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Organized by Madiha Ali

My Best Ramadan Planner | Plan your Best Ever Ramadan. Pre-order now!


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Your own Inspiring & Practical Ramadan Planner and Journal!

The Productive Ramadan (Planner & Journal) now available on Amazon. Order your copy now :

My Best Ramadan Planner is a powerful and All-in-One Ramadan Planner, designed to help you plan your Ramadan, achieve your biggest goals, become the best versions of yourself and have a life-changing Ramadan. Packed with important Duas, Adhkar, Sunnah, Guidelines, Trackers & Planners, covering all important aspects related to Ramadan. With a unique minimalist design and step-by-step guidelines, it will ensure to let you have your best Ramadan ever!

**Due to the onslaught of COVID-19 and the resultant lock-downs on businesses (including printing and delivery services) I have developed this "DIY Printable (PDF file) - Ramadan Planner" for self (DIY) printing and binding in A5 size. This gives you the flexibility to print & use this planner, sitting at your home, ensuring "Isolation" & "Social Distancing"  required at this time, while accruing maximum benefits from this Holy Month. Please note that No Physical Item will be sent on your address**

​Ramadan is Overwhelming as a Muslim, we wait for this blessed moth during the complete year, but are mostly unable to utilize the month well and end it with some regrets. 

Need of a well planned Ramadan : In order to gain maximum benefits from anything in life, its important to plan it first. And Ramadan is no exception.

A comprehensive Guide: The planner has plenty of stuff for all stages of Ramadan, that is, Pre Ramadan, during Ramadan, Eid and Post Ramadan. 

Make your Ramadan Resolutions : Make Ramadan resolutions and realistic aims, before you begin the journey and make yourself accountable, in order to fully achieve them.  

Create a Dua list : Go organized this Ramadan and create a dua list for yourself, your family, your friends and of course the Ummah, making sure you don't forget anyone in your duas.

Make your Ramadan Mindset : By going through various Pre-Ramadan exercises, it ensures to get you into the right mindset before you enter Ramadan. 

A Powerhouse to Productivity : Loaded with a handful of tools for goal setting and personal reflection, to make you Super Productive.

It's your Trusted Friend  :  Carry it along with you, anywhere, anytime.

It's a MentorInspirational knowledge to guide you and achieve the actual purpose of this blessed month.

A collection of Quranic Duas: Contains 30 different Quranic Duas (1 per day of Ramadan) to recite and learn, besides a number of other adhkars and duas.

A 30-Day Action Plan: Apart from planning your daily commitments, Suhoor & Iftaar timings, menu, it also includes daily Salah, Mood and Water intake trackers, as well as to reflect upon each day. 

Opens your mind to a World of Ideas: Contains plenty of tips and ideas about a multitude of things, to help you do maximum good deeds.

Makes you Accountable: Makes you accountable for all your actions, by frequent self reflections.
Keeps you Motivated: Keeps you motivated to accomplish your goals and when you note down your daily progress towards achievement of your aims.

A Practical Handbook: It's a practical handbook, consisting of actionable steps and Call-to-Actions, to help you progress in your spiritual journey.

Discover yourself : By constant self reflections, before Ramadan as well as during it, helps you better understand yourself.

Plan to finish Qur'an: A practical tracker to motivate you to finish Qur'an during this month. 

A Health Guide and Planner: Comprehensive guidelines to care for your health and make this the Healthiest Ramadan for you and your family.

A Ramadan Survival Guide: Guides and takes you along your highs and lows during this blessed month. 

A Planner, A Journal, A Log, A Guide : This is not just a simple planner. Its a "Planner" to plan ahead, a "Journal" to let you reflect, a "Log" to record your progress and a "Guide" to help you go smoothly on your Ramadan journey.

Spend your best Eid : There is a complete section, dedicated towards helping you plan your most well organized & fun-filled Eid, aligned with Sunnah.

The Journey Continues : The Ramadan provides us a platform to become a stronger Muslim, however, its equally important and challenging to carry on with your achievements for the complete year and life ahead. The planner helps you make an actionable plan to achieve this goal.

Contribution Goals : There are three major goals associated with the contributions, received through this project:

  • OneSupport the war against COVID-19 in my country, through donations to various organizations working on the same.
  • TwoCreation of further projects, related to "Kids Education & Muslim Productivity", some of which include "My Best Muslim - Planner", variety of Educational Resources for Muslim Parents to help them raise kids with Growth & Spiritual Mindset, Books, Journals & Videos.
  • Three. Perform Hajj. (InshAllah).

Future GoalsWork towards developing products to create modern Muslim homes with spirit of Islam, Educational material for Muslims, and to help fight poverty / suffering in my country (especially using this medium).

Specifications: The planner comes in following specifications:

  • Format : Digital PDF​.
  • Size : A5 (148 × 210 millimeters or 5.83 × 8.27 inches).
  • Pages : 83
  • Printing / Binding : Printing method will be forwarded with the email containing PDF file.
  • Expected email dispatch by: 20-21 April 2020 .
  • DIY Guide : Will also be emailed.

Choose your Digital Art : For level 2 contributors and above, please select the artwork(s) you are interested in from below, and mention the number(s) when you contribute. Same will also be emailed to you in high quality for DIY printing & framing.

My Story : I had this FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) since long, that I was not living a life I wanted and not contributing towards Islam with my skills. Therefore, I thought of few ways to fill this vogue.. 

Being an artist, I always admired the Beautiful Art present in houses of my friends of other religions.  At the same time, I witnessed the lack of good  educational material available online for adults & Muslim parents to raise kids with Growth mindset.

So I thought of doing something on my own to improve these aspects. I started making modern art for Muslim homes in 2019, with the name "Pink Pastel Studio". This has further developed into creating products to help us become more productive, and therefore, better Muslims! I plan to expand my work in future to keep making helpful products for people all around.

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Andrea Robinson

$10 USD, 5 years ago

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