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Organized by Baba Ali

Baba Ali KIDS Show


raised of 0 USD goal

124 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Los Angeles, CA

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Children's series focusing on manners and building good character

Baba Ali is back, and he is on a mission to teach kids about manners and kindness in his entertaining new show, Baba Ali KIDS! With the help of his friend MooMoo, small children will learn important values such as honesty, listening to their parents, choosing good friends, and so much more. 

Baba Ali KIDS is a Blue's Clue-style series that combines concepts from child development and early-childhood education with animation and productions techniques that will help children learn. 

MooMoo helping Baba Ali find his red balloon - season 1

The show is hosted by Ali Ardekani, who introduces children to important character-building lessons and teaches them how to navigate things like feelings/emotions, being different (relevant to Muslim children), and sharing. Ali's character, Baba Ali is a giant 5 year old who is both curious and lighthearted.  His best friend MooMoo joins him on his adventures as they learn about good manners and important values.  Some of the values taught in the first season of Baba Ali Kids include:

  • Telling the truth
  • Choosing good friends
  • Sharing is caring
  • Listening to your parents
  • Being tolerant of others
  • Brushing your teeth

Baba Ali and MooMoo teaching children about making good friends - Season 1

To the parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles of our little viewers, the goal may seem really big, but with nine episodes have already been filmed, we just need help finishing post-production. 

Your generous donations will pay for:

  • CG animation (the bulk of the expense)
  • Editing
  • Compositing
  • And sound design.  
In today's word, our children can never have enough positive reminders and examples of how to build good, sound characters. Baba Ali KIDS teaches these lessons in a fun way that makes kids smile! Take a look at the video below and notice how engaged your kids are: 

Behind the scenes during the taping of Baba Ali KIDS

Most Islamic schools have classes for memorizing Qu'ran and learning Arabic, but you rarely find a class that focuses on having good manners.  The Prophet ﷺ said, “No deed that will be placed on the scale of deeds [on the Day of Judgement] will be heavier than good character. Indeed, a person with good character will attain the rank of those with a good record of voluntary fasts and prayers.”

To reach young viewers, you need someone charismatic and entertaining and that's where  Baba Ali comes in.  His videos have been watched over millions and millions of times by kids from all around the world.  Baba Ali's lighthearted approach draws in young viewers and his interactive style helps children learn and remember.  By helping us make Baba Ali KIDS, you will help us have a positive impact on young children.  Imagine receiving reward for each time a child watches Baba Ali Kids and learns from it.

Lets be the example!

There are many creative people out there who may be watching this campaign closely to see if the Muslim community will support the idea of quality children's programming.  If this campaign is successful, many creative people may enter this genre to create more quality shows for our children.

We need your help to be successful and to bring quality program to children all over the world. For this campaign to be successful, I am asking you to contribute what you can or choose one of the giving levels listed on the campaign. You can also help by:

  • ​Sharing this campaign on your social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
  • Share this campaign in your WhatsApp groups by sharing the link LaunchGood.com/BabaAliKids
  • Spread the word to friends and family about this wonderful series
  • Don't forget to donate generously!

More behind the scenes during the taping of Baba Ali KIDS

You may donate any amount you like or choose a contribution level based on many awesome rewards.  Either way you're sure to get a warm and fuzzy feeling that comes with making a difference for thousands of young kids.

About Ali "Baba Ali" Ardekani 

Baba Ali is the internet persona of Ali Ardekani. Based in Los Angeles, California, Ali has been working with children in different capacities for nearly 20 years as an educator in both public and private schools. Baba Ali has also helped run youth groups, teach children in Sunday school, and was a science teacher for children in grades K-5. He is also the proud father of two children.

Baba Ali starred in "Hurray for Baba Ali" (Milo Productions) which quickly became the #1 Muslim children's show on YouTube.  Those videos have reached millions of views and he now has fans from all around the world

The other side of Baba Ali

Baba Ali is a comedian, businessman, actor and a game developer.  He is also very well-known to a more mature audience who is familiar with his standup comedy.   He has toured around the world with his unique comedy act performing for audiences as large as 40,000.  He rose into fame and prominence after releasing several web series including The Reminder Series and Ask Baba Ali. His work has been featured on NY Times, LA Times, BBC, USA Today, and many other media outlets.  

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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 7 years ago

Muslims Understanding & Helping Special Education Needs

$500 USD, 7 years ago

Sameena Fakih

$100 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1,000 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 7 years ago

osama sheth

$10 USD, 7 years ago

Manal Oz

$1,000 USD, 7 years ago

Siti Rohaina

$100 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 USD, 7 years ago

Mohamed Fakhry

$25 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$2 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 7 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$4 USD, 7 years ago

fairouz Medjahed

$100 USD, 7 years ago


Updates 4

Baba Ali7 years ago

Baba Ali Kids Update 3/15/2018

Assalammu' Alakum,

I just wanted to keep you in the loop with the latest update with Baba Ali Kids.  As you know, we were able to raise around $10k.  Although it was a fraction of what we needed, I am trying my best to find ways to stretch the funds so we can get as many episodes done as possible.   Instead of hiring an editor, I have been doing the editing myself and all the sound syncing.  There is quite bit of learning curve with these tasks, which is one of the reasons why things have been taking so long.  Nevertheless, we continue to have progress which is very inspiring.  

