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Afghanistan: Ramadan Food Package - COVID-19 lockdown


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Impact: Afghanistan

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Help the poor people in Afghanistan they can't afford to buy food. Ramadan Food Packages

Ramadhan Food packages for the poor and needy people 

Afghan Welfare Charity Foundation is a funding / non-profit charity organization deeply involved in helping poor and needy people in Afghanistan. The foundation is established to help poor families who can't afford to buy food. Please donate and let us help the poor and valnurable people of Afghanistan. 

Food for the Orphans


The aim of this campaign is to help those who are badly in need of help in these quarantine times and during the holy month of Ramadan. You can be assured that your donation will get fully and directly to the needed ones through Afghan Welfare Charity Foundation. 

We will use the funds to provide Food packages to Widows, Orphans, Handicaped and needy people. The food package for about 60 US$ includes:  1 bag Flour, 1 bag Rice, 5 L Cooking Oil, Beans, Sugar and Tea.

Food for Widows

Help the Handicapped 

Food for needy people


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Afghan Welfare Charity Foundation5 years ago

Thank you for your donations

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

We would like to thank you for your kind donations to help the poor and needy people in Afghanistan. Unfortunately the number of donations were quite low. The total donations were less than 100USD.

From the total of donations we have received, we had to deduct the fees for launchgood service, calculate the currency exchange fee and Money transfer charges to Afghanistan. Therefore we decided not to claim and collect the funds and we have requested launchgood to refund your donations. We working on new campaigns and hopefully we can attract more donations.


Afghan Welfare Charity Foundation

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