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Organized by 2 Curious Hearts

"It's Jummah!" Islamic Baby Board Book


raised of 0 CAD goal

155 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Waterloo, ON

Verification in progress. Learn More

Get a head start with your little ones on the sunnahs and etiquettes of Jummah in a simple and engaging way!

***UPDATE - November 27th, 2017

We have launched our website! Please check it out  and pre-order "It's Jummah!" book at 

Kindest regards,

Najia and Lyazzat


Our launchgood campaign is officially ending today! MashaAllah we have surpassed our goal, which wasn't expected at all! All thanks to you! :)

May Allah reward you for your amazing exceptional deeds and make this effort pave your way to Jannah InshaAllah! :) Ameen

Kindest Regards,

Najia and Lyazzat


We have reached our goal of $3,000 Alhumdulillah! Jazkallah Khair for all your support! We have now switched to partial funding so that everyone can keep pre-ordering the book till the campiagn lasts! Please spread the word to your circle of family and friends to buy their copy for the little Muslim in their lives! :) 

The Perfect Start...

  • Expecting a baby soon? We have the perfect deeni educational beginning!
  • Want a book to read to your precious new grandbaby? We have just the one!
  • Going to your best friend's baby shower? Here's the ideal gift!
  • Looking to invest in charitable work that keeps increasing in reward? Here it is!

Introducing: It's Jummah! (Learn the Sunnahs and Etiquettes of Friday prayer). The first of many upcoming Islamic baby board books for babies ages 0-2. 

Not enough Islamic baby board books!

Our daughters' passion for reading made us realize there are NOT ENOUGH Islamic baby board books for their age for teaching and learning Islam. This thought led us to the creation of series of Islamic baby board books catering to their young minds to strengthen the bond with Allah and religion and learn about the world side-by-side.

Jummah is all about the Friday routine!

Babies do very well with routines. While routines like bath time and meal time are crucial to healthy living, for us Muslims, so are the fardh and the sunnahs which complete the code of our Islamic lives. 

Why wait? Start Early!

Teach your child the Jummah routine, engrave it in their hearts. There's no doubt babies can learn and absorb anything at this age. Our daughters inspired us to create literature that promotes Islam first and foremost and other education as a bonus.

What is so unique in these books?

They are

  • For babies (ages 0-2) 
  • Simple (less is more and less distracting for the young ones!)
  • Colourful ( makes it attractive and engaging)
  • Educational (learn Islam, learn routines, learn about the world) 
  • Good resource to simple Islamic principles (foundation is everything!)

What we will do with the funds?

  • Print "It's Jummah!" baby board books by Summer 2017
  • Ship it globally 
  • Market and advertise by attending and selling at Muslim events and exhibits
  • Use the profit to print the next books

Our timeline:

Benefits for you...

  • Gift it = rewarding now and for later :)
  • Read it out = teaching Islam is Sunnah
  • Buy it = good foundation for your baby's education 
  • Support it = Sadaqah Jaria. You are set for the next world too :)

Also enjoy the perks made by our amazing artist Zainab! The bookmarks, inspirational cards, digital calendars, and magnets are beautiful keepsakes and gifts.

Meet the team!

The authors (Lyazzat and Najia):

We are two friends enjoying motherhood to the fullest with our kids and using them to guide and inspire us to do good in this world. They end up teaching us what we can teach them, it's an amazing journey full of miraculous events, Alhamdulillah.

The illustrator (Zainab)

One art piece at a time, Zainab is out to show the world the great Islamic art, beautiful calligraphy and the amazing creations of Allah with digitalized goodness. 

Visit her page at Etsy to find your favourite artwork which is made to inspire to educate, and to brighten up any place in the world!

There is more coming soon...

This book is the Bismillah to our 3 series, and 9 baby board books. While this deals with just the Sunnahs and a good Muslim Jummah routine, the upcoming ones have Islamic knowledge and pre-Montessori education (like shapes, colours, fruits and vegetables, etc.), so babies can learn them both at the same time. 

Also we aim to translate these books in the future and have them in multiple languages! My friend and I, Pakistani and Kazakh, have a strong desire to keep our mother tongues alive. InshaAllah, we plan to translate them to Urdu, Kazakh, Russian, Arabic, Bengali, and other languages.

Stay connected:

For more details and updates on our baby board books publishing adventures,  visit and like our FaceBook page, follow us on Instagram, or send us an email at 

Your giving amount


Every little bit helps!

Thank you for supporting our cause! May Allah reward you abundantly! JazakAllah Khair!

18 claimed


Enjoy Islamic Digital Calendars

Thank you for supporting our cause! May Allah reward you abundantly! Enjoy a small token of appreciation from us by ZainabMade!

Sold out!

2 of 2 claimed


"It's Jummah!" Board Book

Be one of the first to read out or gift "It's Jummah!". Thank you for supporting our cause! May Allah reward you abundantly! FREE Shipping to Canada and US. Please add extra $5 for International Shipping.

