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Organized by Hamdia Ahmed

Justice For Mumina Ali


raised of 0 USD goal

97 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Portland, ME

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by July 14, 2020 at 8:00 PM EDT

My mother suffered from Police brutality. She was injured and hurt really badly. We now need your help to fight her case and get her the justice she deserves!


I am always at the frontlines/organizing for justice,  but now I need your support.  I never shared this publicly but I felt the need to speak up. 

On July 23, 2014, a Portland police officer attacked my mother and injured her. She was trying to communicate with him outside of Maine Medical center. She does not speak English fluently so he couldn’t understand what she was saying. Instead of helping her, he grabbed her by the hand and threw her on the floor. He put his knee on her neck until she was having a hard time breathing. My mother kept saying “I have asthma.” but he wouldn't move his knee off her neck. After a couple of minutes, he got off her. The nurses then put a sock in her mouth to stop her from screaming. Yes, they put a sock in her mouth! 

He realized that she was injured so he called the hospital staff to assist him. They put her in a room and claimed to have treated her. My mother made a complaint but that officer was never held accountable. They said that the officer did nothing wrong. This complaint was investigated by the chief of police who had was clearly biased against my family during the time this incident occurred.

How do you put a sock in someone’s mouth to stop them from screaming after you attack them because they don’t speak the same language as you? Her injuries still haunt her to this day to the point where she needs home care. She has a neck/shoulder injury. She says “I am not dead or living my life the right way because I am always in pain.” Portland Police robbed years of my mother's health and happiness by causing multiple injuries and trauma and I need your help to fight this case.

My mother alongside Angela Davis. She's a great woman who has taught me to be active in serving and helping the community.

The Mayor of Portland is also supporting us now the the Police Department has finally decided to reopen this case for further investigation

​How can you help?

I need all of you to come together to fight for justice for my mom and every other black person who has been injured/murdered by Portland police. My mother came to this country as refugee. She never thought that she would be attacked by an officer. 

The city has now reopened my mother case and it will be re investigated. I need everyone to come together to support my mother  

We need a lawyer to look at my mother’s case to make sure this is thoroughly investigated and present our case to the judge. Attorney fees can be really expensive and your funds will go directly towards paying for the the attorney fees.  Your funds will also be going towards paying for the therapy sessions my mother has to take to deal with the PTSD from this incident. 

With your donation we will be able to fight for justice which my innocent mother deserves. This will lift a HUGE burden off our family's shoulders and will Insha Allah contribute in fighting the injustice people of colour face at the hands of the Police. Jazakallah Khair. We thank you and appreciate every little bit of help. Please contribute any amount you can and share this campaign.

May Allah Bless you and Reward you with immense rewards in this world and the hereafter.



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An Anonymous kind soul

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Raffa Ello

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Fareeha Shariff

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An anonymous kind soul

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Kiya gilman

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Gail Johnson

$25 USD, 5 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

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An Anonymous kind soul

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Amanda Murphy

$10 USD, 5 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

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An Anonymous kind soul

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Nicole n ferm

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$10 USD, 5 years ago

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$7 USD, 5 years ago

Eva Goetz

$50 USD, 5 years ago

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