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Organized by Mahmoud Mansour

Feed Families in Gaza This Ramadan


raised of 0 USD goal

74 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Gaza Strip

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by June 28, 2017 at 12:45 PM EDT

Help us to feed Palestinian families and give food packages in Rafah during the blessed month of Ramadan.

Hello from Gaza

Ramadan is just a few weeks away - and we need your help to provide support and care to those most in need. The conditions in Gaza grow worse every day, with unemployment now sitting at 43%. For many, there is nowhere to work and no-one to help them. 

مرحبا من غزة

باقي لشهر رمضان أسابيع قليلة، ونحنبحاجة لمساعدتكم لتوفير الدعم والرعاية لأولئك الذين هم في أمس الحاجة إليها، معالعلم بأن الظروف الاقتصادية والاجتماعية في قطاع غزة تزداد سواء يوما بعد يوم.حيث تبلغ نسبة البطالة 43% ولا يوجد من يهتم في العائلات الفقير بالشكل المطلوب.

With your help we have raised money for three years' worth of incredible projects, you can see the impact and positive difference we have made in Gaza through the links we've shared below. But as the occupation cuts off a large amount of traditional funding to NGOs we are left with little choice but to run crowdfunding campaigns to help with the most basic needs. 

خلال السنوات الماضية قمنا بتنفيذالعديد من الأنشطة الفنية والثقافية التي تهتم بالطفل، ومن خلال الروابط أسفلالصفحة يمكنكم الإطلاع على صور الأنشطة خلال المرحلة الماضية. وبما أن الوضع صعب وسيءبواسطة هذا الاحتلال الغاشم وحصاره المفروض على غزة إلا أننا نعمل جاهدين من خلالالقيام بهذه الحملات لمساعدة أطفالنا.

How You Can Help Feed Palestinian Families 

With your help we will distribute food packages to some of the families most at-risk in Rafah throughout Ramadan, our city at the southern edge of Gaza. 

What Is In a Food Package?

Your support will allow us to provide food packages to feed Palestinian families by providing them with basic food items - one food package contains items such as beans, vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, green beans, onions and essentials like flour, rice, sugar and tea during Ramadan.

If you can't spare any money now, you can also help by spreading the word.

Our Previous Projects in Gaza

The siege of Gaza is strangling us slowly and we rely on the generosity of our online friends. If you haven't seen our work before, please do click on the links below. We are a small, dedicated team of volunteers that work primarily with at-risk children. Work we cannot do without your help.

1. Gaza Summer Camp 2015:
2. Our Right To Play:
3. Our Health In Our Hands.

4. We Deserve A better Life.

5. Psychological Support works shop.
6. City Of Peace:
8. Gaza Summer Camp2

Thank You Updates

We document all our projects carefully and send updates to our friends via email every ten days. We're always available on Facebook or email for any more information you need and will keep you updated. 

We only kindly ask that you not share the photos on social media out of respect for the families' privacy and safety (we have their permission to use the above).

Thank You and Ramadan Kareem!

نحن نوثق جميع أنشطتنا ومشاريعنابعناية ونرسل تقاريرنا الإخبارية إلى أصدقائنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني كل عشرةأيام. كما ونحن موجودين دائما على صفحة التواصل الاجتماعي الفيس بوك أو البريدالإلكتروني للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات بامكانكم مراسلتنا..

الصور لهذه الحملة غير مسموح بنشرها علىوسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية احتراما منا لخصوصية الأسر وكرامتها.

رمضان كريم

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Recent supporters

Yonus Rafik

$1 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 8 years ago

Barbara Rowe

$25 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$4 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$4 USD, 8 years ago

Mohamed Faliq

$25 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 8 years ago

Judith Howard

$25 USD, 8 years ago

Fadia Daoud

$5 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$24 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$300 USD, 8 years ago

Updates 14

Mahmoud Mansour4 years ago

News From Gaza

Dear All brothers, Sisters and Friends
I'm sorry if i'm using everywhere and space in order to keep you and my network updated about the situation of my people in Palestine.

Since Monday the The Zionist entity that's has carried out thousends of air strikes on Gaza. Over the last few days they have destroyed tower blocks apartment buildings, which killed about 192 people killed includes 58 children, 34 woman, 1235 wounded by the israeli Zionist entity in Gaza. add to that 60 Governmental buildings and 500 living units. for sure this result is not stable and increasing by the moment. Today in the morning they attacked my neighbourhood in Gaza. Alhamdulillah my family and neighbours are safe but our houses not.

Note: According to the current situation our fundraising goal mission extended to an urgent appeal to cover those who are not able to access the basics, click here to support it :

Attention, if you are interested to join our mailing list, please send us your email at so you can get update from Gaza
Finally please keep palestinians brothers,sisters and friends in your Prayers, Duaa and thoughts

Peace, Justice , Free Free Palestine

Mahmoud Mansour4 years ago

News From Gaza

Dear All brothers, Sisters and Friends
I'm sorry if i'm using everywhere and space in order to keep you and my network updated about the situation of my people in Palestine.

Since Monday the The Zionist entity that's has carried out thousends of air strikes on Gaza. Over the last few days they have destroyed tower blocks apartment buildings, which killed about 192 people killed includes 58 children, 34 woman, 1235 wounded by the israeli Zionist entity in Gaza. add to that 60 Governmental buildings and 500 living units. for sure this result is not stable and increasing by the moment. Today in the morning they attacked my neighbourhood in Gaza. Alhamdulillah my family and neighbours are safe but our houses not.

