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بدعمكم نستطيع تأسيس مصنعنا لتزويد الحجاج بالمظلة الذكية متعددة الاستخدام
كافية هي الحل لارتفاع درجة الحرارة خلال موسم الحج
هذه المظلة مزودة بخلايا شمسية تعمل علىتحويل الطاقة الشمسية الى كهرباء وبطارية دائمة قادرة على شحن اجهزة الجوال وجميع الاجهزة الكهربائية اضافة الي نظام اضاءة ليلي وجي بي اس وعكازة
من خلال دعمك لمشروعنا سنستطيع تأسيس مصنعناوتوفيرها للحجاج بسعر جيد ولكل من يحتاجها حول العالم
10$عند دعمنا بهذا المبلغ ستصلك رسالة شكر
20$ بطاقة شكر عبر الفيس بوك لكونك احد الداعمين
50$ ستحصل على مظلة +تيشرت المظلة + بطاقة شكر عبر الفيس بوك كونك احد الداعمين (لاول 15 شخص فقط)
100$ تحصل على مظلة يمكننا شحنها لك او التبرع بها باسمك للحجاج او للمسجد الاقصى + تيشرت المظلة +بطاقة شكر عبر الفيس بوك كونك احد الداعمين
200$ اضافة اسمك كداعم برونزي للمشروع وتحصل على مظلتين يمكننا شحنهما لك او التبرع بهما باسمك للحجاج او للمسجد الاقصى + تيشرت المظلة +بطاقة شكر عبر الفيس بوك كونك احد الداعمين
500$ اضافة اسمك كداعم فضي للمشروع و تحصل على مجموعة قرطاسية وادوات مكتبيه و 5 مظلات يمكننا شحنها الك او التبرع بها باسمك للحجاج او للمسجد الاقصى وتيشرت المظله
1000$ اضافة اسمك كراعي ذهبي و تحصل على 10 مظلات يمكننا شحنهم لك او التبرع بها باسمك للحجاج او للمسجد الاقصى واادراج لوغو شركتك سنويا في اجندة كافيه وتكون اول من يطلع على تصاميم كافية للمواسم القادمة و تحصل على مجموعة قرطاسية وادوات مكتبيه اضافة الى تيشرت المظلة
5000$ اضافة اسمك كراعي ماسي و تحصل على 30 مظله يمكننا شحنهم الك او التبرع بها باسمك للحجاج او للمسجد الاقصى وادراج لوغو شركتك على الصفحة الرئيسية لكافيه اضافة لاعلان اعلان خاص بشركتك على اجندة كافيه و مجموعة قرطاسية وادوات مكتبيه و ستكون اول من يحصل على جميع موديلات وتصاميم كافيه للمواسم القادمه
10000$ شريك نجاح وتحصل على 50 مظله مطبوع عليها اللوغو الخاص فيك مكننا شحنها لك او التبرع بها باسمك للحجاج او للمسجد الاقصى وصفحة اعلانية باسمك على اجندة كافيه ودائما سيظهر لوغو شركتك في جميع اعلاناتنا وتغطياتنا الاعلامية وتحصل على جميع موديلات وتصاميم كافية للمواسم القادمة
Since pilgrims are already using umbrellas, our solution to this was a technology that solved some of their difficulties with an item they're already using.
This umbrella provides relief from the heat, GPS tracking as well as solar powered chargers for any device with a USB. For older people, it becomes a walking stick with a flashlight during the evenings.
Badawi has volunteered to help facilitate Muslim pilgrimage since he was just a boy. During his years of service, he began to understand through first-hand experience what pilgrims need the most, and thus the smart umbrella was born.
Haj pilgrims were using umbrellas for a long time only to protect themselves from the sun. From this he developed the idea of making it a multi-purpose one.
We worked together to create a product we hope will add value not only to the experiences of Muslims in the annual Haj season, but also to people around the world.
The multi-purpose umbrella transforms sunlight into electricity, which can then be used to generate power for the umbrella’s many features.
This means we always have electricity to not only charge mobile-phones, but computers as well. You can charge any device that can be connected via USB. The umbrella also comes with three different USB outlets to charge mobile phones, tablets and other portable devices including laptops.
