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Impact: Cape Town, Western Cape
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In the year 2000 Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani (then world leader of the Naqshbandi Order) remarked at a masjid (mosque) in Cape Town, South Africa: "I am in Africa. Where are the African Muslims?" There were no African Muslims present in the masjid. He advised later: "The African people's hearts are open for Islam!"
Just over a decade later, Shaykh Yusuf da Costa (Mawlana Shaykh Nazim's then representative in Southern Africa) sent small groups of Muslims on dawah missions into Africa. Alhamdulillah, with Allah Almighty's help, these missions have proved remarkably successful. The people of Africa have embraced the religion of Islam in multitudes. Their hearts are truly open for the light of Islam. The beauty of Islam is there for all and it is our duty as Muslims to invite all non-Muslims to the Oneness of Allah Almighty.
Dawah (inviting non-Muslims to embrace Islam) is one of the most important sunnahs (prophetic traditions) of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). In the early days of Islam in Mecca, the poor and marginalized accepted Islam. We genuinely believe in following this important sunnah. And in line with what happened in Mecca 1,400 years ago, we again find the poor and marginalized embracing Islam. This time in Africa. Please help us in following this important sunnah and, with Allah Almighty's help, perform an Islamic obligation that has largely been neglected in Southern Africa for generations: inviting indigenous Africans to the beauty of Islam.
Our primary focus is to take the message of Islam to mainly impoverished villages in Africa. When we find ourselves in these areas, we truly observe that we are merely instruments used by Allah Almighty, and that it is He who is actually at work. We are humbled to have witnessed the births of new Muslim communities, alhamdulillah. Our priority is speading the message of Islam as far as possible amongst Allah Almighty's creation, and to build on the dawah work by serving and educating the new Muslims.
Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "To be the means by which one person is guided to the truth is better for you than the whole world and what it contains."
Dawah 4 Africa was initiated by Naqshbandi Muhammadi Order of South Africa in 2012. Alhamdulillah, to date over 90,000 shahadas have been recited as a result of the dawah work in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), Malawi and Suriname.
Malawi is statistically the poorest country in the world. Yet the Malawian people are the friendliest, mild mannered and kindest people one can encounter. The Christian missionaries have been active in Malawi for over 300 years, leading to a substantial decline of the Muslim population from 40% to 25% over the past few decades.
Our dawah work in Malawi has resulted in over 20,000 people embracing Islam since 2016, alhamdulillah. These are poor people from the most remote villages in Malawi. Some villages were inaccessible by road and without cell phone reception. We plan to continue the dawah work in Malawi in coming years and to expand our work to other countries. Dawah missions in Malawi and Zambia are planned for the coming year, inshaa Allah.
Some of the challenges we faced on dawah missions:
Despite these challenges, people’s hearts were open for Islam. Over 90% of the people who were invited to Islam accepted our invitation. Alhamdulillah.
“Faith is a wonderful tree which the believer is called upon to plant where he can, in any suitable place, then tend to it to ensure it may have a chance to grow” – Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani.
The Kauwa village of Chief Rosy Silipano in Southern Malawi was visited by our dawah group in October 2016. About 80 people recited shahada (practically all the attendees but not Chief Silipano), without a single question or doubt. After explaining some basic teachings, Chief Silipano thanked us for coming and asked us to pray for a borehole in their village. She also requested for us to build a masjid in her village so that the Muslims are able to pray.
Members of the entire Kauwa village recited shahada, 2016.
Chief Silipano: “We would like to thank all of you for visiting us in this village. You blessed this village today. Whatever Allah is granting us today, we didn't think we can receive guests like you today, good people like you. Everything comes from Allah. Exalted be Allah but please don’t forget about our problems. All the rivers are dry. There is no water… Don’t forget us.”
Alhamdulillah, since then Kauwa masjid was completed and a madrassa established (2017). Many of the madrassa students are orphans due to the high prevalence of HIV/Aids in Malawi. In 2018, Chief Silipano embraced Islam and a new borehole was installed.
Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever builds a masjid in which the Name of Allah is mentioned, Allah will build a house for him in Paradise.”
We need your financial support to help us expand our dawah missions further into Africa. Also, as our work does not stop once our brothers and sisters embrace Islam, we support them by implementing measures that aim to serve and educate new Muslims:
100% of the money raised through this campaign will be used for the above interventions.
Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The Believer’s shade on the day of Resurrection will be his charity.”
Please feel free to visit our website or Facebook page for more information:
We thank you in advance for your generous support. Please share our campaign with your friends and family members so that you may enjoy the rewards of others who donate to this worthy cause. May Allah Almighty shower His richest blessings on you and your family, ameen.
Yours in Islam,
Shaykh Shamiel da Costa
Naqshbandi Muhammadi Order of South Africa
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0 claimed
Support a new Muslim for a month
Teach and feed one new Muslim for a month. Help him/her practice Islam and the reward of every prayer performed by him/her.
3 claimed
Feed a madrassa class for a month
Your donation will provide a wholesome daily meal for a madrassa class for a month. A hungry person cannot focus on his/her learning.
0 claimed
Islamic education!
Your donation will fund Imam and teacher salaries, as well as teaching aids.
0 claimed
New masjid complex
You have invested in the construction of a new masjid complex to serve a new Muslim community.
0 claimed
Super donor!
Your impressive investment in the new Muslim community will no doubt allow new Muslims to practice their Deen.
0 claimed
Family legacy!
Make a considerable contribution to facilitate dawah expeditions, fund masjid complexes and boreholes.
0 claimed
Malawi Building
An Anonymous kind soul
Sadaqa 2 July
Sadaqa 2 July
Ahmed Bobat
Zakaah 1 July
Zayd Salie
Malawi 30 June
Building 29 June
S Orrie
An Anonymous kind soul
NWA 23 June
Sideeqa 19 June
BPO Skills
Zayd Salie
Noor Mustafa
Sideeqa 17 June
Soliman Rahman
Qurbani campaign
Assalamu alaykum.
Thank you for your support. We would like you to please consider supporting our Qurbani campaign:
Thank you.
Last few days to donate your Qurbani
Assalamu alaykum.
Naqshbandi South Africa is currently running our annual Qurbani campaign. We have been running the Qurbani campaign for 12 years with the specific purpose of providing meat for our feeding program that runs throughout the year.
Please support our Qurbani campaign. We need your help to alleviate the hunger crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Please have a look at the campaign:
We need your help please
Assalamu alaykum.
Naqshbandi South Africa is currently running our annual Qurbani campaign. We have
been running the Qurbani campaign for 12 years with the specific
purpose of providing meat for our feeding program that runs throughout
the year.
Please support our Qurbani campaign. We need your help to alleviate the hunger crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Please have a look at the campaign:
Love and salams.
Qurbani 4 Africa 2021
Assalamu alaykum respected donor.
Again, a big thank you / shukran for supporting our fundraising campaign. May Allah Almighty accept your generosity and reward you in abundance.
We have just released our annual Qurbani campaign. It has
been running for 13 years with the specific purpose of providing meat for our feeding program that runs throughout the year.
Please support the Naqshbandi Qurbani 4 Africa campaign. We need your help to alleviate the hunger crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Please have a look at the campaign:
Annual report
Assalamu alaykum.
Shaykh Shamiel da Costa presents Naqshbandi South Africa's Annual Report for 2020/21.
Alhamdulillah, the new Malawi masjid project has been completed.
Qurbani 4 Africa
Assalamu alaykum
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting our campaign. May Allah Almighty accept your generosity and reward you in abundance during these holy days.
Naqshbandi South Africa is currently running a fantastic Qurbani campaign. They have been running the Qurbani campaign for 12 years with the specific purpose of providing meat for their feeding program that runs throughout the year.
Please support Naqshbandi's Qurbani campaign. They need your help to alleviate the hunger crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Please have a look at the campaign:
Eid mubarak to you and your families.
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