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Save Baby Ibtisam's life(Mustafa)


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621 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: TX, United States

Registered 501(c)(3)

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Help baby Ibtisam Mustafa undergo brain surgery to increase his life span. Donate your zakat and save a life!

Just 23 months old and fighting for his life

Ibtisam Mustafa is 20 month old boy who is fighting craniosynostosis , a complex brain condition that impairs brain growth and normal functioning. Without surgery, Ibtisam Mustafa's life span will be limited. His prognosis post surgery is very positive.

How did this happen

Ibtisam Mustafa is one of a set of twin boys and lives in Pakistan. He had a perfectly normal birth in June 2015 but things started going wrong 8 days after birth when he got meningitis. Inaccurate doctor's diagnosis and delay in medical action caused the infection in brain to increase and slowly Ibtisam's brain started filling up with CSF fluid. He was suffering from hydrocephalus and craniosynostosis and his head size grew enormous for his little body. He already got operated to place a shunt in his head to help drain the fluid build up. But will be needing more to fully correct his head shape and promote brain growth. No doctor in his home country is equipped or willing to take on these complex brain surgeries that he needs. 

He is also suffering from seizures on a regular basis and needs these surgeries urgently to stop any further brain damage due to seizures. 

His story has been covered by media. See more details here

On his way to USA

Dr Jeffery Fearon is a world renowned cranio facial surgeon based out of Dallas, TX and he has expertise in dealing with rare cranio issues like these. He has agreed to operate upon Ibtisam Mustafa and give him a fighting chance to life. Laraib, the mother and baby Ibtisam Mustafa have flown all the way from Pakistan to USA to get operated upon. Ibtisam Mustafa has already undergone an anterior Cranio Vault Remodelling (CVR) in Feb 2017 under Dr Fearon but needs two more cranio surgeries to correct his head completely.

Additionally, Ibtisam Mustafa does not feed well orally as he is not able to sit up and hold his head. He got operated upon to insert a feeding apparatus called GButton that can deliver nutrition and medicines directly to his stomach. 

The Future

Ibtisam Mustafa will undergo intensive physical therapy to help him sit and gain some movement. In 3 months, he will also undergo his next cranio surgery with Dr. Fearon. The estimated cost of this surgery is about $50,000 and the family has to pay for this as they don't have medical insurance in USA. 

Who am I and why I am doing this

I am a mother of 2 boys and work for Dell computers. My younger son, Ruhan, has the exact same condition as Ibtisam although his was very mild and he is doing well now. I want to help other parents and babies suffering from this same condition as best as I can. My son also sees Dr Fearon. While in USA, Ibtisam Mustafa and his mother stay with my family while recuperating from surgeries. Anyone who wants to talk to baby's mother to verify authenticity, i can arrange a facetime/skype session. Please email me at

I am partnering with United Volunteers Association , a non profit organization 501(C)(3) tax id 47-4727490 that is committed to help all muslim brothers and sisters in their hour of need. All funds go to UVA.

Pledge your Zakat and help Ibtisam lead a long, healthy life

We have to raise funds for Ibtisam's next brain surgery. You can pledge your full or partial Zakat to our cause and help give life to Ibtisam Mustafa. 
His parents hope to see him lead a normal life and flourish alongside his twin brother.

All donations are tax exempt and ZAKAT eligible

No amount is too small

Every little bit helps, be it the cost of an afternoon coffee or a meal. . 

Lastly, please pray for him and spread the word!

Your giving amount


Seizure medicine

Ibtisam needs to take medication to prevent triggers of seizures in the brain.

183 claimed


Feeding tube extension kit

Ibtisam Mustafa has a Gbutton inserted in his stomach to facilitate direct feedings to his stomach in order to increase his weight and get ready for next surgery. Currently, he cannot take in large quantities of food orally as his head is too large and he cannot sit up. We need to change his feeding tube every week along with a new feeding bag.

82 claimed


Special Baby Formula

Ibtisam Mustafa is on special high calorie formula to get his weight to increase since he is not able to eat much orally

15 claimed


10 Feeding bags

Ibtisam Mustafa has a Gbutton inserted in his stomach to facilitate direct feedings to his stomach in order to increase his weight and get ready for next surgery. We fill the food into feeding bags and pump it into his stomach. We need to change his feeding bag everyday to decrease risk of infection. Each bag costs $5.

50 claimed


Physical therapy sessions for rehabilitation

Ibtisam Mustafa needs physical therapy as a rehabilitation service to get his unused muscles moving and active. Currently he spends his days laying on the bed as his head is too large. Post surgery , the head size has reduced and he needs 3 sessions per week of physical therapy. Each session costs $100.

45 claimed


MRI costs

Ibtisam Mustafa needs an MRI to check if the extra fluid that has built up in his brain is draining well post surgery and to check if his head size is reducing as intended

3 claimed


Firefly Upsee Kit

To help movement of hands and limbs and to get Ibtisam Mustafa in a vertical postion, we need this harness. Currently he lays on his back all day long due to his head size

3 claimed



Ibtisam Mustafa needs an EEG to monitor his brain activity over 24 hours to study the cause of his seizures in an attempt to reduce them and prevent further brain damage.

