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Organized by Muslim Kids TV

Stories of the Prophets


raised of 0 USD goal

34 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Saskatoon, Canada

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Take Muslim children on a journey through the lives of our beloved Prophets of Islam through this 13-episode animated series!

Famine of Content

Milo family

When we first became Muslim, we were shocked at the lack of appropriate entertainment for our children to watch. Even when we moved to a Muslim country it didn't get any better - in some ways it was worse, because they had mostly violent cartoons like Tom & Jerry that we wouldn't let our children see in America. We realized then the Muslim community as a whole is facing a famine of content, that our children are starving for healthy, wholesome content.

tom jerry

Supermarket of Muslim Kids TV 

As experienced film & production professionals, we decided to take on the ominous challenge of creating shows for Muslim children worldwide ourselves. What would have been impossible a decade ago - having our own channel - is now a reality thanks to the internet. After many years of hard work and support from communities across the world, we finally launched www.MuslimKids.TV on March 1, 2014. 

muslim kids tv

The site is a supermarket of healthy content, containing hundreds of videos, computer games and educational activities – all developed specifically for your children. Our goal is to provide new content on the site each month, working with amazingly talented Muslims to produce original works.

Stories of the Prophets

Stories of the Prophets will be told by a mother bird to her young daughter. The pair travels with their imaginations through time and to the places and events of the Prophets. At no time will any of the Prophet’s images be depicted, upon them be peace. By telling the story in this creative way, we can really engage our children and take them on a journey that is fun and entertaining but also builds their love and reverence for these important historical and spiritual figures.

Stories Prophets Cover

As part of the series, we are developing a poster-timeline of the life of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Click below to view them in detail. Please note this is just a mock up for now. The animated series and the stories of the other Prophets will evolve and develop further after successful funding, inshallah - the images are provided for sample concept illustration purposes only. 

prophet poster

Be Part of the Solution

We need your help to make this animated series come to life. Join us in being part of the solution of making healthy, wholesome content for Muslim kids across the world. We don't have any more excuses - all it takes is a lot of people coming together giving a little each, and we can forever change what our children watch. Many will read this message, but few will act. Will you be one of those that walk the talk?

Milo Kids

Rewarding Your Support

We're excited to reward your support with great gifts from Muslim Kids TV. Read the descriptions to the right and explore www.MuslimKids.TV to see what the site has to offer.


Rewards Stories Prophets

Target Audience

Muslim children aged 5-10, and their parents too :)

Your giving amount


Chipping in - Summer Subscription

Thanks for helping us get one step closer! For your support, receive a summer subscription (June, July, August) to for you or a friend

5 claimed


Building the Ark - Annual Subscription

We really appreciate your help! For your support, receive a year-long subscription to for you or a friend, a $40 value!

7 claimed


Splitting the Sea - Double the Love

You're making a difference! For your support, receive 2 year-long subscriptions to for you and a friend (or 2 friends), an $80 value!

2 claimed


Splitting the Moon - Poster of the Prophet Muhammad's Life

Thank you for believing in us! For your support, we will send you a full-size poster of the life of the Prophet Muhammad to hang in your house or child's room, along with 2 year-long year-long subscriptions to for you and your friends.

7 of 65 claimed


Praying together in Jerusalem - All 13 Prophet Posters!

Your support covers half an episode! In return, we will send you all 13 full-size posters of the lives of the Prophets covered in the series with free shipping worldwide along with 6 year-long subscriptions to for you and your friends.

2 of 26 claimed


Praying together in Jannah - Sponsor a full episode!

Your support covers a full episode! In return, we will send you all 13 full-size posters of the lives of the Prophets covered in the series with free shipping worldwide along with 12 year-long subscriptions to for you and your friends.

2 of 13 claimed


Prophets in Your School - Sponsor 2 full episodes!

Your support covers 2 full episodes - in return we will grant the Islamic school of your choice a year-long subscription to along with all 13 posters to hang!

0 of 6 claimed


Your share could raise over 0


Recent supporters

Jomir Soroardy

$200 USD, 11 years ago

Hammad Hamid

$30 USD, 11 years ago


$30 USD, 11 years ago

Nour Kanafani

$200 USD, 11 years ago

Zainab Mumuni

$100 USD, 11 years ago

Ousama Karzazi

$18 USD, 11 years ago

Stacey Al

$55 USD, 11 years ago

Linda Kamran

$600 USD, 11 years ago

Tahnia Rahman

$120 USD, 11 years ago

Michael Milo

$20 USD, 11 years ago

aleema awan

$120 USD, 11 years ago

Jeehan Miller

$120 USD, 11 years ago

Lynn Hakim

$120 USD, 11 years ago

Fakeha Safyan

$10 USD, 11 years ago

Kyla Hakim

$30 USD, 11 years ago

Javeria Mir

$30 USD, 11 years ago

amal ahmed

$55 USD, 11 years ago

Aisha Dahiru

$200 USD, 11 years ago

Nour Kanafani

$600 USD, 11 years ago

Thahira Hussain

$100 USD, 11 years ago

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