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Impact: Chahta Bakhtawar, Islamabad, Pakistan
Registered 501(c)(3)
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This campaign will collect all funds raised by October 27, 2015 at 1:45 AM EDT
Since 2011, Sitara School and Teachers' Institute has provided free education to needy children in Chatha Bakhtawar, Pakistan. In 2014, YOUR DONATIONS helped us relocate to a wonderful new facility. In our 2015 Launchgood campaign we're asking you to support our mission of offering quality education to the children who need it most; these little stars (Sitara means star in Urdu!)
Children at play in our new courtyard and working hard in class
Our typical Sitara student lives in a large family. Her father may be a day laborer. Her mother might clean houses or stay at home with younger children. Both parents are most likely illiterate, or may have a fifth grade education. Often, they are refugees from war-torn or flood ridden parts of Pakistan or Afghanistan. Many live in temporary shelters with no plumbing, heating or refrigeration. The money that comes into the household is for bread, not books. Education gives these children a chance to escape the cycle of poverty.
Your donations can ensure her brighter future, Inshallah.
Established in 2011 with 20 students, Sitara now provides education in all major subjects including Islam and Qur'an to almost 200 children. Boys attend the school up to fifth grade and girls may attend until eighth. Future plans include a girls' high school, Inshallah.
Sitara is located in Chatha Bakhtawar, a small town on the outskirts of Islamabad. There is no girls' high school in town and transportation to a neighboring village is usually not an option. Many girls drop out after fifth or eighth grade. We hope to reverse that trend by providing higher education for our older students. It has been stated that a $7.00 uniform can change a girl's life by keeping her in school and preventing early marriage and teenage pregnancy. Seven dollars. You spent more than that on lunch today!
Uniform and shoe distribution
Your money goes a long way in Pakistan. About $40.00 a month or $400.00 a year provides books, technology, two uniforms and shoes to a needy student. $100.00 a month pays a teacher's salary and allows her to attend training courses at Sitara Teachers' Institute. Our entire yearly school budget, including salaries, rent, utilities and resources for 200 children is very modest by American standards, not more than $30,000! With more funds, we'll be able to provide more technology for our students, expand into a girls' high school, improve the Teachers' Institute, and perhaps even buy the building we currently rent, Inshallah!
Sadaqa Jariyah
A small project means greater accountability.. As a donor, you can be assured that your money is being used to educate children and train teachers. Board members are provided with quarterly and yearly financial summaries and all donors receive the bi-annual Sitara News (see the latest newsletter on our website) which keeps you updated on student and school activities.
These children find their way into your hearts and become like your ownWhen you sponsor a child's education, you give him or her the opportunity of a better life, and you give yourself a precious opportunity in the life Hereafter. So please give generously and don't forget to SHARE this link on all your social media sites! Thank you!
Sitara Helper
Purchase a uniform or textbook for a deserving student. We will add you to our newsletter and consider you part of the Sitara family of donors.
46 claimed
Sitara Donor
Your contribution will buy a student school supplies and books for an entire school year. You'll be added to our mailing list and receive our newsletter!
36 claimed
Sitara Supporter
Just $40 pays a student's tuition, and covers part of the cost of running our school! At this level you'll receive a personal thank you note from our students.
29 claimed
Sitara Facilitator
Send a teacher to Sitara Institute to enrich and improve her teaching skills! We'll add you to our Honor Roll of Donors and publish your name on our website! (with your permission) You'll also receive a personal thank you from a Sitara staff member.
25 claimed
Sitara Contributor
Educate 2 teachers or 6 students. Be a a part of our honor roll and receive a personal thank you from the children and staff!
11 claimed
Friend of Sitara
You're enabling a child to get a full year of quality education and paying some of our operating costs. Receive all of the perks listed above and get to see our school in action via Skype or other media tool!
4 claimed
Sitara Benefactor
You're helping us expand our facilities and and keep our school going strong! receive the above listed benefits plus a special gift created just for you by Sitara artists!
4 claimed
Sitara Trustee
At this level you receive all the above mentioned perks and you have the option of joining our Board of Trustees, a group of dedicated, caring individuals who help to make Sitara a smoothly functioning entity.
2 claimed
Syedah Mohiuddin
An Anonymous kind soul
Muzammil Ahmed
An Anonymous kind soul
Ahmed Hasan
An Anonymous kind soul
Farzana Memon
An Anonymous kind soul
Yousuf Siddiqui
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Lara Zakaria
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Sadiya choudry
Zurish Ahmad
Sitara Needs YOU!
Dear LG donors,
Assalamu alaykum! Alhamdulilah, this week marked the end of our most unusual school year. in spite of Covid lockdowns and start ups, the 300 children of Sitara were able to take their final exams and graduate. Nobody knows what the next year will hold, but we intend to do our best to educate and support these needy children. You have helped us before and I'm sure you'd do more if you could. Sharing our links is one way to continue helping so share them far and wide. We are reaching the last ten days of Ramadan, when your charity can be of unlimited value, so please keep Sitara in your donation plans once again and urge your friends and family to contribute too. Our recent video, is the story of one boy told through the eyes of another. It captures the true essence of our mission, Ensuring the Right to an Education for All.
Jazak Allahu khairun for all of your support. May Allah accept all our deeds this Ramadan and keep our intentions pure. All the best, Sommieh Flower
last Ten Days!
Thirty Days- Thirty Thousand- WE CAN DO IT!
