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Impact: Mali
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This campaign will collect all funds raised by February 12, 2019 at 12:45 AM EST
I have stage 4 metastatic melanoma, but I am determined to seek a cure in every possible way and also experience the benefit in what has been written for me. Alongside receiving the best medical treatment and asking God to restore my health, I intend to offer the sadaqah jariyah of building a well for a water-scarce community in Mali. Sadaqah jariyah is an ongoing act of charity which continues to benefit one even after death, such as building a well for a village. I have access to clean, safe water as I fight for my life, but at least 4.5 million people in Mali do not have that basic necessity. Let's help change that.
Mali is a country in Western Africa which is about 90% Muslim, 5% Christian, and 5% indigenous faiths. It's one of the hottest, driest places on earth. Mali has a rich history including inspiring leaders like Mansa Musa, but recent political instability coupled with a harsh climate mean that people in rural areas especially may not have safe drinking water.
All proceeds will go to the Zakat Foundation of America, which will select a site and build the well. (Yes, donations are zakat eligible.) It only costs ZF $3500 to build a well ($3000 for the well itself and $500 for a pump), but clean water has a dramatic impact on the health of a community. I will be able to share pictures of the finished project so that you can see the impact of your donation.
My family can cover the entire cost of the well if needed, insha'Allah. However, some friends who live far from me have asked how they can support me right now. If that's you, I'd be honored if you'd contribute $5, $10 or any amount that you wish toward this project. You may also share with others who would like to help. I cannot think of a way I'd rather receive your love and support than through a prayerful action that will benefit those who are facing their own trial. Let's share in an ever-flowing good deed, insha'Allah.
Adil Nizamuddin
Maryam Mostoufi
An Anonymous kind soul
Fauziah Yasir
Ali Nizamuddin
Erin Barrentine
Alan Godlas
Karmen Beecroft
Delhi E.
Emily Shafron
Tonya Ryals
Rayhana Ali
An Anonymous kind soul
Chelsey Debek
An Anonymous kind soul
Mohammad Hasan
Debbie & Hassan
Melissa Saeed
Well Completed!
Assalaamu'alaikum/peace be upon you! I am thrilled to announce that the well in Mali is now complete. Because of your generous contribution, people in the community of Diéma, Mali, will have reliable access to clean, safe water, insha'Allah. Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to fight melanoma. Alhamdulillah, I have access to promising medical treatment (and wonderful family support) that seem
to be keeping the cancer at bay, but it is ultimately a difficult fight with an uncertain outcome. Again, thank you for your support, and may God reward you with good!
Campaign Update: Livestock and Well Ground Breaking
I want to sincerely thank everyone for donating for the well in Mali. The original campaign goal was $3,500, and we actually hit $4,585! Here are some updates on our progress:
1. They've broken ground on the well in Mali, and I hope to have some pictures soon!
2. We used the extra $1,085 beyond what was needed for the well for another very special project. Three needy families in Kenya each received a pair of mating goats! The photo includes members of the beneficiary families, as well as the imam who came to lead a prayer and blessing on the project. I am so pleased we were able to use the extra funds for a sustainable project that will make a difference in three families' lives!
Goal Reached!
You guys have blown me away — we raised $3500 and completely funded the well in two days! May God reward everyone’s generosity. Stay tuned for pictures and information about well construction, Insha’Allah!
I know at least a few of you wanted to donate and haven’t had a chance yet, so we are leaving the campaign open! Donations will all go to Zakat Foundation and will either fund a second well or will go toward a school for disabled, blind, and deaf children in Africa. I’ll post information about this soon, Insha’Allah.
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