asalamu Alaykum And Greetings!

I just wanted to thank everyone so much for believing in us. Without your support we wouldn't have a chance at getting this project off the ground. We're adding everyone who supported the Islamic Phonics Readers Series to our emailing list. That way you'll receive updates periodically about the progress of our project.

May Allah reward your generosity!

Karemah Alhark at Noon Publications

Jamila Alqarnain9 years ago

Jamila Alqarnain9 years ago

We're Almost There!

Asalamu Alaykum and Greetings!

I pray that everyone is doing well on this blessed Friday. First I'd like to thank each and every one of you for supporting our literacy initiative, the Islamic Phonics Readers Series. (IPRS) Without your contributions, we wouldn't have made it this far. We are presently at $11,865. This is truly Amazing! Alhumdulillah! (The Praise Is Due To God)

We are not in the clear just yet, however. We still need to raise $3,135 more, and we only have 7 more days to do it. This campaign will be over next week Friday the 15th, so I really need to ask a favor of you. Traditionally with crowdfunding campaigns, the project may need a second funding from the contributors, either to reach their initial goals or stretch goals. Alhumdulillah, for our campaign we really don't need much more. If everyone who's previously donated to our campaign were to contribute just $25 more, it would put us in the clear. In fact it would put us beyond our goal, which would allow us to spend more in the way of marketing or even allow us to print more books. However, realistically we understand that not everyone will be able to contribute a second time. It's highly possible that not everyone will see this message. Some will not be able to contribute again. We understand these things, this is why we're setting the second contribution at $25 or more. If that's too much for a second contribution, give what you can. And lastly if you can't give a second contribution, please let others know about our campaign and our deadline.

We've come too far not to reach our goal! You can help us succeed.

Thank you so much for supporting us and believing in us.

Karemah Alhark at Noon Publications

Jamila Alqarnain9 years ago

Has Everyone Been Taken Care Of?

Asalamu Alaykum and Greetings!

I'm just checking to make sure that everyone who has contributed $50 and up has received there gifts. If you have not received something that you're entitled to, please email us at

Please check your email first. All gifts would be coming to your from Dropbox.

Jazakallah Khayr for your support!

Karemah at Noon Publications

Jamila Alqarnain9 years ago

Jamila Alqarnain9 years ago

Jamila Alqarnain9 years ago

Thank You So Much!

Asalamu Alaykum and Good Morning!


I'd just like to say thank you to everyone for your generosity and for believing in our project. We'll be sending out your gifts later on this week.


Please if you know of any others that may be interested in supporting this project please by all means, spread the word!


May Allah reward you and enjoy the rest of your week!

Karemah at Noon Publications

Jamila Alqarnain9 years ago

Thank You So Much!


I justwanted to take time out to thank you personally  for your initialsupport of our Islamic Phonics Reader Project. I’m so grateful for yourgenerosity and commitment to this cause. The success of this project reallymeans a lot to us and to all of the Muslim parents and educators who willbenefit from the completion of this project.

We intend tokeep all of our supporters updated on the progress of our project. If and whenwe reach our goal for this crowdfunding campaign, we will move towardscompleting our Islamic Phonics Readers series immediately.

In order forus to reach our goal, we need the word to get out to everyone. Please help usto gain the interest and attention of other potential supporters by sharing ourlink on your Facebook page and other social media outlets.

Once again,thank you so much for believing in our vision.


Karemah andJamila at Noon Publications

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