As you can imagine, the biggest part of our budget is animation.  I have been working with the animation guy on ways we can recycle animation actions for the MooMoo character.  Also, I have also been negotiating with both him and our sound engineer.  All and all, we are on the right track.  My goal is to get 4 episodes made...maybe 5 (but don't hold your breathe).  Unfortunately,  our sound engineer will not be available to do his part until late April so until then, we'll focus on getting everything else done.  

The goal is to have these episodes done before Ramadan inshAllah.  I think we can do that it.  Once again, I just wanted to say jazakAllah khair for helping support his project.  


Baba Ali7 years ago

Baba Ali Kids Update 3/15/2018

Assalammu' Alakum,

I just wanted to keep you in the loop with the latest update with Baba Ali Kids.  As you know, we were able to raise around $10k.  Although it was a fraction of what we needed, I am trying my best to find way to stretch the funds so we can get as many episodes as possible.   Instead of hiring an editor, I have editing everything myself.  I also have done all the sound syncing.  There is a learning curve to these tasks so that is one of the reasons why things have been taking so long.  Nevertheless, we continue to have progress which is very inspiring.  

As you you, the biggest part of our budget is animation.  I have been working with the animation guy on way we can recycle animation actions of MooMoo character.  I have also been negotiating with him and our sound engineer.  All and all, we are on the right track.  My goal is to get 4 episodes made...maybe 5 (but don't hold your breathe).  Our sound engineer will not be available to do his part until late April so until then, we'll focus on the animation.

The goal is to have the 4 (maybe 5) episodes done before Ramadan.  I think we can do that inshAllah.  Once again, I just wanted to say jazakAllah khair for helping support his project.  


Baba Ali7 years ago

Update on Baba Ali Kids - Video Credits, Editing, etc...

Assalammu' Alaikum everyone,

I wasn't a fan of doing crowdfunding.  Actually, the whole process made me feel uncomfortable.  Sometimes, when you want to get things done,  you have to do things outside your comfort zone.  Even though I asked for help, I made sure I put in my own funds as well.  Most of you don't know but I actually spent about $15k out of my own pocket to make the first episode.  Here is breakdown of the costs: 

The first episode cost much more than all the future episodes that follow because of the one time costs involved.  Nevertheless, I am NOT paying myself back your donations.  Instead, I focusing the $10k that was funded to try to make as many episodes as possible.  Even though no one has asked, I just wanted to make sure that was transparent.  The money that each of you gave towards this project is a huge amana and I really do feel the pressure.    

As far as the production of the series, we are trying to stretch every dollar so we can make as many episodes as possible.  I am currently in talks with our sound engineer and our animator to see how flexible they are with their billing rate.  One of them mentioned that he can not start working until April.  I hoping if we are flexible on time, they will be more flexible with their price.   As much as I want things done asap, it is better to be patient so we can get more done with the same funds inshAllah.  My goal is to try to make 3 or possible 4 episodes.  I wish I could make more but we only raised a fraction of our goal.  

For all those who donated at the video credit level, I am will be personally emailing each of you to ask if it's ok to put your name in the credits.  Out of respect for those who want to be anonymous, I will make sure to check with each of you before your name is put in the credits.  Thus, it would be a HUGE help if you take 1 min to respond to my email once you receive it.  For those who donated at the level where you get Baba Ali Kids shirts, I will be asking for your size as well.

JazakAllah Khair



Baba Ali7 years ago

Update on Baba Ali Kids

Assalammu' Alaikum, 

Today is our last day for the Baba Ali Kids campaign and I'm just wanted to personally thank you and say JazakAllah Khair for your generous contribution.  May Allah (swt) reward you, return your donations 70 fold and remove any burden in your life.  May He give you success in this life and more importantly in the hereafter. 

The Hurray for Baba Ali series has been watched millions of times from kids all around the world. I have been very fortunately to meet many of these kids and their parents in different cities when I have attended events.   Imagine receiving one reward for each time a child watches our new series.  I use the word "our" because in our combined money and efforts that is helping this project come together.

I really wanted to make the entire season of Baba Ali Kids but due to limited funding, we are not able to.  Although we only received a fraction of what we were aiming for, I am going to try to make as many episodes possible.  The biggest part of our budget is the 3D animation (MooMoo) and I am working on trying to find the most affordable way to get that done.  As far as video editing, I would love to have a professional editor but for budget reasons, I'm going to try to do the editing myself.   Again, I'm trying to find alternative solutions with the hopes that it will allow us to make at least a few episodes.

On that same subject, I just wanted to be transparent the funding of the project.  I have not paid myself for my time or effort.  All my time time for this project has been as a volunteer and I have personally contributed money out of my own pocket for the same reason you have....to help make a positive difference in children's lives.  Again, if I can get one reward resulting from each view, it will all be worth.  

My goal from Day 1 has to put all the videos free on YouTube which no strings attached.  In other words, I am not opting in for YouTube ads because I don't want this to be a medium for companies to sell products to our kids.  Instead, I want them to watch without the worry about what type of products are being advertised to children.

JazakAllah Khair once again, 


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