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Organized by Darul Arqam Studios

Removing Language Barrier to Islamic Education


raised of 0 USD goal

91 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: United States

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by May 30, 2019 at 3:00 PM EDT

Help Millions of human beings overcome The Language Barrier to Islamic Education.

1: Youtube Channel for 9 Major Languages along with 14 Videos each launched.

2: 25 Dubbed Videos for Understand Quran Easy Way being released for Indonesian and Urdu/Hindi Channels next month, In sha Allah.

3: Bangla Language added, 20 Videos translation & conversion pre ordered from dubbing studio

Billions of human beings world wide have a thirst for Islamic Knowledge that is not being fulfilled because of language barrier standing in their way.

We have a solution to make a Change......We are converting our 500+ illustrations and Animation videos done to-date into Major Languages of the World. 

It will be a complete conversion of our videos, not only will they be dubbed using professional dubbing artists in the local languages but also the entire illustration and animation video will be changed into the local language of the community. It will be a complete product for that local language.

Help us reach every human being with the message of Islam and Quran in the most state of the art way possible for free In sha Allah.

Why Rely on Fundraising?:

We are working on making Islamic Education Universal, Free, State of the Art and available to every single human being in sha Allah.

We don't monetize even a single second of our content and we don't even rely on advertisements. The reason is to ensure that every human being can access the content at his or her will and also that they have a un interrupted experience of learning Islam and Quran.

Our Goal is to spread State of art Islamic Education to every single human being on planet Earth In sha Allah. Help us in our Quest to make Every human being understand Quran and Islam directly In sha Allah.

Help Millions of human beings overcome The Language Barrier to Islamic Education by contributing.

1: Urdu 

2: Turkish 

3: Indonesian 

4: Pushto 

5: French 

6: Spanish 

7: Chinese 

8: German  

9: Arabic 

10: Bangla

and Many more....

You can watch the work done so far by clicking on any of the links above in sha Allah.




Special limited edition Darul Arqam Studios' T-Shirt as a token of our eternal gratitude.

Special limited edition Darul Arqam Studios' T-Shirt as a token of our eternal gratitude. 1 T shirt show above and another T shirt shown below:

Get all 3 Limited Edition T - shirts from Darul Arqam Studios. 

2 shown above and 1 shown below:

How You Can Help

The following are ways you can support our efforts:

  • Click on one of the giving levels to the right of the screen and donate

  • Share this campaign on your social media by clicking the appropriate social media icon at the top of this screen.

  • Share in your WhatsApp groups by using the link

  • Make dua for Darul Arqam Studios and the success of our project!

Your giving amount



This is going to go a long way

38 claimed



Now you are part of Our Movement to make Islamic Education State of the Art, Free and Universal!

14 claimed



Helps cover the cost one Entire Dubbed and Translated Video. Benefiting millions who would have otherwise been unable to watch them

12 claimed



Covers cost of 5 Videos benefiting more than 10 million people and more people as long as internet lasts in sha Allah. Special limited edition Darul Arqam Studios' T-Shirt as a token of our eternal gratitude.

2 claimed



Covers costs of 10 Videos benefiting more than 10 million people and more as long as Internet Lasts, In sha Allah. 2 Special limited edition Darul Arqam Studios' T-Shirt as a token of our eternal gratitude

0 claimed


Game Changer

Covers 20 Videos benefiting 20 million and more people as long as internet lasts, In sha Allah Get all 3 Limited Edition T - shirts from Darul Arqam Studios

0 claimed


Generation Changer

Covers 50 Videos benefiting more than hundred million people and more as long as internet lasts, In sha Allah. 10 Special Edition Darul Arqam Studios T Shirts.

0 claimed


Bringer of Light

Conversion of Entire Library of 500+ Animations and illustration Videos so far into 1 Language of your choice. You can even choose a Language of your choice. Opens up doors to State of Art Islamic Education for one entire community consisting of hundreds of millions of souls. Yearly DVD Set containing all our illustration Videos to-date delivered Every year to your doorstep. Plus offer to be our board member.

0 claimed


Your share could raise over 0


Recent supporters


$10 USD, 6 years ago

rabia aziz

$10 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$0 USD, 6 years ago

Rubel Mohammed

$1 USD, 6 years ago

Mohamed Deedat

$4 USD, 6 years ago

Funda Toptaner

$50 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 7 years ago

Md Huzaifah

$10 USD, 7 years ago

Nur Diyana

$10 USD, 7 years ago

Muhammad Zain Khalid

$10 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 7 years ago

Mohsi Khan

$5 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 7 years ago

Updates 1

Darul Arqam Studios7 years ago

Adding 4 More Languages

Millions of people can not benefit from our videos because of the language barrier and we want to change that.

We are working with professional dubbing and translating studios to translate all our illustration and animation videos into Urdu, Indonesian, Turkish and Pushto.

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