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“Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like the one who did it.”
— Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
This campaign will collect all funds raised by June 5, 2020 at 9:45 AM EDT
We are currently working to bail out four individuals from pre-trial detention in Chicago and a sister from Kyrgyzstan and a brother from Mauritania incarcerated by ICE in another state; their total bails equal $80,500! Whatever we raise will go directly towards paying bonds. The more we raise, the more BELIEVERS we can free!
***Successful Match!: the American Muslim Community Foundation has offered to match donations up to $14,000. Thank you for helping us reach our funding-raising goal!***
It's Ramadan! Pay your zakat to bail out believers and support a movement to end mass incarceration.
Believers Bail Out is a community-led effort to bail out Muslims in pretrial incarceration as a form of zakat. By paying bonds, Believers Bail out restores the presumption of innocence before trial and enables recipients to remain free while fighting their cases. Believers Bail Out also pays immigration bonds; similar to pre-trial detention, immigration detention punishes poor people who cannot afford to pay their bonds and often results in deportation or indefinite detention.
It is within our capacity and our duty as Muslims to be part of ending this cycle; a cycle that criminalizes poverty and is inherently racist in nature.
Zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam, is an annual tax on wealth. The Qur’an (9:60) specifies eight uses for zakat, including helping the poor (al-fuaqara) and the needy (al-masakin), freeing of slaves or captives (al-raqib), the debt-ridden (al-gharimin), and the wayfarer (ibn al-sabil). People being held in pretrial or immigration detention because they can’t afford bail qualify for zakat.
This year, our goals are to:
Along with providing bail and support for individuals released on bond in Chicago, IL, which is home to the largest single-site jail in the United States, Believers Bail Out also hosts fundraising iftars, webinars, and teach-ins in Chicago and across the country, to support legislative efforts to abolish money bond and to raise awareness within Muslim communities on the injustices of the bail bond system and the broader prison-industrial complex.
Right now, there are over 2 million incarcerated people in the United States, predominantly Black and Latinx. Almost half a million of these people are being held on pre-trial bond (bail). Cash bail penalizes poverty and reproduces racism. In 2015, nationwide the median bail was $10,000, while the median pre-incarceration annual income of people incarcerated was $15,000. Black people are twice as likely to be held pretial as white people and Muslims in pretrial detention face an increased risk of victimization, surveillance and denial of religious freedom in the prison system due to anti-Muslim racism (Islamophobia).
While the criminal legal system proclaims the principle of “innocent before proven guilty,” the reality is that people who have not been convicted of any crime can be jailed indefinitely because they are poor and unable to pay bond. In addition to being jailed without a conviction, while in pretrial incarceration they can lose their jobs, their children, their homes and even their lives.
In addition to the over 2 million people incarcerated in jails and prisons, more than 45,000 people are being held in immigration detention in ICE facilities on a daily basis. Any non-citizen without legal status who comes to the attention of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) can be detained for deportation proceedings. Lawful permanent residents who have been charged with criminal offenses and all undocumented people can also be detained by immigration. Many detainees are asylum seekers, fleeing from violence in their home countries. Often, immigrants are detained after arrest by local law enforcement, regardless of the severity of the alleged offense. People whose criminal or misdemeanor charges are dropped can still be held in detention for their immigration case.
Similar to the criminal legal system, while detained, many immigrants lose their jobs, housing and custody of their children -- in addition to enduring the hardship of incarceration. While people facing jail time for criminal charges have the right to a lawyer, immigrants in detention may never speak to legal counsel. It is extremely difficult for immigrants to find representation from behind bars. Immigrants who get out are five times more likely to find a lawyer; and immigrants with legal counsel are twice as likely to win their cases.
Join us in the fight to end mass incarceration! See how you can be involved with Believers Bail Out:
Please support our work and consider ways to extend our work into your own communities. Paying bonds is one small thing we can do, because not being in a cage is always better than being in one, but our ultimate goal must be prison abolition and the building of community infrastructures that respond to the call of our Lord - for the righteous believers “to feed for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive” (Qur’an 76:8)
For more information visit:
Eid gift or soap for an incarcerated Muslim
We are putting $10 on incarcerated Muslims books (trust accounts at jails and prisons) that can be used to purchase toiletries, food, and other necessary items.
518 claimed
BBO Champion
Goes toward the bond to bail out a believer!
617 claimed
BBO Champion
Goes toward the bond to bail out a believer!
419 claimed
BBO Champion
Goes toward the bond to bail out a believer!
350 claimed
BBO Champion
Goes toward the bond to bail out a believer!
122 claimed
BBO Champion
Goes toward the bond to bail out a believer!
44 claimed
BBO Champion - Free a Believer!
$1000 is the smallest bond we have paid in the two years we have been paying bond. This means the judge gave a believer a $10,000 bond.
46 claimed
BBO Champion - Free Believers
We have paid $2000 multiple times in the two years we have been paying bond. This means the judge gave a believer a $20,000 bond.
