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Organized by Byan

Let's Give Ahmad Wings To Fly!


raised of 0 USD goal

234 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Detroit, MI

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Help us raise funds to buy Ahmad a wheelchair accessible van. Give him the ability to leave the house.

Give Ahmad the ability to leave the house and enjoy life by helping him reach his goal to buy a dependable wheelchair accessible van!


Ahmad is 23 years old and has Frederich's Ataxia, a rare incurable disease that causes progressive damage to the nervous system. People suffering from Frederich's Ataxia lose coordination over time, which leads to loss of the ability to walk, and other complex health issues. 

As a child, Ahmed enjoyed running in the garden and just being a "normal" kid. He loved to mimic the sounds of frogs in his backyard. He was fond of climbing the monkey bars.  He would chase the grasshoppers and butterflies. He enjoyed riding his bike. He was unstoppable and full of energy.  Unfortunately, everything changed when he started falling and tripping for no reason at age seven. After many trips to specialists, being poked and prodded by needles, and long stays at hospitals, doctors at the Children's Hospital in Detroit finally diagnosed Ahmed with Frederich's Ataxia.

As Ahmed slowly lost the ability to walk, he would often get teased and bullied by kids in school where they would call him jelly legs. Ahmed was forced to wear a helmet to school as the school district did not want to be liable for Ahmed if he fell. It crushed Ahmed's spirt that he could not just be normal. Keep in mind, although Frederich's Ataxia affects the body, It does not impede cognitive ability. The final blow was when Ahmed became wheelchair bound. He lost interest in almost everything and would often ask things like, "Why was I born?" or "Why did this happen to me?" 

With the support of Ahmed's family, he has been able to slowly get back on track and enjoy life again. He is very fond of fishing. The family calls him the master angler of the family. 

A  few years ago, Ahmad's family managed to buy and fix a wheelchair accessible 2000 Dodge Caravan. This gave Ahmad the ability to go to college, his medical appointments and try to enjoy the outdoors on a regular basis.

Unfortunately, someone decided it was ok to attempt to try to steal a handicap accessible van and ripped out all the wiring from under the dashboard trying to start the van. Despite the fact that they were unsuccessful at taking the van, they caused major electrical problems. These problems affected the van's ability to open and close the ramp, turn on headlights and, worst of all, start the van regularly. The family has taken the van to multiple mechanics, all of which said it would cost more than the van is worth to track down and fix the issues. Even then, the mechanics said no guarantees

Ahmad's mother and brothers carry him in a regular car when he needs to leave the house but as you can imagine, there is a major safety issue as the transfer from chair to vehicle can be dangerous. Ahmed has had some close calls while being moved. Complicating the matter further, Ahmed's mother suffers from her own medical issues making the manual transfer from chair to vehicle not feasible long term. Additionally, with Ahmed's loss of coordination, he has no control over his body as the car turns or stops. He has slipped through his seatbelt which again is a major safety issue. 

Ahmed's mom is his caretaker but also takes care of his two younger siblings alone, which prevents her from being able to work. Ahmed's family is thankful for any assistance you can offer to help get Ahmed back to enjoying life to it's fullest. 

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Recent supporters

Bilal Bilal

$5 USD, 8 years ago

Tasnim Haq

$4 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 8 years ago

Umm Z

$10 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$15 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 8 years ago

Elizabeth Ertner

$25 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$3,000 USD, 8 years ago


$5 USD, 8 years ago

Noma Murtuza

$250 USD, 8 years ago

Willa Rothman

$5 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 8 years ago

Ahmad Ahmad

$25 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 8 years ago


Updates 3

Byan5 months ago

Um-Ahmad & Her Four Children Need Help (Rent, Food, Utilities)

Assalamu Alykum,


I pray that all is well in this blessed Friday. 


Um-Ahmad is a hard working mother of four children and she needs your urgent help with paying three months of rent, food, and utility bills. Let's do our part and keep this once happy family warm, fed, and safe. How?


  1. Do your part and donate $5, $10, $100, $1000
  2. Share the link to the fundraising campaign with 5 people and encourage them to donate:
  3. Be certain that Allah will double your reward in this life and the next


Let's do our part and deliver happy-tears to Um-Ahmad and her four children.


Jumuah Mubarakah!

Byan5 months ago

Um-Ahmad, A Mother of Four Needs Help with Rent, Food, Utilities

Assalamu Alykum brothers and sisters,


Alhamdulilah and thank you for your generosity, we have raised $4,025 in 4 days for Um-Ahmad and her four children. 


We are only $5,975 away from our goal. Um-Ahmad and her four children are very thankful and they are making sincere Dua for you and your family. 


Please consider donating and sharing the campaign with at least 5 people in your network of friends and loved ones and encourage them to donate. Also, consider sharing via social media. 


Here's the link to donate to Um-Ahmad and her four children:


Jazakum Allahu Khyr,


Mohamed Boukhatmi

Family Friend 

Byan8 years ago

Quick Campaign Update!

Alsalam Alaykum,

I just wanted to take a moment of your time and give you a quick campaign update. Alhamdulilah, a couple weeks ago, thanks to your generosity, we were able to purchase the van for Ahmad. His first trip was to the Masjid for Taraweeh Prayer. Ahmad attended Eid Prayer  last week, a photographer snapped this photo of him:

Ahmed wanted to say thank you personally, so he recorded this short video:

Here are a few pictures of the van and Ahmad:

On behalf of Ahmad and the entire family, I wanted to thank you for your generosity. May Allah forgive your sins, guide you on the righteous path, and grant you the highest levels of paradise. 

Alsalam Alaykum. 


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