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Organized by Darelyateem

YOUR RAMADAN FOR GAZA 2020 -1441 Eid Gifts for Gaza Children


raised of 0 USD goal

995 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Gaza Strip

Verification in progress. Learn More

This campaign will collect all funds raised by June 1, 2020 at 3:00 AM EDT

Eid gifts for Gaza children - ramadan

      Your Ramadan for Gaza                                               
Ramadan Charity Projects 2020                                        

Due to the difficult circumstances the Gaza Strip is going through from poverty, unemployment, ,  difficult economic and humanitarian conditions, the Palestinian Orphan Home Association seeks to increase the number of beneficiaries, to benefit the largest possible number of targeted groups of orphans, the poor and the needy, where charitable projects are implemented, including:

  • Fast breaking project.
  • Eid clothes  Project
  • Food parcels project
  • Purchasing vouchers project
  • Distributing Zakat and charity
  • The revival of the Sunnah of Mustafa, “peace and blessings be upon him,” and to seek the  reward in which he, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “The Prophet () said, "He who provides a fasting person something with which to break his fast, will earn the same reward as the one who was observing the fast, without diminishing in any way the reward of the latter

Improving the living and social conditions of a number of poor and needy families and orphans during the month of Ramadan                                                


Target group and selection criteria:

  • Poor and needy families
  • Families of orphans
  • Families of the sick and the elderly

The following is a detailed explanation of the projects that the Palestinian Orphan Association will implement during Ramadan 2020:

The association provides meals and distributes them to poor and needy families in their homes. Where the meal will be rice and chicken , dates, milk and yougurt “The Prophet () said, "He who provides a fasting person something with which to break his fast, will earn the same reward as the one who was observing the fast, without diminishing in any way the reward of the latter

This project comes in compliance with the saying of the Messenger, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, 'For whomever pleases a Muslim  reward, I shall not be satisfied with any reward for him less than Paradise.'"       

There is no doubt that zakat al-fitr has a good effect on the hearts of all Muslims, especially the poor, since it is before the blessed Eid al-Fitr, as this Zakat is obligatory for all Muslims fasting and non fasting, it is taken out from the entire Muslim family, and it draws joy on the faces of the beneficiaries. Ramadan is considered the title of generosity, benevolence, and charity, the month of communication and solidarity, in which the hearts of believers have mercy. During the holy month, the richest brothers feel their poor brothers to relieve them of the hardships of living, and achieve the highest meanings of social solidarity.

God Almighty said: "  And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive,",the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "Like the believers in their mutual love and sympathy like one body if the member complained to falter, the rest of the body with fever and ensure "

From here it becomes clear the need to support poor families and alleviate their daily and suffering, especially during the month of Ramadan, in which those families are waiting to be supported and reduce their distress.

Through this project, various charitable Ramadan projects will be implemented, including (Zakat al-Fitr and Money Distribution Project) for poor and needy families. Distribution will be carried out in all areas of the Gaza Strip based on the need of those areas.

Fifth / Purchasing Vouchers Project
Based on the association’s keenness to contribute to alleviating the sufferings of needy and the affected people of our Palestinian people and seeking to draw a smile on the lips of the deprived, orphans and poor by distributing purchasing vouchers to poor and needy families whose breadwinners cannot work or cannot find the work to secure the basic needs of his family and children.

Through this project, after receiving the special coupon, the family can go to the shop or supermarket to purchase the basic needs

Project budget

Conclusion :

Our prophet Mohammad Peace be upon him, said:

A Muslim is the brother of a fellow-Muslim. He should neither commit oppression upon him nor ruin him, and he who meets the need of a brother, Allah would meet big needs, and he who relieved a Muslim from hardship Allah would relieve him from the hardships to which he would be put on the Day of Resurrection, and he who did not expose (the follies of a Muslim) Allah would conceal his follies on the Day of Resurrection.

Dear brothers, we present to you this important project, hoping that you will contribute in funding it

To help the poor who are unable to provide the basic daily life needs, let us work together to help them, support them and alleviate their suffering during the holy month of Ramadan.

May Allah  bless you and reward you all the best                          

Palestinian Orphan Home Association                                      

    Gaza Strip - Palestine                                              



                                   مشاريع رمضان الخيرية 2020 

في ظل الظروف الصعبة التي يمر بها قطاع غزة من فقر وبطالة وظروف اقتصادية وإنسانية صعبة تسعى جمعية دار اليتيم الفلسطيني إلى زيادة عدد المستفيدين، ليستفيد أكبر عدد ممكن من الفئات المستهدفة من الأيتام والفقراء والمحتاجين، حيث يتم تنفيذ مشاريع خيرية من ضمنها

مشروع إفطار الصائمين 

مشروع كسورة العيد

مشروع الطرود الغذائية

مشروع الزكوات و الصدقات

مشروع  القسائم الشرائية

توزيع الزكاة والصدقات

أهداف ومخرجات المشروع

المساهمة في تأمين المستلزمات الأساسية للأسر الفقيرة و المحتاجة خلال شهر رمضان و التخفيف من معاناتهم المعيشية.

