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Salam, my name is Hania Ghazi and I am a junior at Wayne State University. I have been a part of buildOn (read below for details) since I was a freshman in high school. BuildOn has opened my mind and made me a much more active, aware and globally minded person. It is a brilliant organization because it not only helps to solve serious problems in developing nations (such as a lack of access to education), but it also empowers American youth to make a difference in their own communities and abroad.
In 2010 I went to Nicaragua to help build a school in a village and I realized what a huge and long lasting impact the school will have on the people of the village. The door of education had been opened to them but along with that came the chance for better subsistence, better healthcare and more.
This year my college chapter of buildOn is trying to fundraise enough money to do the same for a village in Haiti. I'm paying for all my own travel, so all funds here GO DIRECTLY TO THE SCHOOL! The school will cost approximately $30,000 to build and fund, and I am just one member of a team working to raise the funds to make it happen. Please donate anything you can, every penny helps and InshAllah the school will help to improve peoples' lives for many years to come.
For two decades buildOn has mobilized rural communities in some of the poorest countries on the planet to build 567 schools. They build schools with villages that have historically had no adequate school structure – where students are squeezed into dark and crumbling mud huts, or are taught under trees when the weather permits, or have to walk multiple miles to a neighboring village, or can’t attend school at all.
BuildOn's methodology’s true power resides in the fact that buildOn classrooms are constructed with a holistic approach, in partnership with the very people who will be benefiting from them. They are built with the community, not for them. buildOn provides the funding, engineering, materials, skilled labor and supervision. The village provides a gender balanced leadership team, thousands of hours of unskilled volunteer labor and a promise that girls will attend the school in equal numbers with boys.
Your donation will help end illiteracy for the villagers (through the adult literacy program), their children, their grandchildren and future generations to come, It will help change the future of an entire village of people.
School Supplies
For just $1 dollar, provide a child in Haiti with the necessary school supplies to have a great start: pencils, notebook, and a backpack.
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Educate a Child for a Whole Month!
For just .66 cents a day, you can make sure a child in Haiti has all the resources they need to learn for a whole month!
2 claimed
Educate a Child for a Whole Year!
For just .55 cents a day, you can make sure a child in Haiti has all the resources they need to learn for a whole year!
0 claimed
Mostafa Aboutaleb
Anisha Hansrod
Melinda Mason
Kimberly Myers-Pinkel
Manell Aboutaleb
Angela Elkordy
Mohammed Rahman
Riyad Shamma
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