Note: According to the current situation our fundraising goal mission extended to an urgent appeal to cover those who are not able to access the basics, click here to support it :

Attention, if you are interested to join our mailing list, please send us your email at so you can get update from Gaza
Finally please keep palestinians brothers,sisters and friends in your Prayers, Duaa and thoughts

Peace, Justice , Free Free Palestine

Mahmoud Mansour6 years ago

More pictures from Gaza

Alslalam Alaykum everyone.

Insha'allah you all have a good friday and Jumma Mubaraka insha'allah.

Alhamdulillah for everything , while our brothers,sisters,families and friends in palestine are suffering specially in Gaza, the Hope & Peace Team doing his best to alleviate the suffering of our children there. today they have reached half of the project.

I encourage all of my friends to support their great work. at least this is something they can do to help the children over there.

to help them please donate at:!/

Allah reward all of us for what we do for the others

Allah bless you all

Mahmoud Mansour6 years ago

First level of the Gaza Summer Camp

Hello everyone, 

I hope my email find you and your beloved one alright

Alhamdulillah, Thank God, and thank you for everything you have done to support us keeps running the great work for the children of Rafah, its really means a lot to us. Recently with your support we were able to achieved over 25% of our goal online to support the Gaza Summer Camp project , which it leads the team to begin the first level of the project.

the past week the board members of the hope and peace foundation did interviews for 60 people of those who applied to voluntary at the Gaza Summer Camp, Only 20 people chosen to attend the 10 days training. it was sad moments for not being with them, but i'm very glad there is a great strong team can handle the awesome work.

Today: the trainee begin the training with the new volunteers as you can see from the pictures. 


Next level it will be the beginning of the different workshops with the children such as ( Reading and writing, literature and poetry, folk dabke, drawing, songs, play, entertainment, theater and acting). so with your help and support we are aiming to do the work perfectly , please don't hesitate to support the campaign online at: 


Note: for those who forgot their passwords for the launch-good , you can recover it easily by clicking forgot password to reset it.

Thank you very much on behalf of the children of Rafah/Gaza




Mahmoud Mansour6 years ago

First level of the Gaza Summer Camp

Hello everyone, 

I hope my email find you and your beloved one alright

Alhamdulillah, Thank God, and thank you for everything you have done to support us keeps running the great work for the children of Rafah, its really means a lot to us. Recently with your support we were able to achieved over 25% of our goal online to support the Gaza Summer Camp project , which it leads the team to begin the first level of the project.

the past week the board members of the hope and peace foundation did interviews for 60 people of those who applied to voluntary at the Gaza Summer Camp, Only 20 people chosen to attend the 10 days training. it was sad moments for not being with them, but i'm very glad there is a great strong team can handle the awesome work.

Today: the trainee begin the training with the new volunteers as you can see from the pictures. 


Next level it will be the beginning of the different workshops with the children such as ( Reading and writing, literature and poetry, folk dabke, drawing, songs, play, entertainment, theater and acting). so with your help and support we are aiming to do the work perfectly , please don't hesitate to support the campaign online at: 


Note: for those who forgot their passwords for the launch-good , you can recover it easily by clicking forgot password to reset it.

Thank you very much on behalf of the children of Rafah/Gaza




Mahmoud Mansour6 years ago

Great News.

HPFFC Team started the preparation for the Gaza Summer Camp, the first step they will do is to register a new volunteers about 15 persons of those who want to work in serving the children, i'm pretty sure the project will be fantastic, even if i'm not on the ground with them , but my brain and most of my support are with them, i will not never hesitate to keep supporting the children of Rafah/Gaza as i believe i'm one of the very few people who really provide time and energy to support them while they are surviving the hard conditions. and i'm very pleased of my friends who really support the children all over specially in Palestine. CHILDREN MEANS FUTURE.

on the other hand i would like to remind you that the fundraising campaign online achieved over 23% of it goal so far and they still in need your generous support to achieve their goal, please don't hesitate to support it and share the campaign link with your net work. to support it please click the picture or the link down below!/!/

i also have one personal request, please keep me in your Duaa and thoughts and to wish me luck with my life.

Thanks to everyone.

Peace, love and respect.



Mahmoud Mansour6 years ago

Gaza Summer Camp(4) 2018

Alsalam Alaykum everyone, 

As you all may know that the Palestine refugee children in Gaza have only known blockade: a lack of food, power cuts and the constant threat of having their homes destroyed, and as you all may know that we are doing our best here to provide time and safe places for them to have fun and be happy in order to give them the opportunity to develop and improve their personal life skills. 

Right now the HPFFC team decided to reactivate their cultural and art with kids of Rafa., I totally encourage them to do that.  so they are planing so they are thinking of the Gaza Summer Camp 4 for the forth time,  please check the details and dont hesitate to support their great work at:!/

Finally, i wish every one of our Muslim brothers and sister Eid Adha Mubarak.  and great days for the rest. 

Best regards.

Mahmoud Mansour7 years ago

A few days left

Alsalam Alaykum 

Alhamdulillah it five days left for Ramadan, 24 % of the campaign online achieved, Please don't hesitate to donate for the food campaign support us feeding families during the month , special thanks to those who support us. 

To donate please click the link!/

Ramadan Kareem​

Mahmoud Mansour7 years ago

20% of the Ramadan Campaign achieved

Alsalam Alaykum
Right time to support us, we have already achieved 20% to help 85 families. so with your help and support , we are willing to support 400 families, now we are about 11 days ahead for Ramadan, to support please do at :
If you cant help , please copy the link and share it with those who are willing to help.

Many thanks and Ramadan Kareem.

Mahmoud Mansour7 years ago



Mahmoud Mansour7 years ago



Mahmoud Mansour7 years ago


Mahmoud Mansour8 years ago



Mahmoud Mansour8 years ago



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