دعم الأسر الفقيرة والمحتاجة وذلك من خلال توفير طرد غذائي لهم خلال شهر رمضان مما يساهم في التخفيف من معاناتهم ومعاناة أطفالهم.

توفير إفطارات (وجبات طعام) للأسر الفقيرة خلال شهر رمضان تعينها على الصيام و تخفف من معاناتها.

توفير كسوة العيد (ملابس) للأطفال الفقراء والمحتاجين والأيتام لرسم البسمة على وجوههم خلال العيد.

ترسيخ سنة التكافل الاجتماعي بأسمى صوره من خلال إطعام الطعام ومساعدة المحتاجين والأسر المتعففة على أداء فريضة الصيام.

إدخال الفرح والسرور على نفوس الصائمين المنتفعين بالمشروع من شريحة الفقراء والمحتاجين لقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم: " للصائم فرحتان يفرحهما إذا أفطر فرح بفطره وإذا لقي ربه فرح بصومه".

إحياء سنة المصطفي " صلي الله عليه وسلم " وطمعاً في الأجر الذي يقول فيه صلي الله عليه وسلم " من فطر صائماً فله مثل أجره من غير أن ينقص من أجره شيء".

مخرجات المشروع

تحسين الوضع المعيشي والاجتماعي لعدد من الأسر الفقيرة والمحتاجة والأيتام خلال شهر رمضان.

الفئة المستهدفة ومعايير اختيارها:

الأسر الفقيرة و المحتاجة

أسر الأيتام

أسر المرضى و كبار السن

و فيما يلي توضيح تفصيلي للمشاريع التي ستنفذها جمعية دار اليتيم الفلسطيني خلال شهر رمضان 2020:

أولاً / مشروع الطرود الغذائية

ثانياً / مشروع الإفطارات (الوجبات الغذائية)

ثالثاً / مشروع كسوة العيد

رابعاً / مشروع الزكوات و الصدقات

خامساً / مشروع القسائم الشرائية

موازنة المشروع:


قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: المسلم أخو المسلم لا يظلمه ولا يسلمه، ومن كان في حاجة أخيه كان الله في حاجته، ومن فرج عن مسلم كربة فرج الله عنه كربة من كربات يوم القيامة، ومن ستر مسلماً ستره الله يوم القيامة.

اخواننا الأفاضل نرفع إليكم هذا المشروع الهام أملين منكم المساهمة لمساعدة الفقراء الذين باتوا عاجزين عن توفير أدنى متطلبات الحياة، لنعمل معا لنكن عونا لهم و نساندهم و نخفف سويا من معاناتهم  خلال شهر رمضان الفضيل.

بارك الله فيكم و جزاكم كل خير

                                             جمعية دار اليتيم الفلسطيني

                                                قطاع غزة – فلسطين

Your giving amount


3 Family Packages

You're Amazing. May Allah bless you and your wealth for feeding the needy. You're 1 of 10,000 beautiful Human Beings that will help keep people alive! You'll reap the rewards for not only feeding the poor but saving the lives of those who are starving insha'Allah. You'll share in the reward of all the good they do, the prayers they pray, the Quran they read, the people they help insha'Allah and you'll earn the dua they make for you. Pass it forward!

92 claimed


15 Family Packages

You're Amazing. May Allah bless you and your wealth for feeding the needy. You're 1 of 10,000 beautiful Human Beings that will help keep people alive! You'll reap the rewards for not only feeding the poor but saving the lives of those who are starving insha'Allah. You'll share in the reward of all the good they do, the prayers they pray, the Quran they read, the people they help insha'Allah and you'll earn the dua they make for you. Pass it forward!

10 claimed


35 Family Packages

You're Amazing. May Allah bless you and your wealth for feeding the needy. You're 1 of 10,000 beautiful Human Beings that will help keep people alive! You'll reap the rewards for not only feeding the poor but saving the lives of those who are starving insha'Allah. You'll share in the reward of all the good they do, the prayers they pray, the Quran they read, the people they help insha'Allah and you'll earn the dua they make for you. Pass it forward!

1 claimed


50 Family Packages

You're Amazing. May Allah bless you and your wealth for feeding the needy. You're 1 of 10,000 beautiful Human Beings that will help keep people alive! You'll reap the rewards for not only feeding the poor but saving the lives of those who are starving insha'Allah. You'll share in the reward of all the good they do, the prayers they pray, the Quran they read, the people they help insha'Allah and you'll earn the dua they make for you. Pass it forward!