May 7, 2019
Dear Sitara Supporters,
Ramadan Kareem. First, I’d like to thank you for supporting Sitara in the past year. If this is the first thank you are receiving from me, I’m truly sorry. Somewhere along the line, Launchgood notices started coming to my promotional mail, instead of my primary inbox. I just discovered the issue today! For this reason, I may have missed the chance to say thank you. We appreciate you more than you know.
Sitara has grown by leaps and bounds this past year. We have become an official registered trust in Pakistan and have therefore changed our name to Sitara Trust. After years of successful growth as Sitara School, we have decided to expand our mission to encompass community development. In addition to our elementary, girls’ high school and teacher training program, we now have a Mother Child Center, Craft Center and Sitara Farms and Orchards.
You can read all about these new programs on this year’s Fund-Raising campaign, hosted once again by Launchgood. Please follow the special link below to get an update on all our new projects. The work is going very well, Alhamdulilah, but we need your support more than ever. The ultimate goal of community development is self-sustainability for families and the community as a whole. But it takes hard work, education and funding to get there and that’s where you come in.
Please go to our link at!/. Donate what you can and then share the link with all your contacts on social media platforms. Sharing the link is very important because it brings new people to the campaign. So sharing is as important a contributing money. With the right intention, everyone can do something.
I am in the process of changing all Sitara gmail and FB contacts to what’s app. Please send your what’s app # with your name and location to +631-792-3301 to complete this important process.
Jazak Allahu khairun for being part of the Sitara family and have a blessed Ramadan!
Best regards,
Sommieh Flower for Sitara Trust
Sitara Girls' High School
Dear Donors,
Greetings and Salams to you all and a very Happy Ramadan to all those who are celebrating. I want to express my deepest gratitude to you for such a successful 2017 fund-raising campaign. We almost met our $30,000 total, raising more than $28,000!
I'm writing to let you know that we have launched a brand new Sitara campaign for Ramadan! This one focuses on building Sitara Girls' High School. We intend to add three rooms to our current campus to accomplish this important addition. There is no girls' high school in Chahta Bakhtawar. After 8th grade, our girls have nowhere to go. What a waste of human potential! Please support us, as you have done before and spread this message to all your contacts. There is a new link for this special project. It's May Allah accept all your deeds in this most generous of months. Ameen. Best regards, Sommieh Flower
Twenty Seven Percent
Dear 2015 Donors, Supporters and Friends,
Now that the U.S. elections are over, it's time to get back to life. I can think of nothing more positive and hopeful than helping a child reach his or her potential. As you may know, the gift of education is a form of ceaseless charity in Islam. It keeps on giving even after your demise. You are rewarded every time the child you have helped uses his or her knowledge to benefit others. Besides, God multiplies your donations, no matter how small, as many times as he likes seven times, seventeen, seven hundred and so on. Giving charity is a win-win situation. We are half way through our 2016 Sitara Fund-raiser now and I could help but notice that most of you have not donated yet. Please take the opportunity, as you have done before. God loves those who are consistent in doing good. Online donation is a simple one click process for you and the difference between the light of education and the darkness of ignorance for a child! We've reached 27 of our total $30,000 goal. Won't you help us by donating and sharing the link today?
Sitara School Ramadan 2016 Update
Dear Launchgood Donors,
assalamu alaykum and Ramadan Kareem! Inshallah, this blessed month finds you in the best of health and spirit. Sitara School has just started their summer break and I thought it a good time to update you. Pleases check your inboxes for our latest newsletter! Jazak Allahu khairun and have a wonderful Ramadan! Ws, Sommieh Flowerr
We're into the Home Stretch!
Assalamu alaykum kind people!Because of you, Sitara School has almost met its 2015 fund-raising goal! The total now stands at $17,775. This means we need less than $3,000. If each of you and your friends could give just $10.00 more we would reach $20,000 in no time!What can $10.00 do? It buys a uniform, shoes and a warm sweater for a needy student. It buys textbooks and notebooks and internet access. It buys cooking oil.Why cooking oil? Alhamdulilah, many of our female students are nearing the age of puberty. This is the age when many girls in Pakistan drop out of school for a variety of reasons: early marriage, no transportation, and lack of resources, for example.We want to change that picture. Cooking oil is expensive in Pakistan. Higher education (past 8th grade) is considered a luxury for girls. So we've started giving cooking oil to students with good attendance and good grades as an incentive for their families to let them stay in school.Is it working? Time will tell. And your donations will help us to expand so we can offer more than a 8th grade education to these students. I envision a girls' high school at Sitara, very much needed since there are none in town. With your help and His, there is no limit to what we can do!Please don't delay. Go to and make another small donation. The campaign ends in just 8 days!Principal Rizwana Samie visits her students at home with the cooking oil incentive.A comment from a FB friend: MashaAllah, wonderful idea! I love it. Allah reward everyone involved in this school, I have heard nothing but good things mashaAllah. The students are proof of that! Mabrook to the sister on her grades, she will make a great doctor or teacher or architect someday inshaAllah!Ws, Sommieh Flower, Director
Sitara School and Teachers' Institute
Dear Sitara Friends and Donors,
Alhamdulillah, we've passed the half way mark! Many thanks for your donations and good wishes. But we need to reach our goal of $20,000 by the end of next week! The clock is ticking away and there's no time like the present to visit our page and donate just a little more. If that's not possible, you can help by sharing our link on all your social media. Sommieh Flower
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