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This campaign will collect all funds raised by July 9, 2025 at 9:30 PM EDT
In April 2021 Date Palm Primary School relocated to the Old Ebrahim College building on Greenfield Road (Behind The London Muslim Centre LMC). The building required extensive work in order for it to be fit for purpose for a primary school. This required us to raise funds through collecting Qard-e-hasana. Please help Date Palm become debt free by donating generously this Ramadan.
Date Palm Primary is a primary school based in East London which opened in 2012 with just a handful of children and has now grown into a bustling school with 200 children.
Our vision is to raise the future Ummah in an Islamic environment, where they develop their roots, character and iman, whilst excelling academically in line with the national curriculum. We have been rated as a ‘Good school’ by Ofsted (2018) and our recent Ofsted inspection (March 2022) and material change inspection went well alhamdulillah.
Earn Sadaqah Jariyah
Your donation will be a Sadaqah Jariyah (a continuous, ongoing charity). You will be rewarded every time a child reads a letter of the Qur’an and every time a child learns something and practices it in their lives.
May Allah reward each one of you immensely, showering every aspect of your lives with His constant rahma and barakah.
Our Values
The values that we endeavour to instil in our future Ummah are centred around (D)etermination, (A)mbition, (T)eamwork, (E)quality, (P)resentation, (A)khlaq & Adaab, (L)eadership and (M)utual Respect.
Qur’an and Arabic studies
Our children benefit from experienced Qur’an and Arabic teachers. We offer an hour of Qur’an teaching everyday and most of our children memorise 2-3 juzz by the time they leave the school. Our curriculum also includes separate Islamic studies and Arabic lessons where pupils learn about the Greatness of Allah (Azzawajal) and His magnificent creation along with an in-depth look at the Seerah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallAllahu alayhi wasallam)
Special Needs Children
We ensure that no child is left behind therefore we have special provisions in place for children with special needs. This was recognised by Ofsted who said “Pupils who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities achieve well. This is because work is well matched to their specific needs.”
Supporting Orphan Children
Our school is particularly fortunate to support orphans, some of whom have become orphans under tragic circumstances. Please help us support these children in our care so that they can be given the chance to create a brighter future.
“As a parent I would like to say something about Date Palm. Alhumdulillah Allah SWT granted us a place in Date Palm and it truly does live up to its reputation of being an outstanding Islamic school in every sense. From management to staff, every single of them strives to equip the next generation with Islamic values and as a parent I am truly grateful for all your hard work. May Allah SWT bless everyone who makes this beautiful school what it is outstanding Masha'Allah. JazakaAllah khair everyone at Date Palm Primary School.” – Parent of children in year 2 and 4
Please share this page and encourage your friends and family to donate too. Together, we can reach the target.
Shah Muhammed Zuhair
Arman Wodud
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
M haque
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Amina Jamil
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
M b Abdullah
Amir Ahmed
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
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