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Organized by Emad Sabbah

Seeking Ihsaan


raised of 0 USD goal

10 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Riverdale, GA

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by July 22, 2015 at 8:00 PM EDT

Support the construction of Masjid Al-Ihsaan

15 Years in the making: From a 1-bedroom apartment to a proper Masjid

15 years ago our community purchased a one-bedroom apartment that marked the beginning of Masjid Al-Ihsaan, just outside of Atlanta. As we grew we moved to a 2-bedroom apartment before purchasing an 8-acre property with a small house. It took another 5 years to finish making the current masjid. Today the masjid has grown so large that now on Fridays people overflow outside and have to pray on the concrete, rain or shine.

The New Masjid Al-Ihsaan

With your help, we can finish off the last phase of Masjid Al-Ihsaan. The New Masjid Al-Ihsaan will be gorgeous inshallah, and reflect the beauty of Islam and our Muslim community. It will also, with Allah's permission, be able to accommodate everyone for the Friday prayers, Eid prayers, and also allow us to establish a weekend Islamic school

Masjid Al-Ihsaan: A welcoming, diverse community

We welcome anyone and everyone to come visit our small but growing community. We are a diverse community, both ethnically and racially, with Muslims whose families have been Muslim for generations to young, new converts. 

Build a house in Jannah

How to support

You made it this far, why not support! Just two simple steps:

  1) Donate - If everyone that reads this message gives $100, we will reach our goal. It's a simple concept but it requires everyone get involved at some level, even if it's only $5

  2) Share - Get your spouse, brother, mother, sister, father, closest friends etc. to match you! Don't just post it on Facebook, but actually text those close to you and challenge them to beat your donation :)

  3) Join us - We would like to invite you to join our fundraising dinner on Saturday, May 2nd at 5pm at the Ashiana Banquet Hall, Global Mall, 5675 Jimmy Carter Boulevard, Norcross GA. The keynote speaker is Seikh Kifah Mustapha ElMera and tickets are only $25/person. For tickets, sponsorship and more info please call Shahir Raslan, 404-642-6642 or Emad Sabbah 404-903-3672

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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$2 USD, 10 years ago


$10 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 10 years ago

Aleena Khan

$50 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$200 USD, 10 years ago

Naeem Mulla

$1,000 USD, 10 years ago

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