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Help Us Build Islamic Cemetery


raised of 0 USD goal

1001 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Chicago, IL

Registered 501(c)(3)

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by August 2, 2020 at 3:00 AM EDT

Help Us Lower Funeral Costs And Give Everlasting Peace To Families By Building A New and Improved Cemetery In Chicago USA.

The local cemetery has stopped maintaining the Muslim plots and it has turned into a disaster. The grass is dead, the mud has been filled with sewage water, the headstones/tombstones are being sucked into the mud and or are falling off.

We require your immediate help and generosity.  Your donations and generosity will go a long way. We are accepting Zakat and this donation will also count towards Sadqa Jariya since your donation will also help us purchase bricks and other materials.

The biggest problem we face is that all cemeteries in our city are owned by non-religious business owners who profit off of someone's death. There are sections in the cemetery where local mosques have purchased a plot for Muslims. The owners of these cemeteries are charging a lot of burials, land, etc. We want to put an end to that and make the funeral/burial process as simple and affordable as possible.

We also plan to allocate some parts of the land for burial to families of other religious faiths who can not afford or are going through hardships to bury their loved ones.

A recommended donation amount is $100 - $10,000 to help speed our efforts to not only restore this section but to start purchasing our own cemetery.

Join as a Campaign Partner

We welcome any organization who would like to support this campaign as Publicity Partners: mosques, churches, synagogues, temples, charities, and others. Publicity Partners are only required to help promote the campaign via email and social media. Please email us at with your organization's name, logo, and city/state/country.

May Allah guide us and help us in accomplishing our mission InshAllah.


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Recent supporters

Mohd hairul

$50 USD, 4 years ago

Mohd Arif

$25 USD, 4 years ago

Rumana Rumman

$10 USD, 4 years ago

Sokhibjon Tursunov

$25 USD, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 4 years ago

Nur Hidayah

$25 USD, 4 years ago

Nahida Ahmed

$10 USD, 4 years ago


$1 USD, 4 years ago

Syed Haroon

$25 USD, 4 years ago

Nurfitriyah Binte S

$25 USD, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 4 years ago

Moeugene Ahmed

$25 USD, 4 years ago

Beena Ansari-Leyva

$30 USD, 4 years ago


$25 USD, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$3 USD, 4 years ago


$2 USD, 4 years ago

Mohamed Jahangir

$100 USD, 4 years ago

Jafris Luwanga

$25 USD, 4 years ago


$10 USD, 4 years ago

Updates 11

Move To Help Foundation3 years ago

Please Continue To Donate

Salam Everyone,

It's been a while and we are still currently fundraising for this cause. We have reached 50k in Donations so far.

 You can simply donate here on our new link -!/

JazakAllah Khair,

Move To Help Foundation4 years ago

Campaign Moved!

Launchgood is switching their payment processor. Hence, some of you that donated recently - we are awaiting for them to release your funds.  They had ask us to create a new campaign which you can follow here:!/

We have successfully restored the Muslim section of the current cemetery. Now is the time to help us purchase land to help us build our own cemetery. We have sponsorship levels that offer FREE Burials as well as helping families that have lost breadwinners.

Feel free to click on the link and support it if you can.

Best way to send your donations right now is through PAYPAL -


Move To Help Foundation4 years ago

Restore Complete.- Now To Purchase Land!

Salam Guys,

We hope everyone is doing well during these hard times of the global pandemic. Good News! We have completed the full restoration of the Muslim plots in the local cemetery.  All the credit goes to the donors who helped and supported us during the past 6 

What's Next? We have already started allocating funds to purchase a land to build our Muslim cemetery that will offer free burials to the poor, it will be properly maintained, and will be affordable. We know how it feels to lose a loved one and we want to make the process as simple as possible so that you can peacefully grieve during the hardest time in your life. 

We have only been successful in raising 30% of the funds. We require another 70%. As mentioned you can now sponsor free burials for families who are unable to afford it.  We request for your generous donations as we work on completing this project inshAllah.

JazakAllah Khair

Move To Help Foundation5 years ago

Sponsor A Funeral

Salam Everyone! 

Starting next month (weather permitting) we will go and fix up the remainder of the Muslim plot and restore it to 100%.  It is already 85% restored and currently we are talking to attorneys to take action against the owners of the cemetery.

We have also added a new reward level which is sponsoring a funeral.  There are some families who lose a breadwinner and have no money for funerals. 

We would love to provide those families with free burial in your name and it would help speed up the process of purchasing the land we want for this new cemetery.

Death is not easy and it takes time especially financially to get things sorted out for young families who lose a father, mother, or a child who was the breadwinner. 

One thing we have learned from raising these funds is that it takes everyone to play their part in the community.  

As Spring and Ramadan comes closer -  We again ask humbly for your help and support.  If you can not donate, please share this campaign on your social media.

Thanks and Salam!

Move To Help Foundation5 years ago

Feb 2019 Update

As you know we have completed 80% of the clean up to restore the Muslim plot in the cemetery. We are close to start legal proceedings against the cemetery owners and those responsible.

Lastly, we are now focusing on raising money to purchase a land to build an Islamic cemetery. It will be the first ever Islamic Cemetery based in Illinois.  It will be all inclusive and free for those who can't afford a funeral.  Funerals should be the least of everyones worries.

