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Organized by Usman Habib

Children helping homeless people


raised of 0 USD goal

1 supporter, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Oslo, Oslo

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by September 16, 2018 at 4:00 AM EDT

Help the children so they can help the homeless. Learning the children to help others is sadaqah jariyah in sha Allah.

As salam aleykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh (May peace, mercy and blessings of god be upon you).

Our group is called Barn og sadaqah (barn means children in norwegian and sadaqah in arabic means voluntar charity).

We are a group of muslims (not an ngo but still non profit)learning our children to care for others that are in need, homeless people, beggars and generally people in need in our community. 

We believe that we need to shape our children in a very young age and give them good values so when they grow up they will do positive things in their community. 

We want to learn the children to reach out a helping hand through different projects. We started back in 2015 but due to lack of funds and other bigger humanitarian causes we had to pause this work. 

We have since 2015 given out several hundred meals, cold and hot drinks, beanies (winter hats), gloves, scarfs and blankets. 

We want to fundraise 5000 USD which will be enough for us to continue our work for minimum 7-8 months in sha Allah. We hope that you guys can help us out so we can concentrate on just helping the people and not worry about the funds.

Vimeo video belongs to Morgan Stenmark. He is a norwegian reporter who once joined us to film the children while they were giving out food and blankets. Im the one wearing a green vest.

This is what we do:

You can also like us on facebook the site is in norwegian language:

Thank you very much.

Best wishes and jazakAllah kheyr (God bless you).

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An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 7 years ago

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