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Organized by Kevin Barrett

Truth Against Terror newsletter


raised of 0 USD goal

3 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Lone Rock, WI

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by February 9, 2019 at 12:45 AM EST

The "Global War on Terror" is a lie. Only truth can end terror. “Rather We hurl the truth (Haq) against falsehood, and it crushes it..." (al-Anbiya, 18)

As-salaamu alaikum, my name is Dr. Kevin Barrett, and I am working with colleagues to build an outreach campaign to Muslims, especially leaders and opinion-shapers. We have developed a Truth Against Terror newsletter exposing the propaganda deceptions used by enemies of Islam, including the most powerful and little-known one: false flag operations. Now we need to put it into wide circulation! Your contribution will help us develop mailing lists (both snailmail and email) as well as social media reach.

Anti-Islam Propaganda is heavily-funded – it's time to tell our side of the story! 

The Islamophobia Industry spends billions of dollars every year creating negative images of Islam. The most potent anti-Islam public relations stunts are false flag operations, in which Muslim patsies are manipulated to take the blame for "terror attacks" orchestrated by professionals. I have written or edited five books exposing these deceptions, including Truth Jihad, 9/11 and American Empire v.2, and the False Flag Trilogy of We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo, ANOTHER French False Flag, and Orlando False Flag. And I co-host False Flag Weekly News every Friday 11 to noon Eastern.

The Newsletter

We will send physical letters by US mail to mosques and Islamic Centers in the USA asking them to host a speaking event about false flags and/or subscribe to the email newsletter. And we will build an email list for the newsletter by asking subscribers to send email addresses of their friends, imams, professors, coworkers, etc. –any opinion molders whom they know. This will allow us to build a network of Muslims sufficient to launch a radio station, Radio Free Islam (RFI). We will begin with an internet-only channel that offers first-rate programming telling the Muslim side of the story. Once the station is up and running on the internet we will seek backing to purchase terrestrial AM radio stations in the United States, focusing on cities with large Muslim populations. The station would feature a broad spectrum of the most compelling Muslim voices, with a focus on dawa and current events programming from a Muslim perspective, along with Quran, nasheed, and cuisine from the Islamic world, speeches and interviews from Muslim heroes such as Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali, and other material designed to appeal to non-Muslims as well as Muslims.

How You Can Help

Please spread the word about this campaign. Share it through social media, and if possible personally contact opinion leaders in the Muslim community and let them know that we are mobilizing to tell our side of the story!

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muhammad khan

$500 USD, 6 years ago

Muhammad Khan

$50 USD, 6 years ago

Muhammad Khan

$100 USD, 6 years ago

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