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Organized by Imam Wisam Sharieff

Help Thousands Memorize The Quran


raised of 0 USD goal

3510 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Euless, TX

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by May 31, 2022 at 12:00 AM EDT

What if you could help Imam Wisam Sharieff bring memorization to the world with the proven Retain system, portal, app, mentor program, and more?

Your Support Brings Quran Memorization to Thousands Around the World

What We Have Accomplished So Far:

Memorise Free Portal

  • 5,625 active users on the free Memorise portal
  • 20 Juz (Chapters) recorded by Imam Wisam Sharieff
  • 10 Juz (Chapters) recorded, edited, and uploaded

Memorise Mentor

  • 70+ active students memorizing the Quran
  • 3,600 pages (180 Juz) memorized to date
  • 10 exceptional Mentors and Teachers

What You Can Do: 

  1. Use the free Memorise Portal and start memorizing Quran today (
  2. Donate to this project and help it reach thousands across the globe
  3. Share widely and create a culture of memorization, raise a Hafidh in every home

We Created The First Free Memorization App…

Help Us Take It To The Next Level!

With your help, we have accomplished so much in the past year. The next chapter is where we need you more than ever. 

  • Raise a memorizer in every home
  • Build the future of Quran memorization
  • Sustain our resources for generations to come

Support Us Today. Build A Hafidh In Every Home

We wanted to change the way you memorize Quran. 

We wanted to erase all the negative associations and limiting beliefs, such as lack of time, lack of skill or confidence, lack of determination, lack of teachers and resources, and lack of support. 

So, we set out on a mission to develop a new, positive, winning approach…and we created MEMORISE, free and paid versions of an application that allow anyone, anywhere to be a memorizer of Quran. With our system and app there can be a Hafidh in every home. 

The Memorise Mentor program provides our students guided, personalized, and comprehensive teaching and support throughout their memorization journey. Our students have anytime, anywhere access to courses, resources, live sessions, recordings, peer-to-peer discussion, and a sophisticated booking system that coordinates students around the world. 

With students from Canada to Australia, Denmark to Singapore, we are breaking global barriers and opening new doors to memorization of Quran. A Memorise Mentor app is also set to launch soon. (Learn more at 

But, we wanted to do more and we wanted to give more…

The Free Memorise Portal

With your help we have been building the most complete, in-depth, free Quran memorization resource in the world. The Memorise Portal gives everyday Muslims like yourself access to hundreds of expert videos, resources, and step-by-step guides to the memorization process. 

With an intuitive interface and easy to use methodology, we give our students the ability to have their own personal companion, their own mentor, a virtual teacher at their side as they learn and progress. 

Our free Memorise Portal is available to any person at any time at no cost. Please visit our portal at and signup for free access!

We know that not everyone wants access to a dedicated Mentor, whether it is due to time constraints or simply because some prefer a more “Do-It-Yourself” approach to learning. That is why we also introduced a self-guided learning platform that makes it possible for anyone, literally anyone at all, to access and learn from the same techniques to make you better and stronger at memorizing and retaining the Quran.

As we developed our Memorise Mentor (paid) mobile app, we continued to invest in a similar free mobile app. We believe that anyone and everyone should be able to access and use our free platform and library of memorization videos, resources, and tools. With easy to use navigation, intuitive search functionality, and a quick jump to any Surah or verse, every memorizer has the ability to learn at their own pace anytime, anywhere. 

Here is what we have accomplished so far with the Memorise Portal:

The Next Chapter In Quran Memorization

With your help we built it and with your help it has been a blessed success. We have seen a record number of students sign up for Memorise Mentor, and an even higher number join us for the Memorise Free program. 


The next chapter is where we need you more than ever.

Support Us Today. Build A Hafidh In Every Home. 

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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$12 USD, 3 years ago

Rowfur Rahman

£10 GBP, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$12 USD, 3 years ago


$94 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$12 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£2 GBP, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£1 GBP, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£1 GBP, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

€2 EUR, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$2 SGD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£5 GBP, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$30 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 3 years ago

Updates 1

Imam Wisam Sharieff2 years ago

Imam Wisam & Memorise - Sneak Peak!

Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

I am so excited to share our latest update with you, Alhamdulillah!

Dear donor, you believed in us from the beginning when we had a vision of recording each page of the Quran as lessons for memorization. 

You were among the first users of the Memorise portal ( as we continued to record and upload new pages, with me reciting and with Brother Belal's expertise behind the camera. 

You continued to support us in building the first-ever Memorise app so that each page of the Quran could be easily accessible by anyone, anywhere in the world.

Today, I am blessed to share with you a sneak peak of the free Memorise app (which is currently in beta testing and will be available in the app store soon inshaAllah)!

You know that I have never shied away from seemingly impossible dreams and challenges. I ask you now to support myself and AQL as we embark upon our biggest endeavor yet--Quran Hub...

May Allah SWT continue to bless you and keep you guided in His Path and close to His Book, Ameen!

Your Brother,
Imam Wisam Sharieff

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