1 claimed


65 Family Packages

You're Amazing. May Allah bless you and your wealth for feeding the needy. You're 1 of 10,000 beautiful Human Beings that will help keep people alive! You'll reap the rewards for not only feeding the poor but saving the lives of those who are starving insha'Allah. You'll share in the reward of all the good they do, the prayers they pray, the Quran they read, the people they help insha'Allah and you'll earn the dua they make for you. Pass it forward!

0 claimed


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$10 CAD, 5 years ago

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$5 USD, 5 years ago

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$1 USD, 5 years ago

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£5 GBP, 5 years ago

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£2 GBP, 5 years ago

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An Anonymous kind soul

£3 GBP, 5 years ago

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An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 5 years ago

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$1 USD, 5 years ago

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£10 GBP, 5 years ago

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$20 USD, 5 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 5 years ago

Updates 7

Darelyateema year ago

Save Gaza?

Gaza is under attack 🔥⛔

Our dear brothers, you who have always been the best support for your brothers in Gaza Strip in difficult times, we submit this urgent appeal to you, hoping that God Almighty that you can contribute to this campaign.

ننتظر مساهماتكم لدعم إخوانكم في غزة وتعزيز صمودهم، أنتم
الذين كنتم دائماً خير سند لإخوانكم في قطاع غزة في الأوقات الصعبة، نوجه
إليكم هذا النداء العاجل، راجين من الله عز وجل أن تساهموا في هذه الحملة.
جمعية دار اليتيم الفلسطيني

Darelyateem2 years ago

Eid Al-Adha 2023 Qurbani/Udhiyah in Palestine

Spread the joys of Eid in Palestine

Give Your Qurbani To Orphans, Widows, and the Needy in gaza
give your qurbani to those who need it the most
give to those in need during the best days of the year🕋

It is a very blessed days On this day, many Poor people get fresh meat
This will be the only day of the year that the poor eat meat 🐑

So I hope everyone donates with us in this campaign,

Chance for you to please Allah swt, feed the needy and earn Immense Rewards!

Or : Paypal 

Darelyateem2 years ago

Give your Qurbani to Needy Families in Gaza

Darelyateem2 years ago

Help Gaza - Gaza is under attack

The steadfast Gaza Strip is currently witnessing a brutal aggression that targets, as usual, the innocent people in their homes, to strip calm and tranquility and replace it with fear and panic.
This aggression led to dozens of deaths and injuries, and the demolition of homes over the heads of their occupants.
Hence, we appeal to the people of goodness and benevolence to stand by this people whose pain and wounds never end as long as their enemy continues their aggression.

From here we invite you, through this appeal, to support to the affected and  displaced families and the families of the martyrs and the wounded, by providing urgent relief to these families.

We are waiting for your contributions to support your brothers in Gaza and strengthen their steadfastness.

Save Gaza

Darelyateem2 years ago

Ramadan Campaigns for Gaza 2023

Welcome 🙂 

نسعى لجمع التبرعات لنتمكن من اطعام الاسر الفقيرة في شهر رمضان المبارك 🌙 

We seek to collect donations so that we can feed poor families in the holy month of Ramadan 🌙 

كن على يقين أن ما ستدفعه اليوم في تبرعك سيرجع مئة مرة أضعاف مضاعفة من توفيق الله عز وجل 😊 

Be sure that what you will pay today in your donation will be returned a hundred times over, from the success of God Almighty 😊 


We hope you donate and contribute bring joy to the poor in the Gaza Strip

With your donation, you feed a poor and provide him a decent life without asking others for help

May Allah bless you

You can contribute by clicking on the image

Darelyateem3 years ago

Spread the joys of Eid in Palestine

Eid Al-Adha 2022 Qurbani/Udhiyah in Palestine

give your qurbani to those who need it the most     

give to those in need during the 10 best days of the year

This project comes to help and make happy poor, needy and needy

families, orphans and other marginalized groups during the blessed Eid al-Adha, where sacrificial meat is distributed to needy families to

beneficiary families in all governorates of the Gaza Strip.

Darelyateem3 years ago

Eid al - Adha (qurbani ) in palestine

Eid al - Adha (qurbani ) in palestine 🐑
Hello all my dear friends today we begin our new campaign Eid al - Adha It will start soon here Just little days and it starts Eid al - Adha✔️

It is a very blessed days On this day, many Poor people get fresh meat This will be the only day of the year that the poor eat meat So I hope everyone donates with us to buy fresh meat and distribute it to the poor here in Gaza.

So I hope everyone donates with us in this campaign, God will give you more strength and health On this day Eid al - Adha, a lot of poor people here will dua you to a better life.

Chance for you to please Allah swt, feed the needy and earn Immense Rewards! 🐑

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