We appreciate all the love and support. Remember only one thing is guaranteed in this life and that is DEATH. It's important to plan how you want to be remembered in this lifetime.

Please keep continuing to support our campaign as we continue to face racism and bigotry by hate groups.

If anyone is planning to donate a very big amount you can email us at and we can help with a wire transfer.

Move To Help Foundation5 years ago

Update #6

This is a general update to inform everyone that currently we have paused the restoration activity due to cold winter weather. We will start again in March 2020. The Muslim section is about 80% restored and still needs your support.

As mentioned before there is not a single Muslim cemetery in Illinois USA.  The cost of a funeral is expensive especially when a bread winner of the family passes. We have had many young deaths this year of fathers and mothers leaving young children behind with nothing and leaving some families homeless.  All of these families have one thing in common and that is they live hand to mouth, pay check to pay check.   We feel it is our duty to help and support them when they need us.

The new cemetery that we plan to build will not charge families who can't afford a funeral. In the future we plan to allocate funds to help families who lost bread earners with their bills and expenses. (That would be another fundraiser once we purchase the land of the cemetery.)

Death is something no one wants to talk about... But it is the only thing guaranteed in life.  Thanks for supporting this campaign already, but we have alot more to go to reach our goal.   Please continue to donate and share.

If anyone requires any receipts, visuals of our work and how we've put your hard earned money to use.. Please email us at


Move To Help Foundation5 years ago

Your Donations Will Be Matched Today For Giving Tuesday!

Hey Guys,

Our partner Launchgood will be matching all donations today given by you only today.  It could be as little as $1.  Our goal is still very far off from being reached. Today is the day we ask you for your kind generosity and donate any amount you can and it will be matched. 


Move To Help Foundation5 years ago

Update #4

Salam Guys,

If you have missed it:

The video was the last update...   It has now snowed in Chicago and it has made our work difficult this month.  We still require another 5 thousand USD to completely restore the section and to keep it maintained uptill March 2020.  

Meanwhile, we also have started to scout places for a new cemetery. We have found many different lands available. However, we can't make any decisions yet as we barely have funds for purchase. We will now start allocating and saving funds to purchase a new land for the first Islamic Muslim Cemetery.  Anyone that has donated to this campaign will get first photos, videos, etc - once we finalize on the land and are purchasing. We also plan to include your names as the people who helped build the first Islamic cemetery for all. 

This has been a very tough and emotional year for some of us who have loved ones buried in the cemetery we are restoring. All deceased family members deserve much respect and dignity after their death as they did in life. Unfortunately, the cemetery they are buried in did not care and saw them only as a paycheck.

Every dollar you donated went to supplies and maintenance. As mentioned before, we do not keep a single penny.  This is a very sentimental campaign for us personally and it's important that we are transparent with you all the way.

I personally am amazed and happy to see that when good people come together they can really make a difference! I personally thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your generosity and contributions.  I hope that you continue to support this campaign and support our mission.


Thank You!

Move To Help Foundation5 years ago

Update #3

Hey Guys,

Thanks for continuing to support the fundraiser. We have been successfully able to restore 75% of this section in the video from the disaster it was before.

Your hard earned money has been used mostly for Sod Grass, Shovels, Water Tanker,  and other lawn care supplies and sprays.

However, we need more support as now the cold weather is upon us.  We need to at-least reach $10 thousand USD to finish this.  Then we will start maintaining it and also start our fundraiser to purchase land and build a new cemetery.

Please continue to donate and to keep supporting the cause!

Watch The Video For Major Update!

Move To Help Foundation5 years ago

Winter Is Coming - Please Donate Generously

As Winter approaches we are hoping to restore the Muslim section as shown in the video. 35% of the clean up has been done and we need your help to wrap it up before the first snow hits.

We also need you to share our post so that we can start allocating funds to build a new cemetery - the first Muslim cemetery in the United States if not in Illinois.


Move To Help Foundation5 years ago

1st Update - Need More Support!

The website shows that we raised $1,947 USD in which $1,102 USD were charged by Facebook Ads. We actually received $845 USD in which we did the following:

We require $500k USD to purchase land to build out our own Muslim Cemetery. However, due to the lack of funds raised. We thought that we should restore the Muslim section first in the Chicago cemetery and so we did the following with the $845 that we actually received: 

  • We purchased Sod Grass which is $7 USD a piece. Each grave requires 4 grass carpets which equals to $28 USD for 1 grave. There are about 60 graves in the Muslim Section that need to be restored. We so far have been able to restore 7 graves in 2 weeks due to funding.
  • We have 8 volunteers so far and growing and each require their own shovel. The cheapest shovel we could find was $12 USD. Total cost was $108 USD including taxes.
  • The remaining $541 is currently being used to purchase more Sod Grass to restore more graves and putting up headstones that are misplaced and or have slid a little inside the grave due to rain and mud (since there is no grass there and we will plant it back into the soil)
  • We also have a volunteer who goes twice a week to the cemetery to water the new sod grass and for additional lawn care service.

The cemetery has failed to maintain the Muslim section of this graveyard. They have continued to avoid us and brush us off when we constantly for 5 months asked them to take action. 

The cemetery owners want to profit off of the dead and their grieving families.  Hence, our goal is to fix and restore this section of the cemetery and to purchase land to build the first Muslim cemetery in Chicago.
Please continue to support this campaign inshAllah. 

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