The GPS system will help families stay together by helping each individual who has an umbrella easily identify where he or she is. Of course the GPS system comes with a mobile application that you can download and the pilgrim can verify his/her umbrella on this application, in turn making it much easier for pilgrims to communicate with one another.
The fan on the roof of the umbrella works on solar energy and gives you a breeze as great relief in hot climates. And the flashlight works well to direct you during the night time. It can be used a a walking stick as well. If you like, use it to read a book too!
We plan to market the amazing product across the world and seek investors to distribute the umbrella globally.
Refugees and people in developing countries with limited to access to resources will friend great value in an umbrella with these functions. Our hope is to make this product available for everyone who needs it.
Umbrellas are always in demand- especially in Europe! A product like this would be a great companion for adventurous travellers. They can use during an outing in the evening or an event during the hot sunny hours. Along with giving protection from sun, it gives you breeze, flashlight for night and, moreover, some solar energy make sure you devices won’t run out of power.
Getting the patent for the product was the first step. The second step was to start marketing it. Marketing needs special supervision, so we had to find a company capable of providing this supervision.
In order for our product to spread worldwide, we have to avoid marketing it as an exclusive Haj product.
Our hope is that an international company or government body will invest in our product to begin mass production. This means we can then make it available at an affordable price for anyone to buy.
Umbrellas will be ready for shipping in 6 months time.
See what the media have said about Kafya:
Al Ghad Today: Click here to Watch
MBC: Click here to Watch
AlJazeera Mubasher: Click here to Watch
SkyNews Arabia: Click here to Watch
For media interviews please contact Dr. Manaal.
We are both the founders of the company (Knowledge Base International Holdings Limited) ,which aims to bring a qualitative change and cognitive development in the Arab world. We work on developing mobile apps, e-learning solution and publishing books since we are both writers.
Kamel Badawi is Saudi Arabian scientist, researcher and environmental engineer.
Manaal Al-Dandis is the Palestinian partner of this project with a PHD in Human Resource Management, who is also it's CEO.
By supporting our campaign we can begin production of our umbrellas and get these out to people who need them most. By pre-ordering an umbrella, you will be instrumental in supporting this project and impact the lives of millions of people.
DONATE - every $ counts!
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You will receive a thank you card ON Facebook for being a supporter
6 claimed
Thanks card ON Facebook for being a supporter
0 claimed
Limited OFFER for the first 15 purchases! Get yourself a Kafya Umbrella!
Shipping Included. (Or Donate it to someone in need!)
11 of 15 claimed
You get the umbrellas shipped to you in your name, or donated to pilgrims of the Al-Aqsa Mosque + a KAFYA TShirt! + thanks card on Facebook for being a supporter. Shipping Included.(Or donate it!)
2 claimed
Bronze Supporter
Your name will be added as a supporter of the project! You'll get 2 Umbrellas shipped to you, or donate them to pilgrims or the Al-Aqsa Mosque +kafya tshirt + thanks card with Facebook being one supporter Shipping Included.
0 claimed
Silver Supporter
Your name will be added as a supporter of the project! You'll get a collection of stationery and office Supplies + 5 umbrellas shipped to you in your name, or donated to pilgrims of the Al-Aqsa Mosque + Kafya tshirt. Shipping Included.
0 claimed
Gold Sponsor
10 umbrellas shipped to you in your name, or donated to pilgrims of the Al-Aqsa Mosque + Your Logo will be included in the agenda of the company annually will be the first seen of kafya designs for the coming seasons + You'll get a collection stationery and office supplies. Shipping Included.
0 claimed
Diamond Sponsor
30 umbrellas shipped to you in your name, or donated to pilgrims of the Al-Aqsa Mosque + The Logo of your company on the home page of kafya + A special announcement on the company's agenda kafya + Stationery and office supplies group + Kafya tshirt. You will be the first to get all the models and designs for kafya for the seasons to come. Shipping Included.
0 claimed
Success Partner
50 umbrellas stamped with your Logo shipped to you in your name, or donated to pilgrims of the Al-Aqsa Mosque + Page ad in your name on the agenda kafya + Logo will show your company in all our events and media + You'll get all the models and designs for the coming seasons. Shipping Included.
0 claimed
Farzaneh Seddiqi
Mohammed Faris
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Shehryar Khan
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Jahanara Aurangzeb
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
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