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Organized by Onsur

Save Yemen Children


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530 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Yemen

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by May 5, 2019 at 11:30 AM EDT

your donation feed one or more from Yemeni children and save their lives

Famine devours Children

According to the United Nations, Yemen is in urgent need of medicines, vaccines and food. The supplies “are essential to staving off disease and starvation,” the organization said. “Without them, untold thousands of innocent victims, among them many children, will die.” A joint statement from the heads of the World Food Program, UNICEF and the World Health Organization called the situation in Yemen “the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.”

They warn that 3.2 million people are at risk of famine, and 150,000 malnourished children could die in the next month. (Right now, according to Save the Children, 130 children are dying every day in Yemen.)

A least 17 million other people, including 11 million children, are in desperate need of humanitarian supplies. The shortage of medicine and clean water has also led to the spread of disease. The country is now in the throes of the fastest-growing cholera epidemic ever recorded. Nearly 900,000 people have been affected, according to U.N. figures.

Hope died in Yemen

A Seven-year-old Amal - Which means in Arabic; hope - , the girl who became a symbol of Yemen's looming famine after a photo of her frail body appeared in the New York Times last week, died.

Amal died of malnutrition and is the latest casualty in what the United Nations has called "the world's worst humanitarian crisis".

The seven-year-old was discharged last week from hospital, despite remaining unwell, in order to make room for new patients.

Amal's family announced that she died in a camp for people displaced by the conflict in Yemen, six kilometres away from the hospital where she was being treated.
Amal's mother Mariam Ali, who is reportedly recovering from a bout of dengue fever, said she had been left heartbroken by the death of her daughter. Mariam said she was unable to afford to take Amal to a medical centre 24km away for further treatment.

"Amal was always smiling. Now I'm worried for my other children," she told

Save Their lives

We are there to save Yemeni Children lives through provide them food and their basic needs

We are now working to give them their main needs like Food, clean water, and medical

Helping with Onsur

International Association for Relief and Development (Onsur) is a non-governmental organization registered in Turkey N° (178-018-27) dealing with the Relief and development projects through the empowerment of local communities to ensure a decent life, Founded at the beginning of 2012. 

Send them Food.. Save their lives!

For many of us we feel a great sense of helplessness when we constantly hear the news of our brothers and sisters who are suffering due to displacement and the humanitarian crises. Though you may be far away you can help!

we give you an opportunity to send a food for suffering children in Yemen with your generous donation which will go directly to refugees. If we all sacrifice and give as much as we are able this will go far. Next, even for those who can't donate, we can make this appeal go viral and Allah will reward each of us for the donations of those who we referred, inshaa' Allah.

So please donate AND share this campaign far and wide!

Send Food for Children of Yemen.. Donate now!

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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$35 USD, 6 years ago

Farzana Mustafa

$200 USD, 6 years ago

abdelrady tantawy

$50 USD, 6 years ago

Sabry abdelhady

$40 USD, 6 years ago

rabia mahmood

$40 USD, 6 years ago

Samer Daher

$20 USD, 6 years ago

Irhamna Taib

$1 USD, 6 years ago

شريف حمد

$40 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 6 years ago

Adan Sallow

$40 USD, 6 years ago

Servant Allah

$6 USD, 6 years ago

Muhammad Haikal Zakaria

$150 USD, 6 years ago


$50 USD, 6 years ago

Maria Khan

$40 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$40 USD, 6 years ago

Samer Daher

$20 USD, 6 years ago

Hana Abdul Rahman

$20 USD, 6 years ago

Zuhraia M A Alghamdi

$15 USD, 6 years ago

M JAWAD Hassain

$1 USD, 6 years ago


Updates 3

Onsur2 years ago

Orphans are calling the Superheros

Salam Alikom, superhero!

We've got an incredible mission for you!

Picture this: you swooping in to save the day by sponsoring an orphan with Onsur.

It's like wearing a cape, but way cooler! For just $35, you can be a hero and provide a whole month's worth of support and basic necessities to an orphan. Boom!

That's some serious impact right there. But wait, there's more! Your donation is zakat eligible, so you're not just saving the day, you're ticking off those zakat obligations like a pro.

Double win! These kids have been through some crazy stuff, from the conflicts in Syria to the recent earthquake in Turkey. By sponsoring an orphan, you're not just giving them financial support, you're giving them the chance to be little heroes themselves and make a positive difference in their communities.

Ready to unleash your superpowers? It's as easy as donating whatever amount you're comfortable with. 

Now that's an epic team-up! Fly on over to Here to learn more and start your heroic journey.

Get that cape ready! Thanks for being the superhero we need. You rock! Super regards,

Onsur6 years ago

Distribution of blankets for displaced people in Ibb governorate - Yemen

Onsur6 years ago

Delivering food aid to displaced people in Al-Mahweet Governorate, Yemen

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