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This campaign will collect all funds raised by August 1, 2020 at 5:00 PM EDT
Water 4 Yemen
Please donate and share. A single share of this campaign can help us raise three times the amount! You will be a partner in that reward also!
Civil war, flood, famine, blockade, cholera, coronavirus...
The people of Yemen face all of the above. Can you imagine for a second, the difficulties they're going through?
It is time we do something about it and give them hope for survival. Let's unite for them.
Urgent Appeal:
You can support Help Yateem to deliver fresh water to quench their thrist. From our side, we can help them survive by giving basic food such as bread and water. You could literally save a life by giving water. People are dying and what are we doing about it?
Together, let's eradicate cholera outbreak by giving clean and fresh water to the most vulnerable people. Let's save lives. The aim is 24,000 this will help us deliver our promise of 4 million Liters of Water.
Allah says:
Will you now give water to the people of Yemen?
We AIM to supply water to 1,000,000 people in desperate need for WATER (Population of Yemen- 28.5m)
We are ambitious and supporters like you will keep us going furher to reach people that in dire situations!
In Ramadan 2020, we started the bread 4 Yemen campaign to feed those in need- a lifesaving campaign.
The team on the ground also assessed the need for water. People don't have water. We decided to launch Water 4 Yemen to deliver water tanks to various villages that are in desperate need for drinking water.
The long term objective of Help Yateem is to prepare the children especially orphans by giving food and water so they are ready for education.
We want to prepare the future generations of Yemen by giving quality education. We want them to become independent and empower their own communities.
This campaign is dependent on your support by donating as little as £15 which consists of 2,500 liters of water!
If you're in a position to give 1 million Liters of Water, then please give and we promise that we will deliver Insha'Allah. This cost £6,000
May Allah reward you in abundance in this duniya and akhirah.
Reap the rewards from your Lord.
Note: Prices fluctuate from day to day because it is a war zone.
Sulaiman Ali
An Anonymous kind soul
tarik m Abdallah
Halima aidarus
Alyssa Simpson
Genna Coyne
Saffiyah Hasin
nur akasah
An Anonymous kind soul
Mehnaz Sultana
mina asif
Ali Bafagih
An Anonymous kind soul
Faaris Dar
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Water 4 Yemen
Dear Water 4 Yemen supporters,
Thank you for showing a much needed support for this campaign. Your donation is vital, even if it is 1 pound and the donations doesn't have to stop here, if you could help us reach out to more people, then please share this page with friends and family. Surely their donations will contribute to the success of this campaign, which is totally reliant on your support.
Together let's push harder to reach the £6000 target which is equivalent 1 million Liters of Water.
Imagine the impact of this? Honestly people are out there that in desperate need for water.
We can reach the target by today, please share now, Yemen needs you now.
Thank you
Hassan from Help Yateem
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