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Support Raising A Kinder and More Tolerant Next Generation


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This campaign will collect all funds raised by December 23, 2017 at 12:45 AM EST

Be a change maker : Raise kinder, more accepting global citizens using our interfaith educational tools

Two mothers living in different countries, practicing different faiths have come together to spread a message of interfaith diversity, acceptance, and peace using unique educational tools.

Both mothers, one Muslim and the other Jewish, felt the parental responsibility to teach their young children about different faiths and customs in a bid to raise kinder, more accepting global citizens. Not finding the tools they wanted in the market, they set out to design their own.

In the US, Lail, created the Harmony Cookie Cutter Set, a box of 4 different cutters each in the shape of an iconic image celebrating different faith-based holidays. The development of this fun, kid friendly product was her small attempt to start a conversation about overcoming separation and difference by showing her daughter the commonalities between faiths.

In the UK, Medeia wrote Hats of Faith, a stunningly illustrated, board book introducing faith-based head covering to young children and their parents. Similarly her goal with this book was to educate her son with accurate terminology and depictions of faith-based head coverings so that he would be familiar and respectful when he encountered people who wore them.

Lail and Medeia believe in living harmoniously across racial, ethnic, religious, cultural and national boundaries. In this time of increased intolerance and violence they feel strongly that we must be the change we want to see and do what we can to spread a positive message of love, unity and respect.

The Harmony Cookie Cutters and Hats of Faith Book were both inspired by Lail and Medeia’s own children and their desire to educate them, but they are now available to help other parents and educators around the world to share this important message.

Now you can purchase your very own cookie cutter sets and books to use with your little ones at home. And just for this campaign, you can also purchase specially priced bundles featuring all our products, including our new children’s and adults T-shirts featuring illustrations from the pages of Hats of Faith and our coloring sheets to take care of everyone on your gift list!

If you’re feeling especially generous you can purchase a heavily discounted donation bundle and we will gift it to a children’s hospital, school or library on your behalf. 

Harmony is a beautifully packaged set of 4 premium stainless steel cookie cutters that introduce religious holiday from around the world. The set includes: Christmas Tree, Diwali Diya, Eid/Ramadan Fanoos and Hannukah Dreidel. The Harmony set is perfect for starting interfaith conversations at home, introducing the symbols associated with the holidays, making tasty (think cookies, cakes, fruits) and creative projects (paper craft, clay craft, play dough) with children and as a gifts. The Interfaith Harmony Cookie Cutter set also includes information about the religious celebrations associated with each cookie cutter.

Hats of Faith is a beautifully illustrated introduction to the shared custom of head covering. Using accurate terminology, phonetic pronunciations and bright, beautiful imagery, this book helps educate and prepare young children and their parents for our diverse modern world. The book celebrates head coverings from faiths including: Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Rastafarian, Sikh. Hats of Faith is a 12 page, 18cm x 18cm sturdy board book, perfect for rough and tumble babies and toddlers.

Hats of Faith adult and children’s T-Shirt collection brings your favourite images from the book off the page and into your life. These beautifully printed 100% cotton t-shirt are available in a range of colors and sizes.

Our amazing illustrator Sarah Walsh has created 3 new coloring pages based on illustrations from the book. Enjoy decorating the Turban, Hijab and Head Wrap with your little ones in the classroom or at home anyway they like using a range of craft supplies.

Our other talented graphic designer Reyhana Ismail created 4 stunning coloring sheets in the shapes of the Harmony cookie cutters to use as a learning tool with the children in your life in a classroom or home. Help children learn about different festivals and the symbols people associate with each respective holiday.

Be a change maker and join us in spreading our message of interfaith acceptance, love and peace by supporting this campaign today!


Your giving amount


Big Heart Donation Bundle [Worldwide]

You’ve got a BIG heart and we love that about you! With this special bundle we’ll DONATE a copy of Hats of Faith Book and set of Harmony Cookie Cutters to a local children's hospital on your behalf. And because you’re so super generous we’ll email you FREE colouring pages as a special thank you!

