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Ramadan Charity Basket


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806 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Singapore, Singapore

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Giving food provisions & financial assistance to 200 families in need this Eid!

****UPDATE 5th June 2017: Alhamdulillah, the donations keep on coming and we're so humbled and inspired by your generosity. We are accepting more donations and will distribute them to the families in need as cash!

***UPDATE 2nd June 2017: Alhamdulillah we have reached our initial goal of $40,000. However, we hope you can continue to donate as anything collected beyond the $40,000 will be distributed to the families as cash! 

10 Years of Ramadan Charity Basket

For the 10th year running, is happy to continue our annual Ramadan project where we provide food and financial help to 200 needy families in Singapore in time for Eid al-Fitr.

Watch a video of one of our recipients here:

Our Partners
In the early days, we organised the charity drive with only Muslim Kidney Action Association (MKAC). They provide care and support to Muslims who are suffering from kidney failure and chronic ailments and providing financial assistance to their families.

Over the years, we've collaborated with more organisations and groups, thereby increasing the Ramadan Charity Basket recipients!

This year, on top of MKAC recipients, we will also be helping recipients from Marine Parade Family Service Center. They have a list of needy recipients that we deliver the Baskets to! We are grateful to the Malay Activity Executive Committee (MAEC) for collaborating with us this year!

Giving food, Eid goodies and cash to 200 needy families

Eid, or Hari Raya, is a time when families cook delicious food, wear beautiful clothes and spruce up their homes in anticipation of guests. In Singapore, celebrations go on for a month long! 

Not all families can afford what the 'typical' Singaporean family enjoys and especially during Eid, it can feel even more lonely.

The food provisions include rice, milk, sugar, dry foods and other basic amenities including Eid novelties, and some cash.

Please donate generously so we can make Ramadan & Eid better for these families.

Annual Packing + Delivering

If you would like to volunteer to PACK and/or DELIVER the Baskets, please email your Name and Contact Number to or call 65474407.

Delivery of the Baskets will be on Saturday, 10 June and Sunday, 11 June 2017, 2pm to 6pm. Please volunteer to deliver especially if you have a vehicle!

The Solidarity Brothers in full force to help with delivery, as they have done for 9 years now, with Parliamentary Secretary of Ministry of Home Affairs Amrin Amin (light blue shirt). / 2016

How You Are Helping

Each Basket has rice, milk, sugar, dry foods and other basic amenities including Eid novelties, and some cash (if we collect more). They cost around $175 each.

We need to raise $40,000 to continue providing for 200 needy families this Eid. If we raise more, each family will get some cash inshaAllah.

How to Help

1. Share this campaign with your family, friends and on social media!

2. Donate generously. If you are unable to sponsor one Basket, gather a few friends to raise the $175/Basket!

Cash, NETS or Cheque
Payment, by cash, NETS or cheque, can be made personally at SimplyIslam during office hours.  For cheque payment, please issue a crossed cheque payable to SIMPLYISLAM.  Please write your name and contact number on the reverse side of the cheque indicating “Ramadan Charity Basket”.  Please post the cheque to:

No. 152 Still Road
Singapore 423991

Credit Card/Charge Card/PayPal
For payments by credit card, charge card or PayPal, please choose any of the giving levels on the right of this screen.

Bank Transfer
DBS Current Account 008-901930-9
(If you do a bank transfer, please email with a picture or screenshot of your transfer together with your Name and Contact Number.)

3. Volunteer to help deliver (if you have a vehicle) the Baskets to the families in need.

May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala reward you for your kind contributions with His Blessings and Bounties in perpetuity, Ameen.

Your giving amount


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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$350 SGD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$15 SGD, 8 years ago

Rozy Hambali

$525 SGD, 8 years ago

Uniza Mokhtar

$175 SGD, 8 years ago

Julizah Ahmad

$175 SGD, 8 years ago

Ahsanul Kalam Mohamed Sani

$350 SGD, 8 years ago

Hamba Allah Hamba Allah

$50 SGD, 8 years ago

Smith Fiona Mohd Irwan

$100 SGD, 8 years ago

Nadia Nahar

$100 SGD, 8 years ago

Roslena Salleh

$500 SGD, 8 years ago

Abdul Lateef Siddiqui

$2,000 SGD, 8 years ago

Naira Falisha Shahrin

$100 SGD, 8 years ago

Sabiya Sabiya

$100 SGD, 8 years ago

Shabeena Begum

$100 SGD, 8 years ago

Mohammad Ridzuan Sukma

$1,000 SGD, 8 years ago

Noor Asshikin Shariff

$100 SGD, 8 years ago

Hamba Allah Hamba Allah

$175 SGD, 8 years ago

Noor Azurah Jamal

$175 SGD, 8 years ago

Radian Sahara

$175 SGD, 8 years ago

Shawn Yeo

$40 SGD, 8 years ago

Updates 2

SimplyIslam.sg8 years ago

Ramadan Charity Basket 2017 was a success thanks to YOU!

Alhamdulillah, we are so happy at how smoothly everything went this year. We are so grateful to EVERYONE who was involved - the many donors, the volunteers who helped us to pack, the volunteers who delivered the groceries to the 200 homes, the Solidarity Brothers for their never-ending support and to Parliamentary Secretary Mr Amrin Amin for coming down to help!

You can see more pictures from last weekend on 
our Facebook Page. We met our goal and raised over $50,000. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless all the donors, the volunteers for the project, and may Allah The Merciful, accept all our deeds. AMEEN!


Please continue to support SimplyIslam by following our Facebook page and subscribing to our email newsletter to be the first to know about our dynamic courses, public lectures, and whole array of activities! You can join here:

With all our gratitude & prayers,

Ameera, on behalf of the SimplyIslam team :)

PS: If you'd like to help craft, organize and plan events and activities for the Singapore Muslim community, we are looking for volunteers:

SimplyIslam.sg8 years ago

6 days left to our annual Ramadan Charity Basket Drive!

Assalaamualaikum everyone!

Alhamdulillah, thanks to YOU, we've managed to raise $36,118. We are only about $4,000 away from our goal of $40,000 and we're confident we'll reach it inshaAllah!

Here's a special GIF for you to post on your social media!

You can right-click on it and "Copy Image Address" and paste it on your Facebook status. Once you've posted, it will 'play' automatically.

We're grateful for your support and ask Allah to reward everyone with the best of rewards in this life and the next, accept your fasting and your prayers and your charity and all your good deeds, and remove all your difficulties, ameen!

The groceries are arriving next week and our volunteers will start packing them into 3 big bags for each family. If we raise any excess funds, they will be distributed as cash for the families in need. As we know, there are additional expenses when Eid comes around.

Thank you once again and if you'd like to watch a short video we made of one of the recipients of the Ramadan Charity Basket, please click here:

With all our prayers here at SimplyIslam,

Ameera Begum
Director, Digital Engagement

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