44 claimed


"It's Jummah!" Board Book + Islamic Bookmark

Thank you for supporting our cause! May Allah reward you abundantly! Enjoy a small token of appreciation from us by ZainabMade! FREE Shipping to Canada and US. Please add extra $5 for International Shipping.

9 claimed


"It's Jummah!" Board Book + Islamic Wooden Magnet

Thank you for supporting our cause! May Allah reward you abundantly! Enjoy a small token of appreciation from us by ZainabMade! FREE Shipping to Canada and US. Please add extra $5 for International Shipping.

Sold out!

7 of 7 claimed


1 for YOU, 1 for ANOTHER

a) 1 copy of "It's Jummah!" book will be shipped to you + 1 copy donated to the local masjid/library OR b) 2 copies shipped to you Thank you for supporting our cause! May Allah reward you abundantly! FREE Shipping to Canada and US. Please add extra $10 for International Shipping.

23 claimed


"It's Jummah!" Board Book + Inspirational Card + Islamic Bookmark + Wooden Magnet

Thank you for supporting our cause! May Allah reward you abundantly! Enjoy a small token of appreciation from us by ZainabMade! FREE Shipping to Canada and US. Please add extra $10 for International Shipping.

Sold out!

6 of 6 claimed


Sadaqah Jariah!

Thank you for supporting our cause! May Allah reward you abundantly!

Sold out!

15 of 15 claimed


Your share could raise over 0


Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$105 CAD, 8 years ago

Corinne Laimeche

$20 CAD, 8 years ago

Iqbal Halim

$12 CAD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$870 CAD, 8 years ago

Muhammad Abedin

$12 CAD, 8 years ago

Ruba Qasem

$12 CAD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$12 CAD, 8 years ago

Rana Badwan

$20 CAD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$30 CAD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$3 CAD, 8 years ago

Tariq Nagpurwala

$15 CAD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 CAD, 8 years ago

Merfu Erkin

$12 CAD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$15 CAD, 8 years ago

Ghalie Seifeddine

$20 CAD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 CAD, 8 years ago

farah chohan

$12 CAD, 8 years ago

Farid Ahmad

$50 CAD, 8 years ago

farah chohan

$3 CAD, 8 years ago

Sairah Ahmed

$15 CAD, 8 years ago

Updates 12

2 Curious Hearts6 years ago

"Say SubhanAllah!" Board Books Campaign Reached 1K in 10 days!

Assalamun aleykum!

We are greatly humbled and can’t believe it, but we have completed our goal (raising $1000) on our LaunchGood campaign within 10 days! Jazakllah Khair to all those who participated in our campaign, especially to our family and friends! Your support keeps us going!

Please check out our "Say SubhanAllah!" Baby Board Book campaign if you haven't done so yet. You can preorder our new book and find some amazing deals like an "It's Jummah!" fridge magnet and free shipping to US and Canada. 

Our main goal, however, is still to keep marketing, advertising and taking preorders via this amazing platform. We love LaunchGood and all the amazing people who run it and support the projects on it.

Lyazzat and Najia.
2 Curious Hearts6 years ago

LaunchGood is LIVE

LaunchGood is live!!


We are so excited to announce that our pre-order "Say SubhanAllah!" Baby Board Book Launchgood campaign is LIVE! Please head over to LaunchGood page and support us in any way you can!

Recap - in case you missed our last email, "Say SubhanAllah!" is a baby board book, in which little Muslims can learn about tasbihaat and also about the seasons, keeping the deen and dunya linked in a fun vibrant colourful way!

What are you waiting for? Preorder your copies for your little Muslims right now!

Jazakallah Khair!

2 Curious Hearts6 years ago

New seasons book, “Say SubhanAllah!” launching on Friday


It’s been a long time since we have been in touch! Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family. May Allah accept your fast, prayers and Duas!

You would be pleased to know that our first print of “It’s Jummah” is now sold out and we have moved ahead to publish our next seasons book, “Say SubhanAllah!” (learning the four seasons)

With the help of the funds provided, we have been able to establish a web domain (, self design and upload our website, pay for copyrights, apply for isbn, donate books, get them in the libraries, attend Islamic conventions and sell books and also market and advertise.

But our dream is far from over, we have big plans ahead and we want to keep moving forward. Help us with preordering a book or two for the little Muslims in your lives. This will enable us to finish our next series “Allah’s creations” and publish them very soon inshaAllah.

We are launching this Friday, May 10th. Stay tuned!

Hoping to see you there!

Jazakallah khair!

Kindest Regards,

Najia and Lyazzat

2 Curious Hearts

2 Curious Hearts7 years ago

Website Launched!

Assalamun aleykum!

We are very happy to announce that our website is now LIVE! 

Please check it out at and let us know what you think. 

Kindest regards,

Najia and Lyazzat

2 Curious Hearts7 years ago

Baby Board Book reviews

Hope you are in good health InshaAllah!