19 claimed


Wear Hats of Faith [Worldwide]

Be the first on your block to own a super cool Hats of Faith (adult or children's) 100% Cotton T-shirt. Designs include: adult sizes of the Headwrap, Turban and Rasta Hat and children’s sizes of the Hijab, Kippah and Patka. SHIPPING INCLUDED

4 of 10 claimed


Give Me Both Pack [USA Only]

Get your hands on a copy of our Hats of Faith children's book & a lovely set of our Harmony Cookie Cutters. Together they make the perfect gift for teaching diversity and having fun with your little ones. SHIPPING INCLUDED

10 of 20 claimed


Give Me Both Pack [International Only]

Get your hands on a copy of our Hats of Faith children's book & a lovely set of our Harmony Cookie Cutters. Together they make the perfect gift for teaching diversity and having fun with your little ones. SHIPPING INCLUDED

2 of 8 claimed


Hats of Faith Book for 5 friends - [USA Only]

Order 5 copies of our Hats of Faith board book to share with all the little ones in your life as goodie bag fillers for gifts for any occasion. Make ours the bedtime story to remember! SHIPPING INCLUDED

1 of 10 claimed


Hats of Faith Book for 5 friends - [International]

Order 5 copies of our Hats of Faith board book to share with all the little ones in your life as goodie bag fillers for gifts for any occasion. Make ours the bedtime story to remember! SHIPPING INCLUDED

0 of 10 claimed


Harmony Cookie Cutters for 5 friends - [USA only]

Order 5 sets of our Harmony Cookie Cutters to share with all the little ones in your life. These versatile cutters can be used for baking or crafting and make perfect gifts for every occasion. Aren’t you thoughtful! SHIPPING INCLUDED

0 of 10 claimed


Harmony Cookie Cutters for 5 friends - [International]

Order 5 sets of our Harmony Cookie Cutters to share with all the little ones in your life. These versatile cutters can be used for baking or crafting and make perfect gifts for every occasion. Aren’t you thoughtful! SHIPPING INCLUDED

0 of 10 claimed


Gift Giver of The Year Bundle- [USA Only]

This special bundle includes 5 Hats of Faith board books & 5 Harmony Cookie Cutters meaning 5 of the little people in your life just got the coolest interfaith gift pack ever and you win gift giver of the year! Well done you. SHIPPING INCLUDED

2 of 5 claimed


Gift Giver of The Year Bundle- - [International Only]

This special bundle includes 5 Hats of Faith board books & 5 Harmony Cookie Cutters meaning 5 of the little people in your life just got the coolest interfaith gift pack ever and you win gift giver of the year! Well done you. SHIPPING INCLUDED

1 of 5 claimed


Consider Your Holiday List Sorted Pack - [USA Only]

This is the ultimate gift pack for lucky little ones including 3 Hats of Faith (adult or children’s sized) T-shirts (you choose the designs) along with 3 Hats of Faith books and of course our super cool Harmony Cookie Cutter sets. Move over Kris Kringle! SHIPPING INCLUDED

0 of 8 claimed


Consider Your Holiday List Sorted Pack - [International Only]

This is the ultimate gift pack for lucky little ones including 3 Hats of Faith (adult or children’s sized) T-shirts (you choose the designs) along with 3 Hats of Faith books and of course 3 sets of our super cool Harmony Cookie Cutter. Move over Kris Kringle! SHIPPING INCLUDED

0 of 8 claimed


Stockist Bundle [USA Only]

Perfect for stockists, Montessories, and Day care facilities including 20 copies of Hats of Faith book and 20 sets of Harmony Cookie Cutter sets. SHIPPING INCLUDED

3 of 4 claimed


Stockist Bundle - [International Only]

Perfect for stockists, Montessories, and Day care facilities including 20 copies of Hats of Faith book and 20 sets of Harmony Cookie Cutter sets. SHIPPING INCLUDED

2 of 4 claimed


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$15 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

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An Anonymous kind soul

$15 USD, 7 years ago

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