6 claimed
BBO Champion - Free Believers
$5000 has the potential to pay one $5000 bond or five $1000 bonds. The steep road is to free a captive!
0 claimed
Giving is better together! Your share could raise over 0.
“Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like the one who did it.”
— Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Ibrahim Khan
may jessica makki
An Anonymous kind soul
Omar Wahid
Hadil Kasab-bachi
Dalia Dalia
Khalid El-Arini
Noor Jabaieh
Karla Abdi
Samera Hadi
An Anonymous kind soul
Nikita Aitken
David N Magazine Malamud
Bridget A Stevens
Norhan Elsaadawy
Mohammad barkeshli
Jinny Lee
An Anonymous kind soul
Help BBO Bail Out and Support Incarcerated Muslims this Ramadan
Thank you for your continued support of Believers Bail Out. In the 3 years that we’ve been organizing, you’ve helped us free 55 believers and support an additional 386 of our incarcerated siblings. Mashallah!
As we gear up for another Ramadan, we’d like your help to make our month of fundraising successful. Our campaign launches today at Here are ways you can support us this Ramadan:
Donate! Early donations create buzz and encourage people who are browsing through fundraisers to donate as well. Can we count on you to be among the first to support us?
Create your own BBO fundraiser. This year, community members can host their own campaigns for BBO with goals of raising money or reaching a target number of supporters. Follow these easy directions to set up your own fundraising page for BBO.
Host a BBO iftar for your loved ones to talk about mass incarceration.
Finally: don’t forget to signal boost our posts on social media, and tell all your friends and family about us!
Can we count on your support this Ramadan?
BBO Team
Eid Mubarak!
The end of Ramadan is always bittersweet - sadness at leaving this beloved month and joy of completing it and celebrating in community. Thank you so much for being part of our community as we build solidarity with and support for our incarcerated kin, whether you were able to assist with your hands by volunteering, hosting an event, or donating; with your words by amplifying our message, having a difficult conversation, or speaking out against injustice when you see it; or with your heart by hating injustice and praying for a safer, healthier, and more just world.
Just this week we were able to post two bonds - one a beloved son, another a beloved father and grandfather. The road for them and for us continues to be steep as we face our collective futures in which some of us will be more vulnerable and insecure than others. Incarceration itself is the public health issue, the state of emergency, that communities of color and the impoverished have been struggling against for decades. Paying bonds in order to educate and mobilize our communities towards building a world without prisons and policing is the work of Believers Bail Out.
We want to thank you and our amazing team of volunteers (we are all volunteers!) for making this shelter-in-place Ramadan politically and spiritually relevant and uplifting. Special shout out to our social media crew who were FIRE across multiple platforms and our post-release support team in Chicago, who were on the frontlines delivering warm meals for iftars on the daily to the bailee Believers! BBO also hosted a webinar on Islam and Abolition, a Twitter Townhall, a 12-hour Day of Action streaming marathon, a conversation on Islam and the Carceral State, Instagram takeovers, and participated in multiple events across the digital airways (we are zoomed out!). We also raised around $250,000 (still accounting!) in zakat and sadaqa to pay pre-trial and immigration incarceration bonds! What really excites us is the fact that we had over 4000 individual donors, double the donors of years passed...our movement is growing.. THANK YOU. You can still donate to BBO for another week on Launchgood, or via our website, whenever. The more we raise, the more Believers we can bail out and support as they rebuild their lives.
We are going to take a break and then get right back into strategic planning for the next year (or five!). Stay tuned for more programming and ways to get involved, and do follow us on social media (see links below), where all the excitement happens.
We close with the end of a beautiful prayer for liberation...
We accept that our responsibility is to serve the Prophet, may the peace of God continue to nourish his being and our connection to him, by becoming beautiful lines in his Book. We renounce any claims to being the provider, sustainer, deliverer, only You have this role, ya Allah. We trust You to fulfill the needs we have and the needs of our loved ones. We respect ourselves and our sacredness. We honour the sacredness in you, our loved ones and fellow human beings to whom we say: “May you be free. May we set each other free. May we see each other beautiful this month (and every month), may we find joy as we witness each other grow and glow.”
(edited from The Art of Welcoming the Month of Ramadan by Shaykh Hamdi Ben Aissa, Rhoda Institute)
The Believers Bail Out crew
We want to free as many Believers as possible!
We are currently working to bail out four individuals from pre-trial detention in Chicago and a sister from Kyrgyzstan and a brother from Mauritania incarcerated by ICE in California. Their total bails equal $80,500! Whatever we raise will go directly towards paying bonds. The more we raise, the more BELIEVERS we can free! Insha'Allah, they can join their families and communities for Eid!
Giving is better together! Your share could raise over 0.
“Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like the one who did it.”
— Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
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Backed by our Trust & Safety guarantee
Giving is better together! Your share could raise over 0.
“Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like the one who did it.”
— Prophet Muhammad ﷺ