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Organized by Mona Salti

Sunrise Academy High School Expansion


raised of 0 USD goal

151 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Hilliard, OH

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We need your support to open the first Islamic High School in Central Ohio!

Securing the Future of Our Next Generation!

Alhamdulillah, we are very honored and happy to announce that we have purchased the Urgent Care building across the street. This is part of our expansion to make space for our growing campus to include the first full-time Islamic High School in Central Ohio inshallah! We are so excited to be able to provide an educational institution for our high-schoolers that will continue to foster comprehensive academic learning incorporated with the beautiful Islamic principles and teachings. 

The building has been purchased, but our journey is just beginning! To complete our vision, we need your support and the support of our Community! Our Prophet peace be upon him said “ When a man dies, all his deeds come to an end except for three: a continuous charity..” This is an opportunity for you to share in the reward of a continuous charity! 

Please support with any amount you can, make dua that Allah accepts our efforts and your support, and  bless this project and everyone involved! Ameen! Please share the link with your friends and family!

9th Grade for the 2019-2020 School Year

Let's Make This Dream a Reality 

For the 2019-2020 school year, we are hoping to relocate our middle school into the urgent care building (new building) as well as adding a 9th grade. Inshallah, we will add an additional grade level each year.

Please see the 9th-grade-course offerings below for the 2019-2020 school year!

FRESHMAN (Grade 9) 

Semester 1

Semester 2







Quran/Islamic Studies (Reg/AP)

Quran/Islamic Studies (Reg/AP)


English 9 - Survey of Lit & Writing

English 9 - Survey of Lit & Writing


Physical Science/ Biology (Reg/Honors)

Physical Science/ Biology (Reg/Honors)


Algebra/ Geometry (Reg/Honors)

Algebra/ Geometry 

(Reg/ Honors)


World History/ U.S History (Reg/Honors)

U.S History/ World History (Reg/Honors)





P.E.(Sports & Fitness) – Health

P.E.(Sports & Fitness) – Health


  • Students who graduate from our Sunrise Academy High School are eligible to receive an Associate Degree in Islamic Studies! Wow! MASHALLAH!
  • Our High School will offer Honors and AP courses as well as the option to take College Credit Plus courses through Columbus State. Courses will be assigned to students who meet the required criteria.
  • Students will have the option to join our Sunrise Academy Stallion sports team. Sports offerings will be determined based on interest. 

Where Will Our Funds Go

  • We need to raise $500,000 for the cost of designing and remodeling the building as well as the purchase of furniture, equipment, technology, and materials! 
  • As we continue to develop the design for the new building, we will share it with the community and stakeholders. 

How Can You Help?

  • Dua - Make duaa for the growth and success of our High School!
  • Tell people - Spread the word to your friends and family
  • Sharing is caring - Share on social media: 
  • Use our link - Share this link on Whatsapp: Launchgood.com/sunrise 
  • Donate generously! - Anything and everything helps!

Your giving amount


Your share could raise over 0


Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$250 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$500 USD, 6 years ago

Nikki Umarova

$250 USD, 6 years ago

dana sawalha

$100 USD, 6 years ago

Jama Mohamed

$100 USD, 6 years ago

Ronney Abaza

$5,000 USD, 6 years ago

Zainab Abukweik

$500 USD, 6 years ago

Mathhar Shalash

$5,000 USD, 6 years ago

Zainab Abukweik

$100 USD, 6 years ago

Ehab Jawad

$100 USD, 6 years ago


$10 USD, 6 years ago


$100 USD, 6 years ago

Zuvra Gazizulina

$50 USD, 6 years ago


$250 USD, 6 years ago

Julia UMAR

$50 USD, 6 years ago

rahama hassan

$30 USD, 6 years ago

Nurra Moallim

$25 USD, 6 years ago

Waqas Shah

$250 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 6 years ago

Walaa Waeda

$100 USD, 6 years ago

Updates 2

Mona Salti6 years ago

More Site Picture

Mona Salti6 years ago

The Building Design is Complete- Check it out!

Asalamu Alaikum Donors,

Here is where your generous donations are going! Below you will find the site layout and the building design as well as photographs of the space adjacencies for the new Sunrise Academy High School! Thank you for making this dream a reality for our community and our children! Please continue to share the campaign link with families and friends so we can reach out campaign goal. May Allah (SWT) reward you for all your efforts!

Jazamkum Allahu Khair

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