We have sent out most of the Launchgood orders for “It’s Jummah” Board Book. We hope you have received it, and if not, don’t worry, it will be there very soon InshaAllah!

We have a humble request. Please kindly give us a review and let us know how you found our book. Critical feedback will be very beneficial for us in order to move forward and improve and we would love to hear your thoughts.

You can leave a note on our Facebook page or email us at We would really appreciate it!

Our latest activities involve making our website, upcoming really soon InshaAllah. We will keep you posted!

Jazakllah Khair for your time.

2 Curious Hearts7 years ago

Books Are Shipped!

Dear supporter!

We are so happy to share the news that our board books have finally been successfully printed and they look great! Alhumdulillah!

If you have ordered a copy, InshaAllah you will be receiving it in the following weeks. We have started shipping them out! Jazakllah khair for all your patience.

We would love to hear your thoughts and any feedback you may have, email us or leave a message on Facebook! This will help us improve ourselves in the future. We would really appreciate it.

If you didn't get a chance to order "It's Jummah" Baby Board Book yet, please email us to order one! 

Please pray we continue and are sucusessfull with sales and further book publishing adventures. We will keep you all in the loop.

Jazakllah khair!

Kindest Regards,

Najia and Lyazzat

2 Curious Hearts

2 Curious Hearts8 years ago

"It's Jummah!" Baby Board Books Update

Salamun aleykum our dear supporters!

We would like to give you a small update on the progress of the books you have supported:

1. All the ZainabMade calendars, cards, magnets, and bookmarks are printed and ready to be shipped out.
2. All the envelopes with proper addresses are also ready and waiting to reach their owners.

AND the books, the most important...

3. Unfortunately, we had a very bad experience with our printing facility in Lahore, Pakistan. The books that we have received from them did not meet our quality standards and we want the best quality for the kids. Therefore, we are currently negotiating with another printing facility to re-print our books. We are doing our best to deliver your orders in the near future. However, due to these circumstances the books will be delayed. We are hoping to get them shipped by the end of September, inshaAllah. 

Our sincere apologies for this delay, and please pray for Allah to help us on this adventure. 

JazakaAllahu Khair for your patience and understanding!

P.S. If you have more questions on this matter, please do not hesitate to email us at

Best regards,
Najia and Lyazzat
2 Curious Hearts8 years ago

Farewell note... Final UPDATE!

Dear supporters!

Hope everyone had an amazing Eid!

Our launchgood campaign is officially ending today! MashaAllah we have surpassed our goal (6,312 CAD) which wasn't expected at all! All thanks to you! :)

JazakAllah Khair for supporting us and for spreading the word! If you would like to pre-order any more books we are currently available via email ( or our FB page ( and soon will be in online bookstores as well InshaAllah!

We will start fulfilling your orders by the end of august InshaAllah! Our books have now been ordered to be printed and shipped to us in the very near future!

It's been an amazing journey and we always want to include you in our adventures and will add you to our mailing list! Stay tuned via Facebook and Instagram and watch out for another soon and upcoming book by the end of this year InshaAllah! 

May Allah reward you for your amazing exceptional deeds and make this effort pave your way to Jannah InshaAllah! :) ameen

Kindest Regards,

Najia and Lyazzat

2 Curious Hearts 

2 Curious Hearts8 years ago

More than $4000! Alhamdulillah!

Dear supporter,Salam!

Hope this emal reaches you in good health! 

We are really happy and excited to update you that we have reached more than $4000 and received about a hundred book orders till now! Your support and encouragment has brought us so far ahead in our goals alhumdulillah! Jazakallah khair for all the help. We still have 10 more days to go! Please keep spreading the word and pray for our projects success!

Have amazing last days of Ramadan!
Najia and Lyazzat
2 Curious Hearts8 years ago



We did it! Alhumdulillah, by the grace of Allah, we have finally achieved our gaol and this would not have been possible without you! Jazkallah khair for all the support! We really appreciate your time, effort and donations to help our cause! 

We are still ongoing in our campaign but our focus is more to get our books pre-ordered now! So please keep helping us and spread the word out there! We would love to reach Little Muslims all over the world and have the opportunity to educate them on celebrating Jummah! 

Jazakllah Khair,

Kindest Regards,

Lyazzat and Najia

Founders of 2 Curious Hearts

2 Curious Hearts8 years ago

Thank you for supporting "It's Jummah!" books!

Dear "It's Jummah!" books Supporter!

We are so delighted to know that you went forward and supported our campaign! Every little bit is getting us closer to our goal, alhumdulillah!

JazakAllah Khair for supporting our cause, believing in us and helping us make till the very end. Our dream would have been just that if it wasn't for such amazing, kind thoughtful and generous people like you.

Please keep spreading the word and pray for our campaign's success!

We will keep you updated on our progress, inshAllah!

Jazakallah Khair! 

Kindest Regards,

Lyazzat & Najia

2 Curious Hearts8 years ago

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