1 claimed


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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$2 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 7 years ago


$77 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$2 USD, 7 years ago

Mohammad Khan

$10 USD, 7 years ago

Raihan Jumat

$50 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 7 years ago

Yasmin Chahir

$20 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$15 USD, 7 years ago

yahya naimi

$10 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 7 years ago

Taha Jilani

$10 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$6 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$0 USD, 7 years ago

Updates 5

United Volunteers Association7 years ago

Surgery Update

So its been 6 days since the surgery. The good news is that Mustafa is showing no signs of infection and is recovering well. The bad news is that he had to stay in ICU for 6 days as he is pretty swollen after surgery (normal side effect) but because of this swelling , his internal airways are also becoming narrower and he is unable to hold his own to breathe. So he was hooked up to oxygen continuously. Plus feeding remains to be an issue. All in all , progress is slow but steady towards a positive outcome. He was discharged from the hospital yesterday and is now recuperating at the Ronald McDonald house for sick in Dallas. His mother is with him alone , as his father was denied a visa despite strong medical grounds. Please keep praying as he has miles to go. We are very close to finish line in meeting our goal. If we can reach our goal to pay for extra ICU days , it will help ease the mother's stress a bit. Please share with your social contacts. This family is zakat eligible

United Volunteers Association7 years ago

Mustafa is undergoing surgery right NOW!

This is it ! The day when rubber hits the road - Mustafa is being prepared for his big surgery. Lot of tears, apprehension , anxiety but hopefulness in the eyes of his mother, Laraib , who is with him in the hospital now. Its very unfortunate that his father cannot be here at this critical moment in Mustafa's life. His visa to USA has been denied and he has appealed it so hopefully he will join them soon. The journey to this point has been very tough and wrought with financial constraints and lack of proper medical resources in his home country. This surgery will hopefully be the last of 3 surgeries that he has already undergone for his brain ailment. Please pray that he comes out of this surgery strong and recuperates without infections as this is a very complex surgery. Also this fundraiser is still collecting funds as we are still a few miles away from the finish line. You guys have been huge supporters of Mustafa this past year, opening up your hearts to him. Please add an extra prayer for him today ! I will keep updating this fundraiser frequently with mustafa's surgery outcome and progress, inshallah.

Jazak allah to all of his supporters. We have come this far only due to your help. May Allah grant jannat to all of you and grant you with good health in this life !

United Volunteers Association7 years ago

It’s baby Mustafa’s birthday soon

Mustafa will turn 3 years old on 16th June . Most likely Eid will also be celebrated in Pakistan on the 16th June. Mustafa does not get to celebrate birthdays like other kids do due to his medical condition and nor do his parents get the joy of another year passing with him suffering with his brain condition. It would be such a nice and befitting birthday gift to mustafa and his parents if we are able to reach the goal needed to get his brain surgery which is scheduled for 21st June. Please help spread word and consider donating to get to the finish line in these last few days of Ramadan

United Volunteers Association7 years ago

Mustafa's progress in the last few months

Hello folks its been very LONG time since I posted an update and a lot of you have private messaged me to get fresh updates on mustafa , understandably so! So here goes ;-

The GOOD : The front of his head is all mended and normal head structure is being maintained. The deep dent has gone.

The BAD :We had a rough few months post his surgery. He got multiple attacks of pneumonia as he is always bedridden and his food/liquids aspirates into his lungs. He lost a lot of weight due to constant hospitalization and antibiotics. Plus his spine started showing curvature (scoliosis) due to being bedridden. Thankfully now he is in an intensive physical therapy program where they exercise his body about 5 hours everyday. He wears body braces to keep the spine in optimum shape/curvature

The Future : . He is slowly gaining weight and is able to control his body/neck much better. He almost sits by himself (without support) and also stands on his feet with support. This is highly encouraging to his parents as they have seen him having physical abilities like a newborn for 2 year of his life. Mustafa HATES therapy as its tough on his body but is still plowing through like a champ so he can get ready for his next brain surgery in June.  This next surgery is going to be the real game changer for him. It will reduce his head size drastically ad touch a lot of critical areas in the brain and optical nerves etc. The risk is very HIGH but the gains are even higher. Once the surgery is success , we are expecting him to progress a lot in all aspects of development as it is will also fix the chiari malformation that he has in the brain. We received new medical estimates from the doctor amounting to $41k and surgery date is set for 21st June provided we are able to raise funds.  You all have supported us so far , please help in sharing this and getting us across the finish line! Adding some pictures for you to see his recent progress.

United Volunteers Association8 years ago

Thank you for your support to Baby Ibtisam Mustafa

Assalamualaikum Brothers and Sisters,

Hope Ramadhaan is going well for you and your families. We are 20 down and only 10 more to go , Inshallah.

Firstly I would like to thank you for all the support you have provided to Baby Ibtisam and his family so far. They are highly appreciative of all your donations. Baby is doing well after his first surgery. His front of the head has improved a lot and size has gone down by 10 cms! He is getting ready for his next surgery scheduled in August(pending funds generation)

Baby's 2nd birthday is on 16th June ( tomorrow). It would be very nice for this family to see more donations and support come in on baby's special day so that family has enough to schedule the surgery date. Please consider donating something on baby's birthday , even if its is a small amount. Remember your small donation can have a big impact on this baby's life if we all come together.

Jazak Allah Khairun for all your assistance so far ! Attaching recent pictures of Baby Ibtisam with his twin brother and his parents. Please click HERE.

Seema in partnership with United Volunteers Association(non-profit)

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